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Social Care Housing

Slide 2. Background. Local Government and the Social Services Improvement Agency (SSIA) were looking to revise the role of inspection of services. As a result Torfaen and Wrexham were involved in helping to design and test a new evaluation process from 2009.. Slide 3. Annual Council Reporting Fra

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Social Care Housing

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Slide 1 Social Care & Housing Lisa Beacham

    2. Slide 2 Background Local Government and the Social Services Improvement Agency (SSIA) were looking to revise the role of inspection of services. As a result Torfaen and Wrexham were involved in helping to design and test a new evaluation process from 2009.

    3. Slide 3 Annual Council Reporting Framework (ACRF) New process – Requirement for the ‘Director of Social Services’ to publish an Annual Report. Intended to focus on current performance, outcomes achieved and how services will develop over next 12 months.

    4. Slide 4 Methodology The process still requires us to report on the Domains – such as Access to Services, Care Management & Review. Uses RADAR approach & evidence grids are completed for each specific area.

    5. Slide 5 Each layer of reporting targets different audiences - service users, general public, staff, partners, regulators, members etc. These evidence grids hold considerable detail and therefore are of interest only to a limited group. We recognise that we need another format to support this process to communicate key messages and promote understanding.

    6. Slide 6 Where we are now? Authority approach to outcomes methodology both corporately and developing within our commissioning framework. Representations from OLA’s re how OBA would fit with RADAR approach.

    7. Slide 7 What do we want to do? Streamline our business processes & ensure that we evidence the outcomes of our work at every opportunity. Engage with a wide variety of audiences in a clear and concise manner. Improve general knowledge & understanding of our business. Promote awareness of consequences of decision making.

    8. Slide 8 Recognised that the report card approach would enable us to :- present our position & key influences to reflect our performance identify our planned actions To enable others to challenge.

    9. Slide 9 How are we doing it? Early days in our approach but we are looking to develop a number of report cards both to support ARTC but also everyday business needs Engaging and empowering service managers to consider from their perspectives.

    10. Slide 10 Recognise the need to promote understanding of process and consider all options for use. Providing opportunities for those managers to convey their messages. Already positive engagement and enthusiasm. Preparing early drafts of a number of cards.

    11. Slide 11 Draft Report Card

    12. Slide 12

    13. Slide 13 Issues to date Need to learn from others. Recognise that reports cards, where we are clear of their purpose / messages can support our work. Need to consider audience – different levels Want to keep it simple – uncluttered but understood and readable – size - fit for purpose.

    14. Slide 14 Identifying information that we don’t have – to collect for future. Can link to and use with other business processes e.g. Corporately led Service Improvement Planning (SIPS). Needs time to embed into culture & practice - but will simplify current processes.

    15. Slide 15 Once developed can be used to support budget processes, scrutiny and to develop understanding at all levels. Want them to be living documents. We want to use the information to inform service delivery and improve outcomes for service users.

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