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Righteousness Inside-Out. Mt 5:27-30: Adultery. You have heard that it was said, “You shall not commit adultery” Now I am saying to you that Everyone who looks at a woman towards the goal of lusting after her has already adulterated her in his heart. Ex 20:14, Dt 5:17. Adultery.
Mt 5:27-30: Adultery You have heard that it was said, “You shall not commit adultery” Now I am saying to you that Everyone who looks at a woman towards the goal of lusting after her has already adulterated her in his heart. Ex 20:14, Dt 5:17
Adultery • Adultery is a sin that an individual can commit! • The woman who has been “adulterated” is not necessarily party to the sin, though she can be. • What would be viewed as a physical transgression is moved again to the heart of man. • The point of sin is the motivation for the act. • Looking at a woman is not a sin. • Looking at her in order to lust after her is a sin. • You can be perfectly “clean” physically and yet rotten to the core. • And though you have made mistakes both mentally and physically, you can be “cleansed from all unrighteousness.”
Mt 5:27-28: Adultery 27You have heard that it was said, “You shall not commit adultery” 28Now I am saying to you that Everyone who looks at a woman towards the goal of lusting after her has already adulterated her in his heart.
A Tough Remedy... 29Now if your right eye causes you to stumble (SKANDALIZW), tear it out and throw it from you; FOR it is profitable to you that one of your members be destroyed, and the entirety of your body not be thrown in Gehenna!
...Repeated! 30And if your right hand causes you to stumble (SKANDALIZW), hack it off and throw it from you! FOR it is profitable for you that one of your members be destroyed And the entirety of your body not go into Gehenna!
A Literal Interpretation of a FIGURE • Not Self-mutilation. • Not adultery = “I’m going to Hell.” • All are unrighteous. • Adultery begins in the heart. • The remedy for the inward sin is portrayed by the remedy of outward sin: removal of the cause of the offense. • How can you remove the heart, the real cause of sin? • Practical advice: Separate from the “cause” of sin...
Put nothing before your eyes or hands that tempts you to sin! • Maybe gambling • Maybe drinking • Probably entertainment • But this separation from external temptation does not address the heart of the problem. • We need HELP! Jer 17:9 • In other words, you are going to Gehenna whether you have physically committed adultery or not. • The only solution to our unrighteousness is the gift of God’s Righteousness.
Mt 5:27-30: Adultery You have heard that it was said, “You shall not commit adultery” Now I am saying to you that Everyone who looks at a woman towards the goal of lusting after her has already adulterated her in his heart. Ex 20:14, Dt 5:17
Let’s Do Some Theology • Q: What is lust? • A: Desire for something you should not have. • Therefore it is a mental attitude sin. • Q: Why do we have it? • A: The Fall—our Old Sin Nature supplies us with plenty of lust. • Q: Were we not created with the capacity for desire?
Lust in Man’s Corrupt Nature Desire Desire SIN
Biblical Anthropology • We were made to desire God. Prov 8-9 • Yet now our desires tend towards sin: Matt 5:27-30, Jer 17:9, Gen 11, etc. • What was given to us as a capacity for worshiping God is now corrupted as a desire for self-gratification. • Desire for rapport with God has been replaced in the “natural man” with lust for self-promotion. • So now the only real promotion of man—fellowship with God—has been cut off by man’s efforts to promote himself! • This is the irony of the sin nature. • Summary: What you really want is not always what you “feel like.” What you really want is what God wants for you.
Matt 5:31-32 31Now it was said, ‘Whoever sends his wife away, let him give her a certificate of divorce’; 32and so I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of porneia, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Divorce in Jesus’ Day • A cultural problem • A rabbinical argument • An abuse of Deuteronomy 24
Divorce In Any Time • Viewed by its impact on the other person. • There is no biblical justification for casual divorce. • Physical intimacy is what Biblically unites a marriage... • ...so physical intimacy is what breaks a marriage. • THERE IS NO PHYSICAL INTIMACY OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE • The physical act of adultery is the ONLY biblical ground for divorce.
Marriage in Any Time • Mt 19 • Jesus goes back to Genesis 2 (literally)! • Marriage is the third great blessing to mankind in Genesis. • Life • Work • Wife • Marriage is NOT as much about you as it is about God.