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Exploring Language and Communication: A Comprehensive Overview

Delve into the fundamental concepts of language, its relationship with culture, and the origins of communication. This lecture covers linguistics, the biology of speech, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, Indo-European languages, and hidden aspects of non-verbal communication.

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Exploring Language and Communication: A Comprehensive Overview

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  1. Lecture 3 Language and Communication

  2. Chapter Outline • What is language? • How is language related to culture? • How did language begin?

  3. What Is Language? • A system for the communication, in symbols, of any kind of information. • Through language, people share their experiences, concerns, and beliefs and communicate these to the next generation.

  4. The Nature of Language • There are approximately 6,000 languages. • All languages are organized in the same basic way. • Spoken languages use sounds and rules for putting the sounds together. • Sign languages use gestures rather than sounds.

  5.  Linguistics • Linguistics is the study of all aspects of language: • Phonetics • Phonology • Morphology • Syntax • Grammar

  6. Studying a Language • Isolate the phonemes, or the smallest classes of sound that make a difference in meaning. • Determine all groups or combinations of sounds that seem to have meaning. • See how morphemes are put together to form phrases or sentences.

  7. The Biology of Human Speech

  8. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis • A language is not simply an encoding process but is rather a shaping force. • Language guides thinking and behavior by predisposing people to see the world in a certain way. • There has been a recent renewal of interest in this hypothesis.

  9. Indo-European languages

  10. Origin of Language: One Theory • Early hominines, began using gestures to communicate intentions within a social setting. • When Homo erectus moved out of the tropics, they needed to plan and communicate to survive seasons of cold temperatures. • By the time archaic Homo sapiens appeared, finely controlled movements of the mouth and throat had given rise to spoken language.

  11. Gesture-Call System • Inherited from our primate ancestors. • Gesture component consists of body motions used to convey messages. • Call component consists of extralinguistic noises involving various voice qualities and vocalizations.

  12. Hidden Aspects of Communication

  13. What do you think thiscoupleis communicating non-verbally?Look at them carefully.

  14. Test your knowledge of North American/Europeanbodylanguage.Look at the couple walkingtogether.What does it meanto be so closewith theirarms around each other this way?Could they be strangers? 

  15. Proxemics____________________ DISTANCE BETWEEN   TONE OF VOICE TYPE OF MESSAGE FACES very close (3-6")  soft whisper   top secret or sensual close (8-12")  audible whisper   very confidential neutral (20-36")  soft voice, low volume   personal subject matter neutral (4.5-5')  full voice   non-personal information  across the room (8-20')loud voice   talking to a group stretching the limits (20-24' indoors and up to 100' outdoors) loud hailing voice   departures and arrivals Derived from The Silent Language by Edward Hall (1959)

  16. Japanese avoiding eye contact in a crowd

  17. What do the clothing, hair style, makeup,and body language of the young womanin the photo communicate to you?Now think of a middle-aged businessmanwiththe same clothing, hair style, makeup,andbody language.Would she fit in the office environment?

  18. Communicating with Clothes Papua New Guinean manwearing a penis sheath English "punkers"in their "uniforms"

  19. Lecture 3Language and CommunicationAssignments 1. Continue reading Haviland - Chapter 5 (Enculturation/Personality) 2. Test your cross-cultural gesture literacy: http://www.isabellemori.homestead.com/questionsgestus.html • Read article: „Dying Languages” http://www.nysun.com/opinion/dying-languages/45847 4. Read article: „Accents speak louder than words”: http://living.scotsman.com/books/Accents-speak-louder-than-words.2831938.jp • Read article: „Nature v nurture? Please don't ask”: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article5986239.ece Note: I would like to remind you that all assignments (including assigned readings) are compulsary and will be included in your June examination!

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