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Eye Trauma

Eye Trauma. Categories. Blunt Trauma Penetrating Trauma Chemical injuries Thermal injuries Radiation burns Electric shock. I. Blunt Ocular Trauma. Cause: Trauma of the eye by a blunt object e.g. stone, tennis ball, football, stick … .etc. Sequelae of blunt ocular trauma.

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Eye Trauma

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Eye Trauma

  2. Categories • Blunt Trauma • Penetrating Trauma • Chemical injuries • Thermal injuries • Radiation burns • Electric shock

  3. I. Blunt Ocular Trauma • Cause: Trauma of the eye by a blunt object e.g. stone, tennis ball, football, stick….etc

  4. Sequelae of blunt ocular trauma • Orbit: blow-out fracture • Eyelids: lid edema & ecchymosis • Conjunctiva: conj.laceration, subconj. hge • Cornea: cornea edema, corneal laceration or abrasion • Sclera: rupture globe • Anterior chamber: hyphema • AC Angle: angle recession glaucoma

  5. Contin. • Iris: iridodialysis • Pupil: traumatic miosis & traumatic mydriasis • Lens: Tr. cataract, subluxation, dislocation • Vitreous: vitreous hge • Choroid: ch. rupture, ch. effusion • Retina: retinal edema, dialysis, tear, hge, detachment. • Optic nerve: traumatic optic neuropathy

  6. 1. OrbitBlow-out fracture of orbital floor • Mechanism: An object larger than 5 cm in diameter (e.g. tennis ball) strikes the orbit and the increased intraorbital pressure fractures the orbital floor

  7. Clinical Manifestations

  8. 2. Eyelids • Lid ecchymosis (black eye) • Lid edema • Lid emphysema (paranasal sinuses) • Traumatic ptosis

  9. 3. Conjunctiva • Subconjunctival hemorrhage • Lacerated wound (small)

  10. Subconjunctivalhemmorrhage

  11. Differential Diagnosis • Local ocular trauma Vs Fracture base of the skull

  12. 4. Cornea • Corneal edema • Corneal abrasion or laceration

  13. Corneal edema with blunt injury

  14. Corneal abrasion stained with fluorescein

  15. 5. Sclera • Direct contusion rupture of the sclera • Indirect contusion rupture of the sclera

  16. 6. Anterior ChamberHyphema

  17. Total Hyphema(Complications)

  18. Blood-stained Cornea

  19. 7. AC Angle Angle-recession glaucoma

  20. 8. Iris • Laceration, hemorrhage • Iridodialysis • Post-traumatic iridocyclitis

  21. Iridodialysis

  22. 9. Pupil • Traumatic miosis • Traumatic mydriasis • Minute ruptures in the pupillary border

  23. Traumatic mydriasis

  24. 10. Lens • Vosssius ring • Traumatic (concussion) cataract 1. Punctate opacities in superficial cortex 2. Rosette-shaped posterior cortical cataract • Traumatic subluxation or dislocation

  25. Vosssius ring

  26. Traumatic cataract(Rosette-shaped posterior cortical cataract)

  27. Traumatic cataract(Rosette-shaped posterior cortical cataract)

  28. Traumatic Cataract

  29. Traumatic Cataract

  30. Traumatic subluxation

  31. Traumatic subluxation(Zonulolysis)

  32. Traumatic dislocation (Anterior)

  33. Traumatic dislocation (Posterior)

  34. 11. Vitreous • Vitreous hge • Vitreous detachment

  35. Vitreous hemorrhage

  36. Dense vitreous hemorrhage

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