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This update focuses on the research questions related to the effectiveness and usability of functions in the Maine System for detecting and informing about vehicle presence at intersections. Preliminary results show promising outcomes, but further investigation is needed to determine the ideal level of information complexity that can be effectively communicated. Issues to address include the use of conservative thresholds and the need for individualized thresholds. The future work plan involves onsite observation, development of better gap models, customization of thresholds using wireless communication, consideration of a "Full Spectrum" of functions, and replication of the simulator study with a deployable design and more viable thresholds. The ultimate aim is to refine the deployable system and evaluate its performance in a controlled experiment with an instrumented vehicle.
IDS Update:Future Work plan Needs Nicholas Ward Mick Rakauskas Janet Creaser Craig Shankwitz Max Donath
Information Content Information Hierarchy: Intersection Vehicle Parameters Gap Safe Location “Maine System” • High face validity • Detect vehicle presence only • Static threshold
Research Questions • Compared to baseline, which function(s) are effective? Which function is most usable? V.S V.S Baseline Detect Inform
Research Questions • What level of information complexity can be communication effectively? V.S V.S
Present Experiment • Young, old groups (N = 48) • Benefit old group • No harm to young group • Straight crossing maneuver • Most crashes far side, straight • Day, night conditions • Ecological (Corridor has high night risk) • Usability under suboptimal conditions • Basic instruction for sign’s meaning or purpose • Some instruction is needed. • Traffic orchestrated to accommodate one and two-stage maneuvers • What are population strategies?
Preliminary Results • Compared to baseline, which function(s) are effective? But why? – information or confusion V.S V.S Baseline Detect Inform 5.05s5.53s5.70s 6.77s 5.63s
Preliminary Results • What level of information complexity can be communication effectively? V.S V.S Similar result (both levels of complexity produce larger gap acceptance than baseline) Larger gap with most complexity (both levels of complexity produce larger gap acceptance than baseline)
Issues • Conservative threshold used • Perceived to be too conservative • Need individualized thresholds • Responded to threshold rather than DII or presented information? • Is longer gap with DII result of better information, or longer wait time to interpret DII function.
Pre-FOT Research • Onsite observation of situation complexity. • Develop better gap models (safe, acceptable, discrepancy, strategy). • Wireless communication used to customize thresholds (driver, vehicle, maneuver, intent-strategy) • Consider “Full Spectrum” of functions. • Unaware drivers, risk-taking drivers • Develop deployable versions of DII concepts • Replicate simulator study with deployable design and more viable thresholds. “Maine system” as baseline? • Refine deployable system in controlled experiment onsite with instrumented vehicle (transfer from simulator).