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DEVELOPING AN INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY USING GREENSTONE DIGITAL LIBRARY (GSDL) SOFTWARE. O. Seshaiah, Librarian PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science Kavali – 524 201, A.P. E-mail:oseshu@rediffmail.com Ch. Veeraanjaneyulu , Librarian

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  1. DEVELOPING AN INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY USING GREENSTONE DIGITAL LIBRARY (GSDL) SOFTWARE O. Seshaiah, Librarian PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science Kavali – 524 201, A.P. E-mail:oseshu@rediffmail.com Ch. Veeraanjaneyulu, Librarian Geethanjali Institute of Technology & Science, Gangavaram Nellore (Dt.), A.P.

  2. Introduction This is an age of information explosion. Its impact on library and information centres is profound. With the growing number of e-resources, it has become imperative for information professional to redefine their role in disseminating information to the users

  3. Institutional Repository is a new concept for collecting, managing, disseminating and preserving scholarly works created in digital form by faculty and students in individual universities and colleges

  4. Process of Digitization 1. Scanner and Scanning 2. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) 3. Alternatives to OCR Manual retyping Image Files

  5. Creating an Electronic Collection Greenstone Digital Library Software

  6. Software Requirement • Windows with IIS • Java 2 Runtime Environment • Web Browser • ImageMagick • GSDL 2.70

  7. Steps for Installation of Software • Install the Java 2 Runtime Environment (latest version). • After installing J2RE, go for GSDL folder choose setup gsdl 2.70. • The Install Shield Wizard will begin the installation of GSDL software. Click <next>. • Accept all the terms of license agreement by clicking on <yes> button. • Choose setup Language. English (US)is the default. • Choose the type of installation (Local Library). • Set the admin password.

  8. Building Collection The Librarian Interface The Collector Building from the Command line

  9. Greenstone Librarian Interface • Creation of New Collection • Selection Metadata • Gathering • Enrich • Design • Create

  10. Creation of New Collection

  11. Selection Metadata

  12. Gathering

  13. Enrich

  14. Design

  15. Create

  16. Collection Preview

  17. Different Collections

  18. Conclusion This is the age of information explosion. It demands institutional Librarians to organize and provide right information to the right user at the right time.

  19. Thank You

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