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WG 4: High Power Proton Accelerators

WG 4: High Power Proton Accelerators. S. Holmes, J. Thomason PASI Collaboration Meeting April 3-5, 2013. Agenda. H- Source Development Novel Approaches to High Power Proton Accelerators Diagnostics and Instrumentation PXIE FETS ISIS RF Systems Development SRF Development at Fermilab

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WG 4: High Power Proton Accelerators

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  1. WG 4:High Power Proton Accelerators S. Holmes, J. Thomason PASI Collaboration Meeting April 3-5, 2013

  2. Agenda • H- Source Development • Novel Approaches to High Power Proton Accelerators • Diagnostics and Instrumentation • PXIE • FETS • ISIS • RF Systems Development • SRF Development at Fermilab • SRF Development at Daresbury • Test Facilities • PXIE • FETS • Test Facilities at Daresbury • Beam Dynamics Modeling and High Performance Computing • Linac Modeling/ASTeC • ISIS Upgrade Modeling Joint with WG6 WG6 Report

  3. H- Source Development • Objectives • High current sources to feed high power proton facilities • Status • RFQ upgrade to Fermilab source • FETS development for next generation source • Goal: 60 mA x 2 msec x 50 Hz @ 65 KV • Achieved: 60 mA x 1 msec x 50 Hz • Minimal HV breakdowns

  4. H- Source Developments • Future Opportunities • Cs trapping with elimination of 90o bend • Optical spectroscopy to determine plasma parameters (VESPA) • LEBT chopping

  5. Novel Approaches to High Power Proton Accelerators • Objectives • High intensity proton beams from rings with novel focusing characteristics: • IOTA (Integrable Optics Test Accelerator) • ASTA (Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator) • Status • New approach to very high intensity beams: strong non-linearity Landau damping • Integrable Hamiltonian: stable particle motion at large amplitudes (4D) • Self-consistent space charge? • Simulations promising

  6. (No space-charge)

  7. Novel Approaches to High Power Proton Accelerators • Future Opportunities • What is potential UK interest (IOTA or ASTA)? • JAI to coordinate?: educational mission • Relevance to ISIS upgrade? (Sergei to followup) • Contact with S. Gibson (new JAI appointment/RHUL) • Other areas of interest: electron lens (HiLumi LHC)

  8. Diagnostics and Instrumentation • Objectives • Provide instrumentation for characterization and control of high intensity proton beams • Emphasis on front end (first 0 – 25 MeV) + ISIS • Status • Similar suites of instrumentation under development • Beam current; beam position; beam profile/emittance; beam loss; beam halo; (beam extinction) • Multiple approaches • PXIE requires diagnostics responsive to variable bunch patterns • C. Gabor visit to HINS in December • Characterization of light output from scintillator • First PASI post-doc engaged: Richard D’Arcy • Continued strong collaboration between SNS/ISIS

  9. Diagnostics and Instrumentation • Future Opportunities • Richard as conduit for knowledge/experience/information flow between FETS and PXIE • Joint participation in FETS/PXIE beam commissioning • Ionization monitor (ISIS, Booster) • PIP/ISIS upgrades • Scintillator based profile monitor (FETS), loss monitor (ISIS)

  10. Beam Dynamics Modeling and Applications of High Performance Computing • Objectives • Establish commonality in modeling between ASTeC/ISIS, Fermilab, and SNS • Status • Foil modeling: personnel contacts established • Materials characterization needed for further progress • ORBIT development hasn’t really taken off

  11. Beam Dynamics Modeling and Applications of High Performance Computing • Future Opportunities • Linac modeling • Establish models for 50+ year old linacs • SC linac modeling • Space-charge resonances (@J-PARC) • Discuss ORBIT development (w/SNS) • ISIS Upgrade: Activation modeling w/MARS

  12. Summary • Follow-up on areas for collaboration identified at January 2012 meeting • New opportunities are largely within this context • Everything should have happened without PASI; guess ~25-30% of work would have not have happened without PASI • Joint post-doc • Instrumentation cross-pollination • Lab visits • But general awareness of what we are doing is helpful • Comment: Learned some new things about what was happening at the home lab! • Value in having SNS (and BNL) participation in these meetings • Many future opportunities – resources?

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