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For I Am Called by Your Name. Text & Music: Janel Johnson. Page 164. Oh Lord, I ask, re- mem - ber me That I may walk in con-science free. Verse 1 of 3. Your way its wis-dom does im -part. Your words put joy in-to my heart. Verse 1 of 3.
For I Am Called by Your Name Text & Music: Janel Johnson Page 164
Oh Lord, I ask, re-mem-ber meThat I may walk in con-science free. • Verse 1 of 3
Your way its wis-dom does im-part.Your words put joy in-to my heart. • Verse 1 of 3
For I am called by Your name; Oh Lord, God of hosts, I am called by Your name. • Verse 1 of 3
At times be-set by trou-bles drear,I want my Shep-herd’s voice to hear. • Verse 2 of 3
Re-deem me from the dark-est gripOf Sa-tan’s wrath and ly-ing lip. • Verse 2 of 3
For I am called by Your name; Oh Lord, God of hosts, I am called by Your name. • Verse 2 of 3
When days are filled with woe and strife, Keep vi-sion clear. E-ter-nal life • Verse 3 of 3
Lies just a-head where no man canRe-move me from Your lov-ing hand. • Verse 3 of 3
For I am called by Your name; Oh Lord, God of hosts, I am called by Your name. • Verse 3 of 3
God of Grace and God of Glory TEXT: Harry Emerson Fosdick MUSIC: John Hughes Page 125
God of grace and God of glo-ry, on Thy peo-ple pour Thy pow’r • Verse 1 of 3
Crown Thinean-cient Church-’s sto-ry; bring her bud to glo-riousflow’r; • Verse 1 of 3
Grant us wis-dom; grant us cour-age, For the fac-ing of this hour. • Verse 1 of 3
For the fac-ingof this hour. • Verse 1 of 3
Lo! The hosts of e-vil ‘round us scorn Thy Christ, as-sail His ways! • Verse 2 of 3
From the fears that long have bound us, free our hearts to faith and praise. • Verse 2 of 3
Grant us wis-dom; grant us courage, For the liv-ing of these days. • Verse 2 of 3
For the liv-ingof these days. • Verse 2 of 3
Set our feet on loft-y plac-es; gird our lives that they may be • Verse 3 of 3
Ar-mored with all Christ-like grac-esin the fight to set men free. • Verse 3 of 3
Grant us wis-dom; grant us cour-age,That we fail not man nor Thee. • Verse 3 of 3
That we fail notman nor Thee. • Verse 3 of 3
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Text: John Newton Music: Franz Joseph Haydn Page 128
Glo-rious things of thee are spo-ken,Zi-on, cit-y of our God; • Verse 1 of 3
He, whose Word can-not be bro-ken,formed thee for His own a-bode; • Verse 1 of 3
On the Rock of A-ges found-ed,what can shake thy sure re-pose? • Verse 1 of 3
With sal-va-tion's walls sur-round-ed, thou may-est smile at all thy foes. • Verse 1 of 3
See, the streams of liv-ing wa-ters,spring-ing from e-ter-nal love, • Verse 2 of 3
Well sup-ply thy sons and daugh-ters, and all fear of want re-move; • Verse 2 of 3
Who can faint, while such a riv-erev-er flows their thirst to assuage? • Verse 2 of 3
Grace which, like the Lord, the Giv-er,nev-er fails from age to age. • Verse 2 of 3
Round each hab-i-ta-tion hov-’ring,see the cloud and fire ap-pear, • Verse 3 of 3
For a glo-ry and a cov-’ring, show-ing that the Lord is near! • Verse 3 of 3
Glo-rious things of thee are spo-ken,Zi-on cit-y of our God; • Verse 3 of 3
He, whose Word can-not be bro-ken,formed thee for His own a-bode. • Verse 3 of 3
God Be With You Text: Jeremiah E. Rankin; alt. Music: William G. Tomer Page 180
God be with you till we meet a-gain;By His coun-sels guide, up-hold you, • Verse 1 of 4
With His shep-herd’s care en-fold you;God be with you till we meet a-gain. • Verse 1 of 4
God be with you till we meet a-gain; ‘Neath His wings of shel-ter, hide you, • Verse 2 of 4
Dai-ly bread He will pro-vide you;God be with you till we meet a-gain. • Verse 2 of 4
God be with you till we meet a-gain;If a tri-al should con-found you, • Verse 3 of 4
God will put His arms a-round you;God be with you till we meet a-gain. • Verse 3 of 4
God be with you till we meet a-gain;May His love be ev-er o’er you, • Verse 4 of 4
Strike death’s threat-’ning wave be-fore you; God be with you till we meet a-gain. • Verse 4 of 4
Thee Will I Love, O Lord Text: Psalm 18; 2 Samuel 22 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 90
Thee will I love, O Lord, my might,my rock, my help, my sav-ing pow'r, • Verse 1 of 4