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ORDER OF QUESTIONS FOR HIGHER TIER. Question 1 refers to the first source, called Item 1 Will test the candidates’ ability to retrieve information and ideas from the source text. This question addresses Assessment Objective AO2,i.
ORDER OF QUESTIONS FOR HIGHER TIER Question 1 refers to the first source, called Item 1 • Will test the candidates’ ability to retrieve information and ideas from the source text. • This question addresses Assessment Objective AO2,i. Question 2 refers to the second of the sources, called Item 2 • Will test candidates’ ability to understand and interpret presentational features such as headline, sub-headline, pictures and captions from the source text. • This question addresses AO2,iii . Question 3 refers to the third source, called Item 3 • Will test the candidates’ ability to understand and interpret meaning in the source text. • This question addresses AO2,i. Question 4 refers to the third source, Item 3, together with one of the other sources chosen by the candidate. • Will test the candidates’ ability to compare the effectiveness of language used by the writers in the source texts. • This question addresses AO2,iii and AO2,i.
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IN THE READING TIME? • Identify TAP of texts • Annotate according to what each question will ask.
Q1 - RETRIEVAL Q1: Read Item 1 What do you learn from the article about the X and Y? 8 MARKS 12 MINUTES RETRIEVAL, INTERPRET, PERCEPTIVE CONNECTIONS
Q2 – PRESENTATION Read Item 2 How do the headings and pictures add to the effectiveness of the text? 8 MARKS 12 MINUTES • USE QUOTATIONS • EXPLANATION OF PURPOSE –WHY THE TEXT HAS BEEN WRITTEN • EXPLANATION OF EFFECT ON THE READER
What can we say about the headline and pictures? Remember: Be specific You need to talk about: • Space/ Size • Colour • Font • Detail eg. in the picture
QUESTION 2 EPEE STRUCTURE FOR LAYOUT AND PRESENTATIONAL FEATURES AND HEADLINE EXAMPLE (name the feature and describe in detail what it looks like) The designer uses _______ EVIDENCE POINT THE EFFECT ON THE READER this makes the reader______ wonder... ask themselves... agree.. question... sympathise... fear that... assume that... remember... laugh... worry... trust... realise... feel... shocked sad amused disgusted confused sympathy bamboozled puzzled THE SPECIFIC FEATURES USED TO ACHIEVE THE EFFECT AND WHAT THEY SUGGEST because the ______________________________________ Also the_________________________________________ Furthermore____________________________________ EXPLAIN suggests... evokes... conveys... implies... illustrates... emphasises... highlights... In my opinion the designer wants to (illustrate/emphasise/highlight)the point made in the text that “____________________________.” It is effective/not effective because__________ However_________________ a) WHICH PART OF THE TEXT DOES IT LINK TO? b) HOW EFFECTIVE IS THE FEATURE? (link to audience and purpose) LINK + EVALUATE
Q3 – UNDERSTAND AND INTERPRET MEANING Q3: Now read Item 3 What does the writer think / feel? Explain the emotions in the text. 8 MARKS 12 MINUTES UNDERSTAND AND INTERPRET MEANING, PERCEPTIVE EXPLANATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS You DO NOT have to comment on the effectiveness of presentational or language features
Q4 – LANGUAGE Now look again at Item 3, and either Item 1 or 2. You are going to compare two texts, one of which you have chosen. Compare how the two texts use language to achieve their purpose. Give examples and explain the effect of the language used. 16 MARKS 24 MINUTES • USE QUOTATIONS • EXPLANATION OF PURPOSE –WHY THE TEXT HAS BEEN WRITTEN • EXPLANATION OF EFFECT ON THE READER
ANSWERING Q4 • Compare the TAP of each text. • Compare TONE using TEPE DEPEE (perhaps comparing first sentence of each text) • USE TEPE DEPEE to write about other similarities and differences.
COMPARING TEXTS Topic sentence (linked to question) = Both texts/Item… use(s)….to E = For example, in Item …., when the writer says “………” P = This makes the reader….. (effect on the reader) E = because……Also…..(name feature/s/words and explain effect/s) Discourse marker = Similarly/However item … uses E = For example when the writer says “………” P = This makes the reader….. (effect on the reader) E = because……Also…..(name feature/s/words and explain effect/s) Evaluation – In my opinion… (are the language features used effective?)