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DPMJET-III and dihadron correlation

Explore DPMJET-III features, compare with LHeC simulation and PYTHIA software, study dihadron correlations, and predict gluon distributions in eA collisions. Evaluate charged pions and overall particle production. Enhance simulation for saturation physics inclusion.

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DPMJET-III and dihadron correlation

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  1. DPMJET-III and dihadron correlation EIC-tf-meeting

  2. Outline • Introduction to DPMJET-III • Compare with LHeC simulation • Compare with PYTHIA • Dihadron correlation in DPMJET EIC-tf-meeting

  3. Introduction to DMPJET-III • Authors: Stefan Roesler (E-Mail: Stefan.Roesler@cern.ch), Ralph Engel and Johannes Ranft [arXiv:hep-ph/0012252] • Programming language: FORTRAN-77 • Unifying all features of DTUNUC-2, DPMJET-II and PHOJET 1.12 • Wide range of application: hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus, nucleus-nucleus, photon-hadron, photon-photon and phonto-nucleus interactions EIC-tf-meeting

  4. The Program Concept • The core consists of DTUNUC-2 and PHOJET1.12 with those features of DPMJET-II not included in DTUNUC-2. • Model implemented • Dual Parton Model (DPM) • Generalized Vector Dominance Model (GVDM) • Gribov-Glauber Multiple Scattering Formalism • Intranuclear Cascade and Nuclei Break-up EIC-tf-meeting

  5. Resources • Package on EIC machines: • /afs/rhic.bnl.gov/eic/PACKAGES/DPMJet • The current version of DPMJet we are using is modified by Nestor Armesto. • Nestor’s version dpmjet3.0-5F.f used FLUKA (which takes care of the nuclear evaporation), so you will need to link with it. EIC-tf-meeting

  6. DIS kinematics Reconstruct by electron method: z EIC-tf-meeting

  7. Compare with LHeC simulation Simulation of final states in ep and eA collisions at the LHeC using DPMJET3 --by Nestor Armesto, LHeC internal note A e- z Nuclear fragments Evaporation nucleons deexcitation photons Outgoing electron Stable residual nuclei EIC-tf-meeting

  8. Compare with LHeC EIC-tf-meeting

  9. Compare with PYTHIA In the present version of DPMJET, it is not reliable for Q2 much larger than 20GeV2, so we just do all the analysis in the range of 1<Q2<20 for the collision of e(30)+p(100). DPMJET PYTHIA Quite different when Q2 is small EIC-tf-meeting

  10. Compare with PYTHIA PYTHIA DPMJET Some particles like pi0, D meson, charmed Lambda baryon EIC-tf-meeting

  11. Diffractive (S, D) Inclusive PYTHIA Black DPMJET Red %6.6 of total events %7.7 of total events EIC-tf-meeting


  13. At small x, PDF of nucleons is dominated by the gluon distrib-ution. Gluon initiated dijet process B-GF is strongly coupled with the gluon distribution Dijet/dihadron measurement in the small x region could be very effective in describing gluon transverse moment distribution. Dihadron correlation Boson Gluon Fusion EIC-tf-meeting

  14. Dihadron correlation • How we calculate it • From the measurement of dihadron in ep and eA, we can test our current understanding to the gluon transverse momentum distribution, and a suppression for the eA case is expected from the saturation physics. Leading particle (with highest pt in every event) EIC-tf-meeting

  15. Dihadron correlation in ep PYTHIA DPMJET • Event sample: • e(30)+p(100) • 2M events • 1<Q2<20 • PYTHIA and DPMJET • Divide into several • Q2 bins • 2 bins shown: • 1<Q2<3 • 7<Q2<9 EIC-tf-meeting

  16. Prediction from the theory Probe WW gluon distribution [Marquet.C, Bowen Xiao, Feng Yuan] Dramatic change between ep and eA collisions Q2 = 4GeV ,zh1=zh2=0.3, 2GeV<p1T<3GeV, 1GeV<p2T<2GeV EIC-tf-meeting

  17. Dihadron correlation in eA e+Au 30+100 1<Q2<20 GeV2 e+p 30+100 1<Q2<20 GeV2 EIC-tf-meeting

  18. Dihadron correlation in eA e+Au 30+100 1<Q2<20 GeV2 pttrigger>2GeV,pttrigger>ptassoc>1GeV e+p 30+100 1<Q2<20 GeV2 pttrigger>2GeV,pttrigger>ptassoc>1GeV EIC-tf-meeting

  19. Dihadron-correlation in eA 1<Q2<20 GeV2 pttrigger>2GeV,pttrigger>ptassoc>1GeV e+p 30+100 e+Au 30+100 EIC-tf-meeting

  20. e+p 30+100 e+Au 30+100 EIC-tf-meeting

  21. e+p 30+100 e+Au 30+100 EIC-tf-meeting

  22. Summary • DPMJET can be used to simulate the physics in EIC currently. • DPMJET and PYTHIA are different in the treatment of low Q2 physics • We have looked into the dihadron correlation using DPMJET, which indicates a back-to-back dihadron correlation both in ep and eAu, no suppression at the awayside for eAu. • Saturation physics is not well included in DPMJET. • To do list: • Take some more realistic detector acceptance into consideration • Add detector response and smearing function • Try to include saturation physics in our simulation EIC-tf-meeting

  23. Back up EIC-tf-meeting

  24. y=0.95 y=0.05 y=0.95 y=0.05 y=0.005 y=0.005 y=0.95 y=0.05 y=0.005 EIC-tf-meeting

  25. EIC-tf-meeting

  26. PYTHIA Black DPMJET Red EIC-tf-meeting

  27. Charged pions PYTHIA DPMJET EIC-tf-meeting

  28. All particles PYTHIA DPMJET EIC-tf-meeting

  29. EIC-tf-meeting

  30. EIC-tf-meeting

  31. e+Au 30+100 pttrigger>2GeV,2>ptassoc>1GeV EIC-tf-meeting

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