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Genetics Practice with Charlie Sheen and Smurfs

Explore genetics through an intriguing scenario involving Charlie Sheen's "tiger blood" gene and Smurfs' skin color inheritance. Punnett squares illustrate how traits are passed down in families. Write an essay updating Mendel on modern genetic discoveries since his time.

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Genetics Practice with Charlie Sheen and Smurfs

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  1. Practice! Charlie Sheen claims to have “tiger blood”. Neither his mother nor father have this characteristic. His brother, Emilio, also does not seem to be affected. Draw aPunnettsquare showing how the gene for “tiger blood” may have been inherited in this family.

  2. What is Charlie’s genotype for “tiger blood”? • What are the chances that Emilio could be a carrier for “tiger blood”? • PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: DO NOT DO DRUGS!

  3. In smurfs, blue skin is the wildtype. A mutant smurf has green skin and marries a blue skinned smurf. Four of their five children have green skin. Show a Punnett square of skin color inheritance in smurfs.

  4. Which skin color allele can you predict is the dominant allele? • What is the genotype of the green skinned smurf?

  5. Write an essay explaining to Mendel what we have discovered about inheritance since he presented his research. Mendel knows about the laws of segregation and independent assortment. Given what you know about how genetic information is passed from parents to gametes to offspring give him an elaboration of his theories.

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