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TECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SECTOR HANDBOOK. Leadership Practices Presentation of Operations
Leadership Practices Presentation of Operations Operations idea: The Technical and Environmental Sector creates the basic preconditions for the city’s sustainable development and for a standard of living, entrepreneurship and other life in the city acceptable for the residents and customers. Tasks: Taking care of city planning, other land use planning and city zoning, managing the streets and other public areas development and maintenance, environmental protection and environmental health protection, building inspection as well as managing, developing and maintaining offices. Resources: The starting point for the operations and the quality of the results are employees capable of working. Operations environment: The Technical and Environmental Sector is a part of the city management organisation and the Lahti Conglomerate that, in addition to the central administration and two other sectors, consists of a number of limited companies, other judicially independent associations and foundations.
Basic Values We have named the issues that most guide our actions. These are our basic values. Our first value is satisfied residents and inhabitants. We gather the opinions of the residents and customers regarding our opinions by means of regular polls and their specific analysis. The service point located at the street level of the city office building has been established to assist the residents and inhabitants in taking care of their official business. Our second value is staff capable of working. We wish to develop our employees’ physical, psychological and social wellbeing, expertise, a positive attitude and good working motivation, clarity of responsibilities and objectives, leadership and interaction. We conduct regular working capacity evaluations. Our third value is sustainably developing Lahti. This value contains the living environment viewpoint and the life cycle thinking. The decisions we make shall benefit also the future residents of Lahti.
Technical and Environmental Sector Quality Policy: We are in charge of city planning, construction and maintenance as well as official healthcare and environmental protection and the official building inspection tasks. The objective with our operations is retaining Lahti a popular place to live and do business. For us, quality means a proven correlation between the actions, the results and the set objectives. This requires cooperation between the customers, the residents, the decision-makers, the other administrative sectors of the city and the state central administration. Good quality requires that the sustainable development viewpoint and awareness of the current state of our environment are taken into account in all of our actions. We can retain the good quality by carefully planning our actions based on facts and the objectives, by identifying and eliminating possible errors in advance and by continuously developing our evaluation method for the results. The basis for our good quality is cooperation between the management and the staff, retaining of the working capacity and supporting the development of our cooperation partners. We are all responsible for the quality. Our operations system is a tool for continuous improvement. We monitor functionality of the system by regular auditing.
Technical and Environmental Sector Environmental Policy: The nature in the city and the constructed environment are important resources. The Technical and Environmental Sector carries a large share of the responsibility for retaining these resources. The starting point for our operations is securing clean groundwater and air as well as improving the efficiency of the utilisation of energy. The results of these actions will have impacts for a long time in the future. The actions of the sector must reconcile many, often conflicting expectations. The objective is to find solutions that are sustainable from the viewpoint of the nature and from that of the society. The objective is sustainable vitality: a functional, pleasant, healthy and safe city and its surroundings. The environmental expertise of the staff is increased by offering training. It is important that each unit and employee understands their responsibility for the good living environment. The solutions emphasise a good, ecologically functional living environment. We strive to reduce the environmental load. We favour environmentally friendly materials and technology. We save the natural resources. We reduce the amount of waste created. The environmental management system is being developed as a part of the sector’s operations system.
Responsibilities and Authorisation The following key figures describe the management and supervision responsibility of the sector: - ca. 410,000 m² of offices - ca. 400 km of streets and ca. 100 km of separate light traffic routes - ca. 370 ha of parks and ca. 130 playgrounds - ca. 5,400 ha of forests and fields - ca. 8600 ha of land and water areas - ca. 6,450 city planned areas - 890 ha of rental plots and land areas; 3,750 lease agreements - 200 environmental protection supervision sites (companies required to acquire a permit) - 1,300 health control inspections / year - 1,000 supervised construction projects / year The sector operates independently within the framework set forth by regulations approved by the City Council and the annual financial and operational objectives set forth by the Council. Responsibility is widely distributed within the sector. In addition to the profit centre managers, decisions are made by 34 officials and employees.
Managing Operations System The Technical and Environmental Sector handbook presents the starting points for our operations as well as our customers, products, staff, organisation and core processes. The handbook also describes how we share our responsibility between various persons and groups as well as how our operations system is developed and maintained. The Technical and Environmental Sector conventions are the “covering part” of our operations system. Divided into the units, they describe what the sector policies mean in the units or what the policies require from the units as well as also includes operations instructions with stage-by-stage definition of responsibilities and references to the working instructions where the realisation method is described, whenever necessary. There is a link or reference to the required forms in the operations instructions. The operations system has not been developed for certification. However, standards ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 have been used as an aid in creating the system. The idea behind the system is in accordance with the EFQM model.
TECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SECTOR SECTOR MANAGER TIMO AHONEN PERMISSION AND LAHTI REGION - TECHNICAL BOARD SUPERVISION DEPT. ENVIR. BOARD BUILDING CONTROL LAHTI REGION MUNICIPAL ENGI- - MANAGEMENT PREMISES CENTRE LAND USE NEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERV. Traffic system Street management planning Office premise manag Management support Area use planning Building counselling . Environmental protection Board and legal services Real estate manag. and supervision Real estate building Map and location data service Nature conservation - . Construction , - mainte Financial and HR manag Building permits Managing waterways nance and management IT management Land management of other public areas and nature Building inspections Measuring and terrain Information service Parking supervision research Health protection Hollola, Lahti, Nastola research and communi- Veterinary services cations Administration Manager Office Manager Muni. Eng. Manager Land Use Manager Building Control Man. Environmental Manager Jouko Seppälä Jouko Oravisjärvi Jorma Vaskelainen Veli - Pekka Toivonen Raimo Luukka Kari Porra Organisation The Technical and Environmental Sector organisational structure and the most important persons in charge of various issues are presented in the table below.
Legal requirements The sector management supervises that the operations follow all laws, statutes, regulations of the authorities and other regulations. The sector lawyer and building lawyer monitor changes made in legislation and other regulations and inform the persons in charge of any changes. The QM database includes operations instructions No 1114 Important legislation applicable for the sphere of responsibilities of the sector where the legislation concerning the sector has been listed and described.
Monitoring, measuring and results of operations The City Council approves the operational and financial objectives in the City Budget. In accordance with the Finnish Municipality Act, also operational objectives are defined as absolute. The City Council approved the City Budget for 2007 on 27 November 2006. Technical and Environmental Sector operational objectivesfor 2007 divided into the units. The sector participates in compilation of the Lahti Environmental Report and the Lahti Environmental Balance Sheet. The annual Balance Sheet describes realisation of the City Environmental Policy and includes a verbal report, environmental key figures and a chapter describing environmental investments. It is complemented by the Environmental Report that is published once every four years.
Auditing, surveys and mapping The operations system is evaluated by means of audits. The audits show whether the plans and promises have been realised in practice and whether the current practices will lead to the desired results or whether we should revise the plan or the practices. The audits also offer information needed in development of our operations. We conduct annual internal audits in accordance with the audit plan. The observations made are gathered in a report. The development plans are made and any noted faults corrected based on these reports. The annual Management reviewpresents a summary of the audits as well as evaluates the operations system and realisation of the policies when compared to the objectives. All auditing and management review documentations are entered into the QM quality monitoring database.
The sector’s environmental programme includes objectives and actions of the various units that are to be realised in the next few years. Furthermore, the programme includes a decision-making worksheet. Resident surveys and feedback The satisfaction of the residents with the services provided by the sector is regularly measured by surveys sent by post or published on the web. The resident survey results are reviewed every year in the Management Review. The review compiles actions in order to increase the satisfaction and monitors the impacts of actions taken. All resident reclamations are gathered and an answer is sent to all.