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Market Trials Real-Time Market / LFC

Market Trials Real-Time Market / LFC. Weekly Update. July 9, 2010. Antitrust Admonition. ANTITRUST ADMONITION

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Market Trials Real-Time Market / LFC

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  1. Market TrialsReal-Time Market / LFC Weekly Update July 9, 2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 1

  2. Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. http://nodal.ercot.com 2

  3. Agenda • Antitrust Admonition • Environment Report • Planned / unplanned outages • Known Issues • Standing Reports and Updates • General reminders / updates • RTM / LFC Update • State Estimator Convergence Statistics • Changes in Market Trials Activities • 5-Hour LFC Test Reminders • 8-Hour LFC Test Results • Question and Answers / General Discussion ERCOT asks that Market Participants log into the WebEx session using their company name and then their name. This will allow ERCOT to take roll-call offline http://nodal.ercot.com 3

  4. Environment Report: Planned / Unplanned Nodal Outages Planned Outages • 07/09/2010 6:00 – 10:00 P.M. • Availability of the following application services will be affected as a result of software migrations being planned during this period ( Note: External Interface Specification v1.19M will take into effect upon completion of this migration ) • EWS ( Web Services) • MM UI • OS UI • CRR Unplanned Outages • N/A http://nodal.ercot.com 4

  5. Known Issues Recently Opened Issues • Need to add notification to Market Participants for AS Capacity Monitoring • ERCOT is required to continuously compare the sum of the QSE's Resource AS Responsibilities in the EMS (already calculated within the EMS) with the QSE's total AS Supply Responsibility in the MMS system • This comparison should be done separately for Regulation Up, Regulation Down, RRS, and NSRS, and then noticed via web service alerts and MIS Certified postings for instances in which the comparison indicates that the EMS value for any of the four services is less than the MMS value. • This issue has been logged to track progress toward building the EMS notification into web services. Recently Close Issues • NP6-552-Group 1 and Group 2 Load Resources for RRS (MIS Certified Report) • Duplicate reports were being created for some DUNS numbers • Affected CDR http://nodal.ercot.com 5

  6. Standing Reports and Updates: General Reminders / Updates Reminders/Updates • Tracking Artifacts • The Known Issues and SPP Issues tracking sheets will refresh overnight to the Readiness center at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/rtm/index.html • Network Model Update • The current system loaded from the model 07/01/10 • Next scheduled load is 07/14/10 • Note that this database load may be delayed due to the 5-Hour LFC test the week of the 19th. This will be communicated via a market notice. • EMS Alerts • ERCOT will increase the frequency and length of time for testing Telemetry Alerts starting 7/8/2010 • Submit any questions to markettrials@ercot.com • 168-Hour Test Handbook • Posted on the Readiness Center at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/index.html http://nodal.ercot.com 6

  7. Standing Reports and Updates: General Reminders / Updates Reminders/Updates • Full-System/LFC tests (see July 1 Market Notice) • ERCOT is updating the Market Trials Phase 5.0 test schedule to incorporate additional Full-System/LFC tests, as follows: • Week of July 19: 5-Hour Full-System/LFC Test (July 20 – 22) • Week of August 2: 24-Hour Full-System/LFC Test (August 3 – 5) • These tests will be conducted in lieu of the previously scheduled 48-Hour LFC Test • Consolidated LFC Full-System LFC Test Approach • Posted on the Readiness Center at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/rtm/index.html • Real-Time /LFC Market Trials Handbook • Document is being updated to synchronize with current Market Trials schedule around LFC testing • Will be posted to the Readiness Center in the next few days • GREDP Results from the 8-Hour LFC Test • Individual GREDP results were distributed to QSEs on July 8 http://nodal.ercot.com 7

  8. Real Time Market / LFC Update 1/4/2020 http://nodal.ercot.com 8

  9. Real Time Market / LFC Update • SCED Week 23 • SL at $2250 offer cap for 34 intervals (compared to 104 last week) • Thursday 7/1 ERCOT conducted constraint transfer testing • Nodal system was over constrained and LMPs diverged as a result • Sunday 7/4 price differences due to binding constraint Jackson County to Reno 138 kV http://nodal.ercot.com 9

  10. State Estimator Convergence http://nodal.ercot.com 10

  11. State Estimator Convergence Update http://nodal.ercot.com 11

  12. State Estimator Convergence Update http://nodal.ercot.com 12

  13. Changes in Market Trials ActivitiesScott Middleton 13 Texas Nodal

  14. Changes in Market Trials Activities • Issues encountered during the 8-Hour LFC test demonstrated the need to shift the focus of Market Trials Activities • The following changes are to achieve the following: • Reduce the number of DAMs to create more resource availability to support additional LFC tests • Increase the number of LFC tests in order to gradually step into a multi-day scenario • DAM will focus on the quality of the data submitted (deconstructed offer curves, more complete coverage of online generation with offer curves, accurate COPs) • Provide more flexibility to address issues and refine Market Trials activities as needed 14 Texas Nodal

  15. Changes in Market Trials Activities • Additional LFC testing will be added • Week of 7/19 – 5-Hour Test • Week of 8/02 – 24-Hour Test • August will include 1 – 2 additional tests • September will include 1 – 3 additional tests • Additional tests will be confirmed no later than 2 weeks prior to the testing date • Day Ahead Market (DAM) and Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) • Will be run for LFC Operational Dates during the weeks of LFC testing • A focused input day will be included where MPs will submit trades, bids, offers and COPs that more representative of the post go-live market • On non-LFC testing weeks: • DAM and RUC will continue to run up to 5 times weekly 15 Texas Nodal

  16. Changes in Market Trials Activities • August will remain our target for running any operational scenarios that have been added or need to be re-run • Examples of scenarios that are being reviewed for inclusion are: • Emergency Base Point (SCED Failure) SASM for Undeliverable AS / Failure to provide AS • Manual Offset for SCED SASM for ERCOT Load Increase, • DCS Event HRUC / DRUC Failure and Timeline Deviation • EEA Event Capacity Shortage Intra-day and Real Time • DC Tie at max import trips Frequency excursion high • Settlements and Credit will continue to run daily and produce normal outputs taking into account the revised Market Trials activities (e.g. no DAM settlements on non-DAM dates) • CRR and Outage Scheduling activities remain unchanged and will align with the communicated go-live transition plans (note that ERCOT will consolidate these transition plans into a Cutover Handbook to be published and reviewed at the Market Readiness Seminar (MRS) #5 on 7/28/2010) 16 Texas Nodal

  17. 5-Hour LFC Test 5-Hour LFC Test http://nodal.ercot.com 17

  18. 5-Hour LFC Test Prior to the Test • Provide Real Time ICCP Data to Nodal • Make sure all Generation Resources are ready to participate in the test • Market Notices: • A Market Notice will be sent July 12 to confirm the upcoming 5-Hour LFC test scheduled for July 20-22 • A follow-up Market Notice will be sent two days prior to the actual test to confirm the specific date • A final Market Notice will be sent on the day of the test to confirm that the test will be conducted that day • On the day of the test, a hotline call will be made to communicate the start time of the test (approximately 2-3 hours prior to start) • A WebEx conference will be provided to allow Market Participants to monitor the LFC Test —an email with WebEx details will be sent to Nodal Transition Project Managers the week of the test • ERCOT and Market Participant staff should be available and ready to field troubleshooting calls during the 2-3 hours prior to the test • A System Wide VDI will be issued immediately prior to the start of the test http://nodal.ercot.com

  19. 5-Hour LFC Test Support from the Market Participants • Each MP needs to have their experts on hand during normal business hours (8:00 am – 5:00 pm) each business day during the week of the test • During the day of the test, the hours of support will be extended to 7:00 am – 6:00 pm • ERCOT staff will be contacting MPs during these hours as necessary in preparation for the test • These experts must be able to support: • ICCP • EOCs, Inc/Dec Offers, and Output Schedules • LFC • MPs should ensure that that their contact list is up to date http://nodal.ercot.com

  20. 5-Hour LFC Test Manual dispatch instructions during the LFC test • Beginning two hours prior to the LFC test, ERCOT will stop using OC1s and OOMEs and plans to use OC3s to manage congestion • The one exception to this is that ERCOT will use OC1s for the W-N and the N-H stability limit (non-thermal IROL for NERC) during transition periods to and from Nodal control • ERCOT has created and tested constraints for these limits in the Nodal system which can be activated for SCED as needed and should provide similar dispatch to the OC1s • ERCOT may be required to use Zonal manual dispatch instructions to solve congestion • ERCOT will set the Nodal Base-Point to match the Zonal manual dispatch instruction • The QSE will continue to follow the Nodal Base Point if they are still under Nodal control

  21. 5-Hour LFC Test • Market Participant EMS Wind Unit Data Note • Set Real-Time telemetered HSL value to current MW output per (NP • Additional detail was added to this protocol reference as part of NPRR 214 • If the Wind-Powered Generation Resource (WGR) is not being curtailed, the HSL should be set at the actual net output of the WGR • In event of curtailment (i.e., a SCED instruction at least two MW lower than the unit’s current MW output), the HSL should be set at the capability that the facility would have if it were not being curtailed • This estimate should be based on wind speed, power curves, and turbine availability • The QSE shall set the HSL within one SCADA cycle after receiving a SCED Base Point Dispatch Instruction from ERCOT • This will allow the QSE to more easily detect if the WGR must respond to a curtailment instruction http://nodal.ercot.com 21

  22. 5-Hour LFC Test RSTs to be used during Ramp-Up / Ramp-Down • RST during Ramp-Up: • Between 0 MW and LSL, the telemetered RST should indicate online status • SCED will dispatch the Resource to its current output • Between LSL and HSL, the telemetered RST should reflect unit activity per the Resource Status Codes provided in the Nodal Protocols • RST during Ramp-Down (to OFF): • Use RST of “OFF” to take unit out of pool of Resources available for economic dispatch by SCED • This method is being suggested for purposes of LFC Testing and may not be the method used for nodal market go-live • RLC will set HDL/LDL that it passes to SCED such that the Resource will be ramped offline http://nodal.ercot.com 22

  23. 5-Hour LFC Test Practice submittal – Submit EOC reflecting Zonal/BES on July 14 The Curve Creator tool is posted on Readiness at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/rtm/index.html Contact jgilbertson@ercot.com if intention is to submit Inc/Dec http://nodal.ercot.com

  24. 5-Hour LFC Test Requesting Updates to Nodal Contacts for 5-Hour LFC Test • QSEs with Resources are requested to review their Nodal Contact information as previously submitted per the Contact Declaration Form and make any necessary changes for contacts who will be supporting ICCP, LFC, Market Data Submittals • The current Nodal Contact Declaration Form v1.1 is available at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/rq/documents/index.html • Submit any updates or questions to nodalmarkettransition@ercot.com by 12:00pm on July 16, 2010 • In addition, please ensure that the contact information for your Real-Time desk is accurate so that the ERCOT Control Room can contact you as needed during the 5-Hour LFC Test http://nodal.ercot.com 24

  25. 5-Hour LFC Test • Reminders • Fixes to address Shift Factor issues as discussed at NATF and TAC will be in the nodal production environment in time to support the 5-Hour LFC Test • During the 5-Hour LFC Test, ERCOT is recommending that no system tuning be performed by either ERCOT or Market Participants • No Operational Scenarios are planned for the 5-Hour LFC Test • July 14 is the final practice day for EOC submissions prior to the 5-Hour LFC Test • Updates to Nodal Contacts are due by 12pm on July 16, 2010 • The detailed LFC Workshop Presentation is available on the July 9 Market Trials meeting page at http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2010/07/20100709-MT http://nodal.ercot.com 25

  26. 8-Hour LFC Test Results 8-Hour LFC Test Results http://nodal.ercot.com 26

  27. 8-Hour LFC Test Results 8-Hour LFC Test (June 17, 2010)

  28. 8-Hour LFC Test Results Active Constraints http://nodal.ercot.com 28

  29. 8-Hour LFC Test Results Active Constraints (continued) http://nodal.ercot.com 29

  30. 8-Hour LFC Test Results • Active Constraints (continued) http://nodal.ercot.com 30

  31. 8-Hour LFC Test Results • Active Constraints (continued) http://nodal.ercot.com 31

  32. 8-Hour LFC Test Results • Active Constraints (continued) http://nodal.ercot.com 32

  33. 8-Hour LFC Test Results http://nodal.ercot.com 33

  34. 8-Hour LFC Test Results Frequency http://nodal.ercot.com 34

  35. 8-Hour LFC Test Results CPS1 Score CPS1 During the 6/17/2010 8-Hour LFC Test: http://nodal.ercot.com 35

  36. 8-Hour LFC Test Results Nodal Generation to Be Dispatched and Load http://nodal.ercot.com 36

  37. 8-Hour LFC Test Results Regulation and System Load http://nodal.ercot.com 37

  38. 8-Hour LFC Test Results Regulation and System Frequency http://nodal.ercot.com 38

  39. 8-Hour LFC Test Results ERCOT Wind Generation http://nodal.ercot.com 39

  40. 8-Hour LFC Test Results Operational Scenarios – Emergency Base Points http://nodal.ercot.com 40

  41. 8-Hour LFC Test Results Operational Scenarios – RRS Note: Average, Max. and Min times only calculated for QSEs that were able to update RRS Schedules in 60 seconds or less. http://nodal.ercot.com 41

  42. 8-Hour LFC Test Results GREDP Statistics for Generators (Non-IRRs) http://nodal.ercot.com 42

  43. 8-Hour LFC Test Results GREDP Statistics for Generators (IRRs) http://nodal.ercot.com 43

  44. 8-Hour LFC Test Results http://nodal.ercot.com 44

  45. Q&A Q&A / Open Forum http://nodal.ercot.com 45

  46. Appendix A http://nodal.ercot.com 46

  47. Review of 8-Hour LFC Update Presented to TAC July 1, 2010 47 Texas Nodal

  48. Issues & Observations During the 8 Hour Test on June 17th 48 Texas Nodal

  49. Issues During the 8 Hour Test - ERCOT • Issue #1 – Missing Shift Factors for Electrical Busses affected SPP calculation • EMS integration did not properly provide electrical bus shift factors • Load Zone, Hub, and Electrical Bus LMPs/SPPs incorrect when constraints binding or violated • Issue introduced with EMS Bug Fix end of last year • Issue #2 – Missing Shift Factors for constraints in SCED for brief period • Shift Factor transfer from EMS to MMS from1320-1339 had issues • Constraints were ignored by SCED for 19 minutes • Dispatch closely monitored by Operators until resolved • Issue introduced with EMS Bug fix in mid-May • Issue #3 – Incorrect flag setting in EMS • ERCOT did not use load distributed bus as the reference bus • Telemetry changes created topology changes which lead to a bus in the west zone to be the reference bus • Having 3% shift factor cut off caused several WGRs to have no shift factors on the constraint causing WGRs to be marginal 49 Texas Nodal

  50. Issues During the 8 Hour Test – Market Participants • Issues during test for Market Participants • Telemetry: • Inconsistencies between JOU owners (e.g., telemetry, COP) • Incorrect Ancillary Service values in telemetry for Resource • Incorrect Resource Status Codes • Incorrect HSL/LSL values telemetered • Resource with nodal Output Schedule offering BES into zonal market • Resources not following their nodal Base Points • Resources not following regulation signals • Zonal Resource Plans not in agreement with Nodal 50 Texas Nodal

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