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Meeting of the Management of Statistical Information System (MSIS 2014). Innovation – Open Data Initiative of Government of India – Fostering Innovations, Creating Opportunities. by B.N. Satpathy, Chairman, Oversight Committee, NDSAP, Planning Commission
Meeting of the Management of Statistical Information System (MSIS 2014) Innovation – Open Data Initiative of Government of India – Fostering Innovations, Creating Opportunities by B.N. Satpathy, Chairman, Oversight Committee, NDSAP, Planning Commission A.K. Chanana, Sr. Technical Director, NIC & Data Controller, Planning Commission Government of India (Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 April, 2014)
Evidence-based Planning of socio-economic development processes rely on quality data There is a general need to facilitate sharing and utilization of the large amount of data generated and residing among the entities of the Government of India Potential value of data collected or developed through public funds, could be better realized when made publicly available There has been an increasing demand by the community, that data collected with the deployment of public funds should be made more readily available, free of cost to public itself NDSAP was formulated through an extensive process of consultation. It was gazette notified on 17th March, 2012 National Data Sharing & Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)
National Data Sharing & Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) • NDSAP aims at the promotion of a technology-based culture of data management with state-of-the art data warehouse and data archieve with online visualisation • NDSAP aims to provide an enabling provision and platform for providing proactive and open access to government data with use of innovative tools • Open Government Data (OGD) Platform has been set up to provide access to datasets published by different government entities in open format. • NDSAP is applicable to • All sharable non-sensitive data, available either in digital or analog forms but generated using public funds • All Ministries/Departments/Subordinate offices/organizations/ agencies of Government of India
NDSAP Implementation – Key Stakeholders • Ministry/ Departments/ Offices/ Organisations • Started with the following - • To Nominate Nodal Officer (as Data Controller) • To Contribute 5 high value datasets in next 3 months • To Define Negative List • To Contribute rest of datasets within a year in schedule manner • To Manage their Open Data Programme
NDSAP Implementation – Present Status • Data Portal is live at http://data.gov.in • More than 70 Data Controllers nominated • About 7,056 resources in 2,874 catalogues from 66 Ministries/ Departments (as on 12th April, 2014) • Viewed 1.19 M times, 445,767 downloads by 39,313 registered users and 4.6 M visitors • Workshop held for data Controllers from time to time to motivate • Implementation Guidelines : • Guidelines Drafted by NIC, a department under Ministry • Reviewed by Intra Ministerial Taskforce • Discussed issues in Data Controller Workshop • First Version of Guidelines circulated to all departments
Implementation Statistics on India’s Data Portal Total Datasets - 7,056 Catalogues - 2,874 Departments Participating - 66 States Participating - 07 Visualisation - 170 APPs - 25 Departments Participating - 07 Datasets contributed by Planning Commission – 915 (as on 12th April, 2014)
Number of Datasets in Various Formats Total No. of Catalogues : 2,872
Total No. of Datasets : 915 Total Datasets : 915
Big Data & India’s Datasets Every day, on an average, we create 2.5 quintillion (2.5*1030) bytes of data — so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. This data comes from everywhere: sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals to name a few. This data is “big data.” Simple Computation : How much time to just transfer There is huge volume of data in the world. Need to - • Understand and navigate data sources • Manage & store huge volume of any data • Structure and control data • Analyze unstructured data • Integrate and govern all data sources with data quality lifecycle management
India’s Open Data Initiative Success Story • To strengthen the Open Government Data Initiative of India - • Spread awareness in the community ranging from developers, researchers to people from start-ups and industries • To further accelerate, India has opened Innovation Hubs at big cities to provide a platform for student community to convert their ideas and create Apps from the huge data from the portal itself into tangible form for applications in daily life • Use SMAC, short for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, the latest buzzword. These techniques cannot be ignored because they are changing the way IT will be consumed in the years to come • Use the ecosystem of service providers and rising technical base of talented users with mobile and social connections • Smart phones can now be used to collect data in Big Data, make use of Big Data analytic initiatives
India’s Open Data Initiative Success Story • India’s Open Data Initiative has fostered innovations and created new opportunities,. All we require is the will and the commitment to use data for transforming governance • India’s Open Data Initiative has created data on all sectors of economy in the public domain so that research community, software developers, public community, innovators can make use of it in generating APPs, do research, make publications. It has created opportunities for all • India’s Open data Initiative & National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) have been made a platform to facilitate this engagement and collaboration with domain experts, stakeholders and key participants to create an innovation movement in India • Our datasets in the portal are one of the sub-set of big data • Data is the new oil – we have to learn how to mine it; data is a food – we have to learn how to digest it. It is the data, every individual has to innovate. India’s Open Data Initiative will definitely takes data’s “innovation forward”
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