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Key Issue 3: Why are different Places Similar?

Explore how globalization pulls the world together while local diversity pushes us to be unique. Discover the connections between places and the scale from local to global, examining diffusion patterns and the impact of technology.

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Key Issue 3: Why are different Places Similar?

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  1. Key Issue 3: Why are different Places Similar? Scale: From local to global Space: Distribution of features Connections between places

  2. Globalization vs. local diversity • Globalization pulls the world together • Internet has made us a global community • Local Diversity pushes us to be unique • Express cultural traditions and economic practices • This push and pull can lead to conflict, what could they be? • Political, economic, and pollution to name a few

  3. Scale: From Local to Global • Globalization: a force orprocess that involves the wholeworld and results in makingsomething worldwide in scope • The scale of the world isshrinking in that a person,object or idea can interact withother persons, objects or ideas • The world, therefore, isbecoming more uniform(though we may becomingmore diverse at a local scale)

  4. Economic globalization isfacilitated by TNCs(transnationalcorporations) and freemarket politics (e.g. WTO) • TNCs conduct research,operate factories and sellproducts beyond where their HQs are located • TNCs and modern technology allow money, materials & ideas to spread globally • Specialization occurs oftenmaking places economicallydifferent

  5. Globalization often leads touniform preferences • Uniform preferences lead touniform cultural landscapes • Fast food restaurants,automobiles, tennis shoes,coca-cola, etc. • Local religion, language &cultural beliefs are threatenedwith extinction • Often leads to a backlash • Though the globalization oftechnology may promote diversitytoo (Welsh & Gaelic channels viasatellite)

  6. Connections Between Places • The world is shrinking. • Space-Time Compression • reduction in time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place as a result of improved communications and transportation systems. • In 1800 A.D. people (andculture) traveled using thesame methods as in 1800B.C. • Today, people can travelmore quickly and culture canspread without explorers andsettlers • Hub-and-spoke system • Computers &telecommunications

  7. Barriers • Physical (Oceans) • Cultural (language) • Political (borders) • Distance decay-diminishing in importance and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin • Friction of Distance ($/time to overcome the distance)


  9. Spatial Diffusion • A process by which acharacteristic spreads across space from its origin (the hearth) to another location over time. • Diseases, technologicalinnovations, politicalmovements & musical fads • It’s not random but a function of geographic principles & statistical probabilities (e.g. distance & amount of contact)

  10. Diffusion • Relocation • Expansion • Hierarchical • Contagious • Stimulus

  11. Relocation diffusion • Spread through physical movement of people • Languages to Western Hemisphere Spanish, English, French & Portuguese • Diffusion of nationally issued Euros • AIDS spread through relocation diffusion urban centers (1980s to 1993) • Islam to North Africa, Spain • Foods to and from New World • Diffusion without an increase in frequency

  12. Expansion diffusion • “Snowball” method of diffusion • Spread from person to person in place • Diseases through Western Hemisphere • Democracy from U.S. to France

  13. Which type of diffusion does A represent? • Which type of diffusion does B represent?

  14. The difference between expansion diffusion and relocation diffusion has to do with what happens at the point of origin. In expansion diffusion, what is being diffused remains at the point of origin, often becoming more intense. With relocation diffusion, what is being diffused evacuates the point of origin and moves on.

  15. Expansion Diffusion • Three processes: 1.Hierarchical 2.Contagious 3.Stimulus Which type of diffusion is the spread of Islam?

  16. 1. Hierarchical diffusion • Among levels of a hierarchy • Usually top-down • Based on cities or organizations

  17. Hierarchical effects

  18. Hierarchical Effects

  19. 2. Contagious diffusion • Person-to-person contact • Widespread and rapid • Distance-decay effect

  20. Contagious Diffusion-Walmart

  21. 3. Stimulus diffusion Standing on the shoulders of giants • The spread of an underlying principle even though the characteristic appears to fail to diffuse. In other words, diffusion in which one people receives a culture element from another but gives it a new and unique form • Features of Apple’s iPhone and iPad have been adopted by their competitors

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