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Unprecedented Flexibility for Fermi-surface Studies PI: Greg Boebinger, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Florida State University, University of Florida, Los Alamos National Laboratory NSF Award Number: DMR-0084173.
Unprecedented Flexibility for Fermi-surface StudiesPI: Greg Boebinger, National High Magnetic Field LaboratoryFlorida State University, University of Florida, Los Alamos National Laboratory NSF Award Number: DMR-0084173 Electrons preferentially populate the lowest energy states in any given material. The energy that separates the occupied states from the unoccupied states is the Fermi energy. As such, electron orbits at the Fermi energy determine all the electrical properties of metals, offering a highly prized (but difficult to obtain) wealth of information. These orbits are best probed by magnetic-field-induced oscillations of magnetization (deHaas-vanAlphen effect, dHvA) or resistance (Shubnikov-deHaas effect, SdH). Intense magnetic fields exponentially amplify dHvA and SdH oscillations, which has enabled a series of landmark measurements using 65 T pulsed magnets at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL). Traditionally a tool to study pure metals at low temperatures, dHvA oscillations have now been observed: ● in heavily disordered metals and alloys, and ● at temperatures up to 100 K, one-hundred-fold higher than is typical for dHvA. Thus, experimentalists can study not only the ground state of clean materials, but now can probe the entire phase diagram for many materials. dHvA measurements of electron orbits at the Fermi energy in a shape memory alloy of AuZn. The data measure changes that occur at a 67 K structural phase transition. The enlarged section of data highlights that observation of the oscillations at 68 K requires magnetic fields exceeding 50 T. P.A. Goddard, J. Singleton, R.D. McDonald, N. Harrison, J.C. Lashley, H. Harima and M-T. Suzuki, “Catastrophic Fermi Surface Reconstruction in the Shape-Memory Alloy AuZn”, Physical Review Letters 94, 116401 (2005)