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Register & Create Alerts with EBSCO Host

Learn how to register, create search alerts, and organize your own folders in EBSCO Host. Access USU databases and select relevant databases for your subject. Create alerts for your searches and relevant publications. Cancel alerts and manage your files and searches on the EBSCO server. Contact M.L.S. Catalina Lopez for more information.

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Register & Create Alerts with EBSCO Host

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  1. REGISTER IN MY EBSCO HOST & CREATE ALERTS Content: Create Search Alert Create a Publication or Source Alert Create & Delete Alerts Organize your own folders in EBSCO server

  2. First, let’s learn the steps to access USU databases: please go to our site http://www.usuniversity.edu and select Library (1). Click on Full Text Database Nursing or any College (2). Select Academic Search Premier EBSCO(3) and register (4). 1 3 4 2 • Ask the USU librarian for • ID & Password. From your USU • email to clopez@usuniversity.edu

  3. Second, After selecting “Choose databases” select the databases related to your information need by checking on each box. You can search EBSCO databases simultaneously , all in one search. Please click Choose databases • Select the databases according to your subject: • Nursing and Health Science: please select CINAHL, PSYCARTICLES, ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER and MEDLINE. • History, art, literature & science: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, it is multidisciplinary and one of the best database in EBSCO. • Education: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, ERIC (education database) and PSYCARTICLES • Business: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, BUSINESS SOURCE ELITE, PSYCARTICLES & REGIONAL BUSINESS NEWS • Select All for: Business and healthcare, Education and healthcare administration,

  4. To register, first let’s sign in

  5. Now you are registered. Your name should appear in the space where “Not Catalina” is. Click “Create a new account” and fill all the blanks spaces. Remember to write the user name and password in your personal notes, as you may forget them in the near future

  6. To create an Alert of your search ETHICS AND HEALTHCARE ,Select “Share” to open the options, and click “E-mail Alert” To save your search and results in EBSCO server, please select

  7. To create an ALERT of a publication or magazine that is relevant to your research, click the title of the article and select the link of the SOURCE and open “Share” to select E-mail Alert

  8. Searching for more journals? Please go to “Publications” and select “Business Source Elite Publications”. Type PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT and click in “Match Any Words” and “Browse”. Select a journal that includes a PDF, click in the title and then open “Share” to select “E-mail Alert”, now type your e-mail and “Save Alert” You will receive table of contents from epalerts@epnet.com

  9. If you want to cancel the “ALERT”, please go to FOLDER and select Search Alerts. Click in the box of the alert and “Delete Items” Think of EBSCO server as your personal computer, there you can create personal files, and saved your searches, articles and alerts. Best of all, you can access your files and searches from any internet connection. Once the course is over, you delete the file & the alerts, etc.

  10. For more information, go to the following EBSCO tutorials: • My EBSCOhost (Sign In, create My Folder, Save search in My Folder, & Journal Alert) • http://support.epnet.com/training/flash_videos/my_ebscohost/myehost.html • Creating a Journal Alert • http://support.epnet.com/training/flash_videos/journal_alerts/journal_alerts.html • Creating a Search Alert (Sign In) • http://support.epnet.com/training/flash_videos/search_alerts/search_alerts.html

  11. THANK YOU • For taking the time to learn. For more informationPlease contact • M.L.S Catalina Lopez • clopez@usuniversity.edu • (619) 477 6310 ext. 6 or 2017

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