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Learn commonly used medical suffixes and their meanings with examples. Enhance your medical vocabulary and understanding of illnesses and treatments. Figure references included to aid comprehension.
Our goal in this chapter is to learn some of the commonly used suffixes. • Remember the rules, if a suffix begins with a vowel, drop the combining vowel Suffix Meaning Example -algia pain arthr / algia -emia blood condition leuk / emia -itis inflammation gastr / itis -lith stone nephro / lithiasis -lysis breakdown, hem / o / lysis destruction
Suffix Meaning Example -megaly enlargement hepat / o / megaly -rrhage bursting forth hem / o / rrhage -rrhea flow, discharge rhin / o / rrhea -trophy nourishment, a / trophy development -oma tumor, mass, oste / oma fluid collection -pathy disease, emotion neur / o / pathy -coccus berry shaped strept / o / coccus bacteria -cocci berry shaped staphyl / o / coccus bacteria -genic produced by or in carcin / o / genic
Figure 3-3. Types of coccal bacteria. “Coccal” means berry shaped
Suffix Meaning Example -phobia fear acr / o / phobia -ptosis droop, sag, prolapse blephar / o / ptosis -stasis flow stops ven / o / stasis -therapy treatment chem / o / therapy Figure 3-6. Ptosis of the upper eyelid (blepharoptosis) can occur with aging or may be associated with cerebrovascular accidents, cranial nerve damage, and other neurological disorders.
BLOOD CELLS Erythr / o / cytes = red / cell = red blood cell Made in bone marrow, contain hem / o / globin which is a blood protein Function: to carry oxygen from lungs though the blood to all body cells Figure 3-4. Types of blood cells. An easy way to remember the names of the five leukocytes is: Never (neutrophil) Let (lymphocyte) Monkeys (monocyte) Eat (eosinophil) Bananas (basophil).
BLOOD CELLS Leuk / o / cytes = white/cell = white blood cell Two major divisions: • Granulocytes – granules / cells; formed in bone marrow ( 3 TYPES): • Eosinophils = granules stain red with acidic dye; active and elevated in allergic conditions • Basophils = granules stain blue with base stain • Neutrophils = do not stain red or blue; phagocytes, (which are eating cells) engulf and destroy bacteria • A/granul/o/cytes (or mononuclear leukocytes) – produced by lymph nodes and spleen • Lymphocytes – lymph cells, Ex – T cells and B cells, Function: to produce antibodies which destroy foreign cells • Monocytes – one/cell; cell with 1very large nucleus, Function: to engulf and destroy cellular debris
THROMBOCYTES: • Clotting cells • Formed in bone marrow • Function: to help clot the blood
Figure 3-8. Relationship of blood vessels. An artery carries blood rich in oxygen from the heart to the organs of the body. In the organs, the artery narrows to form arterioles (small arteries), which branch into capillaries (the smallest blood vessels). Through the thin walls of capillaries, oxygen leaves the blood and enters cells. Thus, the capillaries branching into venules (small veins) carry blood poor in oxygen. Venules lead to a vein that brings oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.
NOUN SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning Example -ectomy removal, excision spleen / ectomy or resection -tomy process of cutting thorac / o / tomy -plasty surgical repair rhin / o / plasty -gram record arteri / o / gram -graphy process of arteri / o / graphy recording -scopy visual examination ot / o / scopy -er one who teach / er -ia condition pneumon / ia -ist specialist gynec / o / log / ist -ule little, small ven / ule
Figure 3-7. Laparoscopy for tubal ligation (interruption of the continuity of the fallopian tubes) as a means of preventing future pregnancy. The tenaculum grasps the cervix. The vaginal speculum keeps the vaginal cavity open. The uterine cannula is a tube placed into the uterus to manipulate the uterus during the procedure. Forceps, placed through the laparoscope, grasp or move tissue.
SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning Example -centesis puncturing a body cavity amni / o / centesis or organ with needle to draw out fluid Figure 3-2. Amniocentesis. Under ultrasound (sound wave images) guidance, a physician inserts a needle through the uterine wall and amnion (membrane surrounding the fetus) into the amniotic cavity. Amniotic fluid, containing fetal cells, is withdrawn for analysis. The physician uses continuous ultrasound pictures to locate the fetus and other structures within the uterus, and to ensure the proper placement of the needle.
SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning Example -cele tumor or swelling cyst / o / cele Figure 3-1. Cystocele and rectocele.
MORE SUFFIXES Suffix Meaning Example -y condition or neur / o/ path / y process -oid resembling aden / oids -tic pertaining to necro / tic Figure 3-9. Adenoids & tonsils.
Suffix Meaning Example -plasia formation,development achondro / plasia Figure 3-5. A boy with achondroplasia showing short stature, short limbs and fingers, normal length of the trunk, bowed legs, a relatively large head, a prominent forehead, and a depressed nasal bridge.