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OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTATIONS. Dr Bernard Vallat Director General. Contents. Context of the conference OIE 5th Strategic Plan OIE role in aquatic animal health Objectives and expectations Desired outcomes of the conference. Global demand for food security.
OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTATIONS Dr Bernard Vallat Director General
Contents • Context of the conference • OIE 5th Strategic Plan • OIE role in aquatic animal health • Objectives and expectations • Desired outcomes of the conference
Global demand for food security • Population growth: +1 billion people by 2050 • Shift from poverty to middle-class • Increase in the number of daily meals and the protein intake of individuals • Some projections indicate that the demand for animal protein will increase by 50% • especially in developing countries
Aquaculture and food security • Aquaculture is the fastest growing food producing sector (annual growth @ 8.4% p.a. since 1970) • Aquaculture provides high quality animal protein • Animal health, food security and public health are linked • To satisfy the global demand for protein-based foods, aquatic animal production must be intensified • Aquaculture development brings new aquatic animal disease risks and threats to the environment • Aquatic animal diseases represent a major limitation to efficient aquaculture production and a constraint on international trade;
Aquaculture: particular challenges • Countries need efficient aquatic animal health programmes to increase production of safe products in an environmentally sustainable way and to participate in international trade; • Veterinarians and other health professionals play a key role in the establishment and implementation of aquatic animal health programs; but resources and qualified/skilled professionals are often lacking • Aquatic Animal Health Services, whether part of the Veterinary Services or not, frequently lack financial resources and infrastructure, including legislation, to implement efficient aquatic animal health programs.
The ‘Global Public Good’ Concept • The benefits of control and eradication of infectious diseases, are international and intergenerational in scope. • Countries depend on each other – the failure of one endangers all • Animal health systems are not a strictly commercial or agricultural good. They are fully eligible for national and global public resources Supporting animal health systems: a national and global priority
Good Governance: for all countries • Competent Authorities need adequate infrastructure (including modern legislation) and resources to support effective implementation of animal health systems in the national territory, notably to address: • Disease surveillance, early detection, transparency • Rapid response to disease outbreaks • Biosecurity measures • Compensation Deregulation and lack of sustainable funding for veterinary services and aquatic animal health services can lead to biological disasters
5th OIE Strategic Plan (2011-2015) • Animal Health systems are a global public good • Global public goods > benefit all countries, people and generations • One World-One Health (OWOH) • A global strategy for cooperation in managing risks at the animal-human interface • Relation between animal health, animal production and the environment • Need to gain a clearer understanding of the link between animals and the environment.
5th OIE Strategic Plan: Key concepts • Food Security and Food Safety • Increasing demand for a global supply of safe food • Food security, especially the supply of affordable high quality protein, is a key public health concern • Animal health programs contribute to food security and food safety • Veterinary Services and aquatic animal health services play a key role in meeting societal expectations. • Standard Setting • The OIE is the unique global organisation setting science-based standards and guidelines for animal health (including zoonoses), animal welfare and animal production food safety
5th Strategic Plan: Key concepts • Animal welfare: a strategic engagement • Animal health is a key component of animal welfare • OIE, with the mandate of its Members, is recognised globally as the leader in setting international animal welfare standards • Veterinary education • High quality veterinarians play an essential role in society • Need for standardisation of the veterinary diploma, both initial and continuing education • The OIE role in developing standards, including for aquatic animal health, progressed through OIE Global Conferences (Paris 2009 and Lyon 2011).
5th Strategic Plan: Key concepts • Good Governance of Veterinary Services and Aquatic Animal Health Services (AAHS) • Members need appropriate infrastructure to support implementation of national animal health programmes throughout the territory • Governments have the overall authority and responsibility • Alliances between public and private sectors (veterinarians, farmers, consumers) • OIE standards for efficient Veterinary and AAHS Services • Using the OIE PVS Pathway • Role of the Veterinary Statutory Body setting standards for the practice of veterinary medicine.
TheOIE role in standard setting The ‘3 sisters’ food safety plant health IPPC CODEX animal health and zoonoses OIE WTO SPS Agreement recognises OIE as a reference organisation for international standards on animal health including zoonoses
Publication of international standards Aquatic Animal Health Code amphibians, crustaceans, fish and molluscs Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals Official reference of the WTO SPS Agreement Adopted by consensus of OIE Members available on the OIE Website
International standards • Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission oversees production of the Aquatic Code and Aquatic Manual; • 1st edition of the Aquatic Code and Manual produced in 1995; • Recent developments include Code chapters on: • welfare of farmed fish • prudent use of antimicrobial agents in aquatic animals • criteria for safety of aquatic animal commodities • control of hazards in feed • New listing of two diseases of amphibians
International standards: antimicrobial use • There is an urgent need to address the issues associated with antimicrobial use in aquatic animals • Very few effective compounds have been developed and authorised for use in aquatic animals • Use in aquatic animals involves the deliberate introduction of these chemicals into the food chain and the environment • Uncontrolled use can lead to the emergence of resistant bacteria, which reduces the therapeutic value of antimicrobials…leading to • Public perception of a “drug-based” industry and consumer aversion to aquaculture products.
International standards: antimicrobial use • The OIE recognises that this issue has important implications for human health, animal health and the environment • We are developing standards and recommendations to Members through an ad hoc Group on Antimicrobial Resistance and Aquatic Animals • The Chair of the ad hoc Group will make a presentation at this conference on the steps that need to be taken to manage these risks.
Consultation on standards development • Increasing numbers of Members engage in standard development by submitting comments on draft texts • Experts are drawn from OIE reference centres and from all regions to participate in OIE ad hoc Groups, which report to Working Groups (Animal Welfare, Wildlife and Animal Production Food Safety) and/or Elected Commissions • Creation of National Aquatic Animal Focal Points (AAFP), under the authority of the National Delegate, help to strengthen engagement and implementation of standards • to date, 147 Members have nominated AAFP.
OIE global partnerships The OIE has cooperative agreements with 51 global and regional organisations, most of which mainly focus on terrestrial animals, with some exceptions.
OIE DISEASE REPORTING: LEGAL OBLIGATIONS • Chapter 1.1Aquatic Code • ‘Notification of Diseases and Epidemiological Information’ • Article 1.1.2 • Members shallmake available to other Members, through the OIE, whatever information is necessary to minimise the spread of important animal diseases and to assist in achieving better worldwide control of these diseases
TRANSPARENCY: WAHIS www.oie.int/wahis
The OIE’s scientific excellence Reference Laboratories May 2011 • 190 Reference laboratories • 101 diseases or topics (34 aquatic diseases) • 161 experts (team leaders)
The OIE’s scientific excellence Collaborating Centres May 2011 • 37 Collaborating Centres in 21 countries • 35 topics (2 aquatic animal issues) • 37 experts (team leaders)
OIE support to Members • Objectives of the OIE Twinning Program • Better global geographical coverage - focus on developing and transition countries • Regional support for early diagnosis and reporting of listed diseases • Improved access for more countries to scientific expertise and to participate in OIE standard setting process. • HOWEVER: • Only 1 / 30 current projects addresses aquatic animal disease
OIE support to Members OIE PVS Pathway: Collaborating with governments, stakeholders and donors Veterinary Services Strategic Plan Modernisation of legislation Public/private Partnerships PVS Follow-Up Evaluation mission Evaluation PVS « diagnosis » PVS Gap Analysis « prescription» Country / Donors Investment / Projects Veterinary Education Laboratories http://www.oie.int/eng/oie/organisation/en_vet_eval_tool.htm?e1d2
PVS Pathway: first (diagnostic) step External independent evaluation (objectivity) Experts trained and certified by the OIE Based on facts & evidence, not impressions Not an audit Voluntary, at request of a country Report confidential unless country decides to release it To assess: Compliance with OIE standards Strengths / Weaknesses/ Gaps / areas for improvement Peer reviewed Recognised by international donors Provides strong arguments for investment by governments/donors
Trade1 Trade1 Trade8 Trade8 PVS Gap Analysis: prescriptive step PVS Gap PVS Gap Analysis Analysis Budget - - Trade Trade Trade Animal Health Animal Animal Veterinary Laboratories Veterinary Veterinary Management Management and Regulatory Services Veterinary Public Health Health Health Laboratories Laboratories of Veterinary Services (8 cards) (5 cards) (4 cards) (2 cards) (21 cards) Cost Estimation Cards AH1 AH1 AH5 AH5 VPH1 VPH1 VPH4 VPH4 Lab1 Lab1 Lab2 Lab2 MVS1 MVS1 MVS21 MVS21
PVS Pathway and Aquatic Animal Health Services OIE PVS Pathway is a proven tool to help Members strengthen Veterinary Services OIE has developed a modified Tool for use in the evaluation of Aquatic Animal Health Services (AAHS) The same principles apply There are some differences (e.g. the role played by veterinarians as opposed to aquatic animal health professionals The revised Tool is being further refined through pilot evaluations of AAHS I encourage all Delegates to consider requesting an evaluation.
OIE support to Members • OIE asks Members to appoint national focal points in 7 specific areas, under the authority of the National Delegate. • The role of focal points is primarily to support the national Delegate in meeting his/her OIE obligations • The OIE provides regular seminars for FP in each region. • Aquatic animal diseases • Wildlife • Animal disease notification • Veterinary products • Animal welfare • Animal production food safety • Communication
Veterinary Education • Initial and continuing veterinary education is a key tool for global good governance • The aquatic sector needs better access to appropriately trained and skilled veterinarians • There is an urgent need to improve the education of both veterinarians and aquatic animal health professionals • The OIE is developing a list of day 1 competencies, including aquatic animal health, for veterinary graduates; considered as minimum requirements –countries may adopt stricter standards • The Veterinary Statutory Body is responsible for recognition and quality control procedures.
Legislation covering the Veterinary domain • A crucial element of the Veterinary Services’ infrastructure • Not updated for many years in many OIE Members • Inadequate in structure and content for the challenges facing VS in today’s world • the OIE provides assistance to Membersviathe Global Veterinary Legislation Initiative, part of the • OIE PVS Pathway for efficient Veterinary Services
Objectives and expectations Our objective is to help to improve aquatic animal health worldwide and thereby, help alleviate poverty and hunger To assist national authorities for aquatic animal health and welfare to address important threats and challenges: Feeding the growing world population Globalisation Climate change and other environmental threats Societal expectations Explain how compliance with OIE standards and guidelines can help Member countries and regional organisations to meet these goals
Objectives and expectations To raise awareness of the OIE support available to Members through the OIE PVS Pathway and associated initiatives, including: the OIE PVS Gap Analysis and PVS follow up Veterinary Legislation Strengthening Programme Twinning programmes OIE Veterinary Education Initiative
Objectives and expectations To continue advocating on behalf of Veterinary Services and Aquatic Animal Health Services as a Global Public Good and to encourage governments and donors to make needed investments To provide compelling messages for VS/AAHS to help convince decision-makers of the need for investment; To raise awareness of the key importance of quality education for veterinarians and aquatic animal health professionals to improve aquatic animal health programs
Objectives and expectations To raise awareness of the need for research in some key areas, such as nutrition, sustainably sources of feed and disease prevention for aquaculture species; To advocate for applied research to support sustainable aquaculture development while avoiding unwanted impacts on the environment.
Desired outcomes (1) Full engagement of all participants, including by taking key consensual messages back to national governments; Increased Member requests for PVS evaluations of Aquatic Animal Health Services; Closer collaboration between the Veterinary Services and other Authorities responsible for aquatic animal health;
Desired outcomes (2) Generally improved compliance with OIE standards and guidelines, notably for diagnosis and reporting of OIE-listed diseases; Members contribute more actively to the OIE standard setting process Respect for and commitment to implement SPS standards, including animal health certification under the responsibility of governmental authorities;
Desired outcomes (3) All Members nominate Focal Points for Aquatic Animals and support their participation in OIE regional capacity building activities Members with reference centres provide the needed resources for their activities and consider entering into twinning agreements with developing countries;
Desired outcomes (4) Endorsement of the OIE approach to global capacity building and twinning programmes for aquatic animal health programs, with increased support from OIE Partners and Donors for the PVS Pathway and other initiatives; Increased applications for recognition as OIE Reference Centres on aquatic animal issues and, for existing reference laboratories, continued support for the application of OIE standards by Members;
Desired outcomes (5) Renewed emphasis on the importance of initial and continuing education in aquatic animal health as a key component of efficient aquatic animal health programs Increased support from governments and donors for the conduct of applied research needed for efficient aquatic animal health programmes.
Desired outcomes (6) The OIE continue taking steps to make the PVS Pathway more accessible to governments that wish to strengthen Aquatic Animal Health Services, including through the conduct of pilot assessments at the request of countries The OIE continue to enter into cooperative agreements with regional and international organisations, with the goal of increasing awareness of the need for aquatic animal health programs, improve early diagnosis and reporting of aquatic animal diseases and foster cooperation between veterinary and other relevant authorities at the national, regional and international level The OIE continue working to build Members’ capacity through providing training seminars and other activities for National Focal Points for Aquatic Animals.
With grateful thanks to This conference is co-funded by the European Union Financial support for participation also provided by:
…and to the Government of the Republic of Panama for hosting the conference
Thank you for your attention Organisation mondialede la santé animale World Organisationfor Animal Health Organización Mundialde Sanidad Animal 12 rue de Prony, 75017 Paris, France - www.oie.int – oie@oie.int