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SMART INCO-MED 2 nd Management Board Meeting, September 18-21 2003, Izmir, Turkey

This is the agenda for the SMART.INCO-MED2nd Management Board Meeting, taking place from September 18-21, 2003 in Izmir, Turkey. The meeting will cover various topics related to the project, including progress review, deliverables, and case study reports.

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SMART INCO-MED 2 nd Management Board Meeting, September 18-21 2003, Izmir, Turkey

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  1. SMART INCO-MED2nd Management Board Meeting,September 18-21 2003, Izmir, Turkey DDr. Kurt Fedra ESS GmbH, Austria kurt@ess.co.at http://www.ess.co.at Environmental Software & Services A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen

  2. Meeting Agenda Thursday, September 18, morning sessions 09:30-10:30 • Finalization of Agenda • Progress Review (1st APR) • Discussion 11:00-12:30 1.Review/discussion of cost statements

  3. Meeting Agenda Thursday, September 18, afternoon 13:30-14:15 • WP 2 Deliverables (UATLA) 14:15-15:00 • WP 3 Deliverables (ESS/SOGREAH) 15:30-16:15 • WP 4 Progress Report (SUMER) 16:15 - ? • TELEMAC Review. Q and A session • INDICATOR session (FEEM/UATLA)

  4. Meeting Agenda Friday, September 19 09:00 -- Field trip: • DSI, regional directorate • Gediz basin (local) • Izmir bay

  5. Meeting Agenda Saturday, September 20, morning sessions 09:00-10:30 • Dissemination Plan D11.1 • Indicators (FEEM) • WP 04 status: SUMER 11:00-12:30 • Case study Progress reports: • Lebanon, Jordan • Tunisia, Turkey

  6. Meeting Agenda Saturday, September 20, afternoon 13:30 -- • Work plan for the next 6 months • Milestones and agenda, Aquaba • Dissemination and Exploitation plans (second round, conclusions) • Any other business

  7. Meeting Agenda Sunday, September 21, all day 09:00 -- Field trip 2: Water supply and sanitation systems (ancient …)

  8. We need some extra time for: WP04: common standards for • Data catalogue, Meta data • GIS data: • Land use/land cover classification • Soil classification Case Studies: Indicators, scenarios WP11/D11.2 Dissemination plan Address DB, discussion forum, local and regional networks

  9. Meeting Agenda Saturday, September 20, afternoon 13:30 -- • Work plan for the next 6 months • Milestones and agenda, Aquaba • Dissemination and Exploitation plans • Any other business

  10. Meeting Agenda Saturday, September 20, afternoon 13:30 -- • Work plan for the next 6 months • Milestones and agenda, Aquaba • Dissemination and Exploitation plans • Any other business

  11. SMART: Project Overview • 3 year duration to August 2005 • Started: September 2002 • Current PM: 13 of 36 Or more than 33%

  12. SMART: time table

  13. SMART: Work Plan Phases • Requirements analysis, data availability, specifications • Data compilation, tool development • Parallel case studies • Comparative evaluation, dissemination.

  14. SMART

  15. SMART: Milestones 1 PM 09 End of preparatory phase, first workshop – DELAYED (1 month) 2 PM 12Methods and tools prototypes ready, start of operational phase 3 PM 18 Case studies implemented, first results of scenario analysis 4 PM 24 Analysis and assessment phase initiated 5 PM 30 Case studies completed, final comparative analysis 6 PM 36 Project and reporting completed

  16. SMART: work packages WP 01: Requirements and constraints analysis FEEM, PM 1-6 SUBMITTED – no feedback yet.

  17. SMART: work packages WP 02: Socio-economic framework and guidelines UATLA, PM 3-12 2 Deliverables due NOW !!!

  18. SMART: work packages WP 03: Analytical tools, models SOGREAH, PM 3-18 Subtasks for • TELEMAC • WaterWare, XPS 2 Deliverables due NOW

  19. SMART: work packages WP 04: Data compilation and analysis SUMER leads, PM 6-24 Includes parallel sub-tasks, one for each case study/country Should have started by February 2003, 8 months ago

  20. SMART: WP04 • Develop meta-data structure • Formats, technical specifications • Coverage and resolution (space and time) • Develop checklists • Monitor compilation • Comparative analysis (completeness, consistency, plausibility)

  21. SMART: WP04 OBJECTIVE and PRODUCT: Common, consistent data base Extensive documentation/Meta data! Accessible from SUTRA ftp server through the project web site with interactive display and basic on-line analysis tools Map server at CEDARE ???

  22. SMART: WP04 • Common Land Use classification (CORINE) • Common soil classification (FAO) • INDICATORS: FEEM/UATLA

  23. SMART: WP05-9 Scenario definitions: • Base line • Business as usual • Worst case • Optimistic Check SUTRA methodology (Dino Pinelli, /FEEM)

  24. SMART: work packages WP 05 – 09 Case Studies Respective partner, PM 12-30, Overlaps with data compilation Actual case study work to start in September 2003 WHICH IS NOW !!!

  25. SMART: work packages WP 10: Comparative analysis FEEM, PM 24-36 Requires input from all case studies Current preparation by ISSUE definitions for ExpertSystem based analysis

  26. SMART: work packages WP 11: Dissemination and exploitation ESS, PM 3-36 (Web server) EXPLOITATION STRATEGIES: Start compiling plans per partner and country

  27. WP 11: Dissemination • Web site (images, links, contributions) • Discussion Forum • Meetings, conferences, scientific and technical literature (e.g., CoastalGIS’03) • Local workshops • NETWORKING • Informal network, start with a commonaddress data base Invitations to join DiscussionForum

  28. WP 11: Dissemination • Web site, other material ? • Meeting, conferences, scientific and technical literature • Local dissemination workshops (language) • SMART: the eBook ?

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