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This resource emphasizes the importance of monitoring road safety treatments post-implementation to assess effectiveness, minimize accidents, and improve safety outcomes, covering various monitoring techniques and factors to consider for comprehensive evaluation.
Monitoring and program evaluation Hossein Naraghi CE 590 Special Topics Safety June 2003 Time spent:9 hrs
The need fro monitoring • Monitoring is systematic collection of data about the performance of road safety treatments after their implementation • The effectiveness of treatment can be assessed • Post-implementation monitoring is essential to ascertain the effects of a treatment • Improve the accuracy and confidence of predictions of that treatment’s effectiveness in subsequent applications
The need fro monitoring (continued) • Monitoring is important to ensure that a particular treatment has not led to a significant increase in accidents • The road safety engineer has a duty to ensure that the public does not experiencing additional hazard as a result of treatments • The Institution of Highways and Transportation defines the purpose of monitoring as follow • Assess the effects of crash occurrence in relation to safety objectives
The need fro monitoring (continued) • Assess the effects on distribution of traffic and speeds of motor vehicle • Call attention to any unintended effects on traffic movement or accident occurrence • Assess the effect of treatment on the local environment • Find out about the public response to the treatment in terms of its acceptability in general and people’s concern about safety in particular
The need fro monitoring (continued) • The County Surveyors’ Society 1991 suggests three ways for monitoring a site • Pay careful attention to a site immediately after treatment • In case things go badly wrong • Assess the effect over a longer time period • About three years to determine the influence of treatment on crashes or other performance measures • This needs careful statistical analysis to correct for external factors
The need fro monitoring (continued) • Focus on the accident types which the treatment was intended to correct • Assess whether these have in fact declined • Monitoring and evaluation is meaningful if • there has been a clear statement of objectives of the treatment • A prediction of its effects • A logical link between treatment and its effects • Monitoring should apply to all accident investigation and prevention work
The need fro monitoring (continued) • Road safety treatments potentially affect the following parameters which need to be monitored • The number and type of crashes • The severity of crashes • The distribution of crashes over the road network • Traffic flows and travel times • Turning movements and delays at intersections • Access times and distances within residential areas • Route taken by motorists, cyclists and pedestrians • Operation of buses
The need fro monitoring (continued) • A comprehensive monitoring practice should involve all these effects • Since crashes are relatively rare event, it may take a very long time to acquire a statistically reliable sample, which makes monitoring difficult • This can be partially overcome by the use of proxy measures such as • Traffic conflict measures • Indirect measures • Insurance company claim record • Emergency service records • Ambulance, hospital admission • Tow truck records
The need fro monitoring (continued) • Resources devoted to monitoring in most agencies are limited • Resources should be devoted directly to development and implementation of treatments which have been prioritized and shown to have potential for crash reduction rather than monitoring exercises • We should admit that our understanding of safety effectiveness of road safety engineering treatments is limited and in many cases rests on shaky foundation
The need fro monitoring (continued) • This point comprehensively argued by Hauer 1988, who says that • “the level of safety built into roads is largely unpremeditated. Standards and practices have evolved without a foundation of knowledge. At times the safety consequences of engineering decisions are not known, at others some knowledge exists but not used.”
Monitoring techniques • The essence of monitoring is to measure what is happening in the real world. There are several experimental challenges in doing this • There may be changes in road environment • Change in speed limit • Change in traffic flow • Change in abutting land uses • Change in traffic control • Since crashes are rare and randomly occurring events, there will be year by year fluctuations which have nothing to do with the treatment being analyzed
Monitoring techniques (continued) • It is necessary to monitor all significant factors which might affect the outcome • If two variables are systematically related and both are measured, it will not be possible to reliably isolate their independent effects • Statistical correlation does not necessary imply logical correlation • Ensure a linkage between the treatment being monitored and the change in performance measure • Seasonal factors must be taken into account
Monitoring techniques (continued) • It would be incorrect to compare the summer (before) accident record with the winter (after) accident record if one was trying to assess the effect of skid-resistance • Accident reporting levels may change over time, and there may be inconsistencies in accident data which need to be considered • There may be a long term trend in crash occurrence, therefore changes over time in the rate of crashes at a site may merely reflect global trends • It is usually necessary to use some form of control group and compare crashes at the site with those at the control site
Monitoring techniques (continued) • There are four ways that the evaluation of the effect of a road safety treatment can be done • Controlled experimentation • All other factors held constant except the factor whose effect is being investigated • This approach is rarely applicable in road safety engineering, because in the real world it is not possible to hold everything constant • Before and after studies • Comparisons using control sites • Time trend comparisons
Before and after studies • Is the simplest and least satisfactory method because of the lack of control of extraneous factors and essentially involves • Determining in advance the relevant objectives (e.g. accident types intended to be affected) and the corresponding evaluation criteria (e.g. accident frequency, accident rate) • Monitoring the site to obtain numerical values for these criteria before and after treatment • Comparing the before and after results • Considering whether there are other plausible explanations for the change and correct them
Before and after studies (continued) • Any before and after study, usually relies on pre-existing data • This underlies the need for systematic on-going data collection, so the effect of changes can be monitored routinely • Statistical analysis of data should be carefully undertaken with regard to accuracy of data • It will be helpful to consider more than just changes in accident frequency of the particular accident type • It may also be useful to check the changes in the 85 percentile values, variance, skew, etc
Before and after studies (continued) • For any formal before and after study to be statistically valid, a reasonable period of time must be considered to obtain a sufficient sample • While one year may be considered a minimum analysis period, three years is generally regarded as a reasonable period for trends to be established and a sufficiently large sample obtained • Nicholson (1987) recommended 5 years for statistical confidence
Comparisons using control sites • The problem of before and after study is that it takes no account for changes across the network as a whole • This can be overcome by using the control sites • There are two variations using control sites • Using control group which are randomly selected • A controlled experiment by selecting several candidate sites foe a particular treatment in advance
Comparisons using control sites (continued) • Then they are randomly split into two groups • All sites in the first group and no sites in the second group are treated • The objective here is to make control and treatment groups equal in all factors except for the execution of treatment • Two groups do not need to be of equal size, but they must satisfy sample size requirements • This method is powerful as an investigation tool • It is of limited validity for most applications in roads safety engineering • There will barely be the opportunity to conduct a controlled experiment of this nature
Comparisons using control sites (continued) • Using selected comparison groups • Involves a before and after study • The result of before and after study will be compared with the result of the control site • The process involves: • Specifying the objectives in advance • Identifying a set of control sites • No remedial work have been or intended to be introduced • Monitoring both the treated and control sites before and after treatment to obtain numerical values
Comparisons using control sites (continued) • Comparing the before and after results at both the treated and control sites • Considering if there other plausible explanations for the changes and correct them if possible • Selection of control sites is very important in this process and should satisfy the following criteria: • Be similar to treated sites in general characteristics • Network configuration • Geometric standards • Land use
Comparisons using control sites (continued) • Socio-economic characteristics • Enforcement practices, etc • Be geographically close • Have similar traffic flows • Not affected by treatment at the test site • Not be treated in any way in the period of before and after study • Have crash record which are consistent in both collection criteria and coding covering the period of study • A useful device is simply graph the number of crash after against the number crash before treatment at both test & control sites (Figure 17.1 page 444)
Time trend comparison • This method involves the development of a model to estimate the trend of accident over time which involves the following process: • Identifying the objectives in advance and the corresponding analysis criteria • Obtaining data on each criteria for an extended period of time • Developing a model based on the before period • Comparing projections based upon the model for after period with the measured criteria for that period • Identifying if there are other plausible explanations for the changes and correct them
Time trend comparison (continued) • This method is useful where substantial countermeasure has been produced at a given point in time • Limited application in road safety engineering, since it is very difficult to control for all variables in real world analysis • Analytical power of this approach has been much extended by the development of log-linear models
Analysis of accident statistics • Three main applications of statistical testing in the area of road safety engineering are as follow: • Comparison of crash frequencies • A chi-squared test is suitable • Or a paired t-test if the distribution of crashes can be assumed to be normal • Comparison of crash rates • A paired t-test is appropriate • Comparison of proportions • A z-test is suitable (See table 17.1 page 447)
Analysis of accident statistics (continued) • Poisson distribution is a very simple test for calculating probabilities • Can be used in determining whether a specific crash frequency is within the bounds of normal year by year fluctuations • Methodological issues • There are four important methodological issues • Regression to the mean • Accident migration • Risk compensation • Sample size determination
Regression to mean • Over a period of time, if there are no changes in physical or traffic characteristics at a site, annual crashes at that site tend to fluctuate about the mean value due to the random nature of crash occurrence • Since the selected sites for treatment are based on their ranking in number of crashes compare to all other sites, there is a high possibility that sites will be chosen when their crash count is higher than long term average • The crash rates at these sites is likely to experience a lower rate in the following year even without implementing any treatment
Regression to mean (continued) • This aspect of crash experience need to be concerned in after implementation analysis of a safety treatment • Since this phenomenon is present, the impact of treatment will be exaggerated • Regression to mean may exaggerate the effect of a treatment from 5-30 percent • Since our knowledge of safety effects of treatment built up from the results of this kind of studies, therefore there is a tendency to over-state the effectiveness of road and traffic engineering treatment
Regression to mean (continued) • This sometimes called “bias by selection” (Hauer 1980) • Analysts are responsible to separate the real benefits from a particular treatment from the changes due to regression to mean phenomenon • The problem can be substantially minimized by increasing the number of years of data used in the site selection process • This does not solve the problem entirely • It is not always expedient to wait for several years before conducting an evaluation exercise
Regression to mean (continued) • To correct for regression to mean phenomenon, the true underlying accident rate should be estimated • There are two common approaches • Model the accident situation in order to estimate the true underlying accident rate and then based the evaluation on the model not the raw accident data • Multi-variate modeling approach developed by Hauer (1983, 1992) • Adjust the data to correct for biases using assumptions about the statistical distribution of accidents year by year
Regression to mean (continued) • Multi-variate modeling approach which extends the Empirical Bayes model to allow “unsafety” to be estimated when a large reference population does not exist • The model can be described as follows: • If XB and XA are respectively the accident frequencies observed before and after treatment at a site which prior to treatment had an underlying mean accident frequency m, then the treatment effect, t is given by: t = XA / m And the regression to the mean effect, r by: r = m / XB
Regression to mean (continued) • If regression to the mean effects are ignored it is assumed that m = XB however, rather than using data for study site itself to estimate m, the Empirical Bayes approach uses the following expression m = a + bxB
Accident migration • The assumption here is that accidents may increase at sites surrounding the treated site due to changes in trip pattern or driver’s assessment of risk • A study in a sample of sites in London show that accident at the treated sites fell by 22%, but accident in the surrounding street increased by 10% • The effect of remedial measure for this phenomenon is to relocate the accidents not to reduce them • A statistical explanation for this phenomenon showing that there is a spatial correlation between accident frequencies at adjacent or nearby sites, so use of neighboring sites as control sites leads to bias
Risk compensation • Road users adjust their behavior as they perceive the road system • One factor that affect the behavior is perception of risk • If the the road is perceived as more hazardous then drivers may respond accordingly • Reducing speed in icy condition • Some of the additional road safety provided as a result of road safety treatment is used up by drivers behaving in a more risky manner • To make sense of the risk notion in the context of road safety engineering, it is important to distinguish between objective and subjective risks
Risk compensation (continued) • Objective risk • Perceived risk • Subjective risk • What affects behavior • A road safety treatment may • Reduce the objective risk and increase the subjective risk • e.g. set of traffic signals both alerts drivers to the hazard presented by the intersection and moderating the hazard by separating conflicting streams of traffic • Increase subjective risk alone • e.g. warning sign effectiveness depends entirely on driver response
Risk compensation (continued) • Reduce the objective risk alone • e.g. skid resistance pavements are not usually discernible to the driver • Reduce both objective risk and subjective risk • e.g. improved road geometry, improved sight distance, grade separation, etc • It is only in this category that risk compensation could be a factor, in other categories there is either no change in subjective risk or an increase in it • Any road design change which reduces the subjective risk should also reduce the objective risk to at least the same extent, otherwise the road user will have a tendency to respond inappropriately
Sample size determination • The smaller the change in accident at any site, the larger is the sample necessary to determine the statistical significance • In evaluating a countermeasure, the analyst must use either a longer time period or a larger number of sites • The sample size required depends on • The effect that analyst seek to detect • e.g. whether the treatment is expected to decrease accidents by 10%, 20%, 50% or so on • The probability of detecting a real effect • The level of significance
Sample size determination (continued) • All feasible combinations of these three factors will produce a multitude of outcomes (see table 17.2 page 463)