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Historical, Cultural & Legal Aspects of Homosexuality & Impacts on UMC

This text explores the historical, cultural, and legal developments surrounding homosexuality and their impact on UMC Hope United Methodist Church. It discusses ancient cultures, cultural developments in the USA, and legal developments in the country. The text also highlights the different beliefs and perspectives of religious factions, such as evangelicals and progressives.

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Historical, Cultural & Legal Aspects of Homosexuality & Impacts on UMC

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  1. Historical, Cultural & Legal Aspects of Homosexuality & Impacts on UMC Hope United Methodist Church October 27, 2019

  2. Ancient Cultures • Difficult to know true status – no words for homosexuality • Egypt – images/texts suggest same sex activity, only men • Greece – images/texts exist; generally age, class or status • No Jewish/Christian attitudes in these cultures

  3. Cultural Developments USA Hope United Methodist Church October 27, 2019

  4. Cultural developments - USA Sex education in schools 1950s Contraception – Birth control pills available 1960 Sex education (abstinence only or medical based)1960s Increased divorce rates • 1950s – 2.5 per 1,000 • 1960s – 3.2 • 1970’s – 5.3

  5. Cultural developments - USA Civil rights advanced (voting, lodging, meals) 1960’s Stonewall Inn riot (LGBTQ fought harassment) 1969 Sexual relations seen as fulfillment of life’s potential not just procreation (singles, divorced, non-heterosexual identities) 1970’s

  6. Cultural developments - USA AmPsycAssn dropped homosexuality as disorder 1973 Minority status came to include sexual identity, not just race, sex, ethnicity, nationality, religion 1970s – 1980s

  7. Legal Developments Hope United Methodist Church October 27, 2019

  8. Legal developments - USA Religious instructions in public schools banned 1948 (McCullum v. Bd. of Education) Public-school segregation unconstitutional 1954 (Brown v. Bd. of Education) Prayers required by government in public schools ruled unconstitutional 1962 (Engel v. Vitale) School sponsored Bible reading in public schools unconstitutional 1963 (Abington School Dist. v. Schempp)

  9. Legal developments - USA Right to use birth control (married couples) 1965 (Griswold v. Connecticut) Miscegenation laws ruled unconstitutional 1967 (Luling v. Virginia) Overruled laws that forbid teaching evolution 1968 (Epperson v. Arkansas) Birth control available to all (unmarried) 1972 (Baird v. Eisenstat) Abortion ruled legal 1973 (Roe v. Wade)

  10. Legal developments - USA Sodomy laws (prohibiting same sex activity) unconstitutional 2003 (Lawrence v. Texas) Gays allowed in US military service 2010 (US Code – repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”) Same sex marriage legal 2015 (Obergefell v. Hodges) Colorado among 18 states banning conversion therapy 2018 (Colorado Revised Statues - 2018)

  11. Cultural & Legal Developments Impact the Church Hope United Methodist Church October 27, 2019

  12. 1950’s to Present: Religious Factions Began to Organize - Evangelicals Definitions - Evangelical – aren’t we all? Means to “Spread the gospel,” but . . . Today’s meaning = conservatives, traditionalists, fundamentalists, orthodox, confessing Generally anti-abortion, anti-same sex unions, against ordaining LGBTQ persons See sexuality as a moral issue based solely on literal, eternal, immutable word/law of God – support Biblical literalism

  13. Beliefs – Evangelicals, etc. (typically) Understanding & application of Scripture based on 2,000 yrs of Christian tradition Only Male & Female created by God (Heterosexual relations) No theological basis for psychological identity other than one’s birth sex, do not support sex change

  14. Beliefs – Evangelicals, etc. (typically) Bible is inerrant, including scientific & historical information Marriage is sanctioned by God – joins one man and one woman, sole context for sexual intimacy God’s design for living prohibits certain acts . . . Same sex sexual behavior Failure to follow God’s law brings punishment & retribution

  15. Beliefs – Evangelicals, etc. (typically) Efforts to go against God’s word/law means changing the rules to meet society’s dictates Others (Progressives) are biblically illiterate & therefore subject to changing theology as society changes Values grounded Biblically & inspired by generations of faithful Christians Church rules show our covenant with each other – all must be accountable

  16. 1950’s to Present: Religious Factions Began to Organize - Progressives Definitions - Progressives, Liberals, Reconciling, Modernists, Affirming Generally pro-choice, support same sex unions, favor ordaining LGBTQ persons See Biblical interpretation through philosophical, historical, scientific, and cultural lenses

  17. Beliefs – Progressives, etc. (typically) Support Biblical criticism – not critical of truths, but use analytical methods to ‘critique’ the data at hand Growing evidence that sexual orientation is not a choice Sexuality is non-binary, a spectrum Modern concepts in science, biology, genetics must apply to our view of human sexuality

  18. Beliefs – Progressives, etc. (typically) Loving, faithful homosexual relations of today were not an option in Biblical times - “clobber passages do not apply” Sexual misconduct in the Bible is not limited to same sex relations – heterosexual misconduct prevalent Efforts to change one’s sexual orientation do not work & usually cause harm

  19. Beliefs – Progressives, etc. (typically) Book of Discipline’s language – “sexual intimacy to be expressed only in a marriage between a man and a woman” – should be changed Marriage not defined by gender, but by covenantal values (sacredness, fidelity, permanency and monogamy) Wrong for Bk/Discipline to list “being a self-avowed practicing homosexual, conducting homosexual unions, or performing same-sex weddings” as immoral

  20. These Developments Come to Church Hope United Methodist Church October 27, 2019

  21. Developments in UMC - Basic Premise Evangelicals & Progressives agree on the authority of the Scriptures – God’s truth revealed over the ages Agree that God is love, but disagree whether love conquers punishment - retribution Agree each side believes their interpretation of the Scripture is valid Disagree on interpretation of Scriptures relating to human sexuality

  22. Developments in UMC General Conference – legislative body of the world-wide church meets every 4 years 1956 full ordination for women allowed 1968 United Methodist Church formed, no longer segregated congregations –sexuality not addressed Commission formed to report to Gen Conf. in 1972 revising social principles and develop a stance on human sexuality

  23. Developments in UMC In 1972 paragraph on Human Sexuality added after chaotic sessions at Gen Conf. – report was amended, portions deleted, new language added, now known as “incompatibility clause” “. . . Though we do not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider this teaching incompatible with Christian doctrine . . “ Admittedly based on fear – primarily homosexual men would prey on younger men/boys

  24. Developments in UMC After intense lobbying, the incompatibility clause was affirmed - 1976 By 1980 original fears abated but UMC sought a moral stance – Incompatibility clause remained, ban on gay ordination defeated Social Principles as guidelines, not legally binding – confusion ensued, some conferences defrocked gay ministers, others ordained them 1984 language added “self-avowed, practicing gays & lesbians prohibited from all steps of ordination”

  25. Developments in UMC 1988 the incompatibility clause softened - “We affirm God’s grace is available to all. We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons” 1992 – Study on homosexuality reported, added language regarding gay rights under the law, but no change to prior language. Officiating a same sex marriage left to pastor’s discretion 1996 Officiating or using church property for same sex marriage prohibited – church trials followed for ministers

  26. Developments in UMC 2004 Evangelicals/Conservatives threatened to propose an amicable split, but sensing the Gen. Conf did not support it, backed off 2008, 2012, 2016 Gen. Confs – the opposing sides continued to clash – incompatibility clause remained 2016 Gen. Conf formed study group to bring forth new ways for United Methodists to exist together despite the differences

  27. Developments in UMC Special Gen. Conf called for 2019 to consider ways forward Traditional Plan approved, reinforced current language, strengthened enforcement for violations and provided a process for leaving 2020 Gen Conf to consider plans to stay together or split into separate churches

  28. Developments in UMC 2020 Gen. Conf. delegate breakdown 55.9% US (approx. 62% in SE & SoCentral) 32% Africa 6% Philippines 4.6% Europe and rest from concordat churches affiliated with UMC. Compared to 2019, US lost delegates, Africa gained 18 & Philippines gained 2

  29. Questions? Hope United Methodist Church October 27, 2019

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