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RICE Status Report

RICE Status Report. 1) Technique & calibration 2) UHE neutrino limits (soon-to-be-released-once-the-mud-wrestling-is-over) 3) Low-scale gravity UL’s 4) RICE-II: Duty now for the future. 17 underice Rx dipoles + 3 surface horn Rx + 5 Tx dipoles 200x200x200 m cube above AMANDA

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RICE Status Report

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  1. RICE Status Report 1) Technique & calibration 2) UHE neutrino limits (soon-to-be-released-once-the-mud-wrestling-is-over) 3) Low-scale gravity UL’s 4) RICE-II: Duty now for the future

  2. 17 underice Rx dipoles + 3 surface horn Rx + 5 Tx dipoles 200x200x200 m cube above AMANDA 200500 MHz bandpass Digital scope DAQ 8.192 us waveform capture/event “Forced”=“Unbiased” triggers to capture background conditions Data-taking since 1999 RICE at a glance

  3. Transmitter Location Reconstruction True (known) Transmitter Depth

  4. Single Channel Absolute Gain Calib. • NWAcableTxRxampcableNWA • antenna + amplifier calibrations • cable (TX, RX) and filter • relative geometry of TX/RX 200-500 MHz: <3 dB (E), Likely better for pulses

  5. Glaciology-n(z) by TxRx t=c/n

  6. Data – surface reflections (03 data)

  7. Bottom echo measures atten Bottom echo visible thru 5.6 km! (20 dB noise reduction [averaging]) Bedrock/2850m

  8. Absorption (Im(eps)) at SP

  9. Ray Tracing

  10. WAVEFORMS:Tx → Rx simulation vs. data:Data bandwidth slightly better than MC prediction MC Simulations simulated data

  11. MC simulations: Angular Resolution +Energy resolution~50% for r<1 km

  12. Generate expected waveforms from nNshower Embed waveforms in “forced” trigger data Sample over course of data-taking Smear MC by timing uncertainty (s~10 ns) Double-counting? Reconstruct with cuts as if data Efficiency~50% Monte Carlo efficiency

  13. Irreducible (thermal) bkgnds – ~50% of triggers when “RF-quiet” Compare vx/vy/vz for 4-hit data vs 4-random time Data more peaked @ cntr Remaining bkgnds: dominantly surface transients

  14. Data Summary – 1999April 2005 Total of ~1.5 yrs. Livetime for current analysis

  15. Old vs. New (corrected ray-tracing + other refinements) effective volume Aside: “The energy has to go somewhere”. Compensating effect of caustics, or after-pulses NOT included in Veff calc.

  16. RICE (2000-2004) BOUNDS ON FLUXES

  17. neutrino 1. PDFs have not been measured in the required (x,Q) range. (10-3>x>10-9) – extrapolate (CTEQ5) into low x-regime 2. Look for anomalous enhancements in neutrino-nucleon cross-section. nucleon Example: Charged current Weak interaction (nu-nucleon) (Q=-|q|)=momentum transfer

  18. Low scale gravity interactions • Assume there are large compact extra dimensions. Only graviton sees these dimensions: • gravity may become strong around electroweak scale (E(c.m.)~ O(1TeV)). Above the mass scale M_D, expect graviton exchangeand microblack hole formation; expect enhancement of the neutrino-nucleon cross-sections. • FREE PARAMETERS: • number of extra dimensions (n); • mass scale (M_D); minimum mass (M_BH0) • required for black hole formation. • => for UHE neutrinos….



  21. Paper release being held up internally pending completion of evaluation of systematic errors: Uncertainty in attenuation length (most corrections drive Latten up) Uncertainty in ray tracing (enhancement due to focusing being studied, although not to be included in results) Smaller: Pattern recognition/vertexing within limits of amplitude and timing uncertainties Transfer function uncertainties

  22. GRB coincidences (BATSE catalog+), Air Shower coincidences using SPASE coincidence trigger, SGR1806 (27 Dec 2004) flare, muon bremstrahlung (your model here)… Next: monopole search: M=1 PeV monopole, g~104 loses ~20 PeV/km via photonuclear and pair production Other things that we didn’t find

  23. RICE-II / Hardware ready for deployment Nov., 2005… RxDAQ hardware scheme

  24. Transient Response Input signal size into OF linkS:kT noise = 3:1 = local trigger requirement

  25. Current Hardware will operate thru 2007 (MAPO elevation) RICERICE-II transition: “When you see a fork in the road, take it”. To get to “next level”, need hardware improvements + bigger footprint (see Justin talk tomorrow on projected neutrino sensitivity improvement). UHE nu+BH results “in the mail”

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