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Optimal Infant Feeding practices emphasize the importance of breastfeeding, including initiation within an hour of birth, exclusive breastfeeding for up to six months, continued breastfeeding for two years or more, and introduction of complementary feeding after six months. Breastfeeding offers numerous advantages for both infants and mothers, such as perfect nutrients, protection against infections, bonding, and improved brain development. State of Infant and Young Child feeding in India, as well as the role of breastfeeding in achieving Millennium Development Goals, are highlighted. The theme for World Breastfeeding Week 2011 is centered on the significance of communication in promoting breastfeeding across various sectors and communities.
World Breastfeeding Week 1-7 August 2011 INDIATalk to Me! Breastfeeding –3D experience
Optimal Infant Feeding practices includes • Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth. • Exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of life. • Continued breastfeeding for two years of life or beyond. • Introduction of appropriate complementary feeding after 6 months of age.
Advantages of Breastfeeding Breastmilk Perfect nutrients Easily digestible Ready to serve Protects against infection Protects against adult onset diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure) Breastfeeding Helps bonding and development Helps in adequate growth and development Enhances brain & visual development Baby has higher intelligence quotient Prevents hypothermia
Advantages of Breastfeeding (contd.) Mother Reduces post delivery bleeding and anemia Delays next pregnancy Protects breast and ovarian cancer Protects obesity and shapes body Convenient Society Eco-friendly Human resource development Economy development • Family • Economic benefits • Less illnesses • Family bonding
Neonatal Mortality Risk by early infant feeding practices Source: Edmond KM et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2007. 86:1126-31
Under-5 deaths preventable through universal coverage with individual interventions (2000) India Percent 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% Breastfeeding* Complementary feeding Clean delivery Hib vaccine Clean water, sanitation, hygiene Zinc Vitamin A Intervention Antenatal steroids Newborn temperature management Tetanus toxoid Antibiotics for PRM Measles vaccine Nivirapine and replacement feeding Insecticide-treated materials Antimalarial IPT in pregnancy *Breastfeeding: Exclusive for first 6 months and continued for 6 to 12 months Source: Jones et al. LANCET 2003;362:65-71
Role of Breastfeeding in achieving Millennium Development Goal • MDG 1 – Reducing hunger and Poverty • Breastfeeding is the first step towards reducing undernutrition – from day one of life • Reduces household costs
Role of Breastfeeding in achieving Millennium Development Goal • MDG 3 (gender equality) • Breastfeeding enables an equal start for children regardless of family income • Empowers women through health and reproductive benefits, e.g. birth spacing. • It also enables mothers to be self-sufficient in nourishing their infants without expending economic resources on expensive and inferior breast milk substitutes.
Role of Breastfeeding in achieving Millennium Development Goal • MDG 4 (reduce child mortality) • If all infants were exclusive breastfeeding for six months and continued breastfeeding to one year. • Under five mortality would reduce by about 14%.
Role of Breastfeeding in achieving Millennium Development Goal • MDG 5 (improve maternal health) • Maternal health impact includes reduced risk of postpartum hemorrhage by early initiation of breastfeeding, • Protection from anemia and maternal iron depletion through lactational amenorrhea • Reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancers.
Theme World BreastFeeding Week 2011“Talk to Me! Breastfeeding – 3D experience” Why ? • Usually we take Two-dimension Approach while dealing with Breastfeeding issues. • Time i.e. From Pre pregnancy to weaning. • Place i.e. Home, Community, Health care system. • THIRD dimension is “COMMUNICATION” • The theme deals with communication at various levels and between various sectors. 3D
Importance Of Communication in Breastfeeding • Communication is an essential part of protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding. • In a world individuals and global communities connect across small and great distances at an instant's notice. • New lines of communication are being created every day, and we have the ability to use these information channels to broaden our horizons and spread breastfeeding information beyond our immediate time and place to activate important dialogue. • This third dimension includes cross-generation, cross-sector, cross-gender, and cross-culture communication and encourages the sharing of knowledge and experience, thus enabling wider outreach.
Talk to Me! Breastfeeding – 3D experience • Talk about Breastfeeding • As a decision maker • As a Caregiver • As an Integral member of society • As a Receiver
Communication Matters! • A Mother-in-law in a Village in Uttar Pradesh Link: http://youtu.be/NdXurWVCmtQ “Earlier we used to give water to the infant as advised by the elders. Elders used to say that child will get illness if water is not given. Although, the children used to become ill after getting water. Now, we have been counseled not to give water and now our children are healthy. .......” It changes behavior
Communication Matters! • A mother in Uttar Pradesh. • It provides support and Knowledge • Link:http://youtu.be/hsY7Ghmh4tY • “This was my first delivery. ASHA Sister helped me to understand the breastfeeding, avoiding other foods/milk/water upto six months of age, taking care of my own diet and consuming the iron tablets. ......” • “After six months, child's need increases. Anganwadi worker has told us to give some food which will keep her healthy…….”
Communication Matters! • Health worker in Uttar Pradesh • It changes Practices Link:http://youtu.be/EslmNfJ3oAE “When initially we told the expectant women to initiate the breastfeeding Soon after birth, they resisted that this is not the custom here. But later on, after counselling by me, they agreed and now they initiate the breastfeeding soon after the birth..... “ “There is a tremendous change. They are giving only mother's milk. One newborn girl, whose birth weight was only 1.250 kg, could not suckle herself. So mother expressed her milk and fed the child with spoon and cup. That girl is now doing well..... “
Communication Matters! • Women express their needs! • Reena Chhabra, Senior Marketing Professional “One year of maternity leave required to take care of the baby and breastfeed. This requires support” Link: http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWx-M-xKTDA • Dr.Madhura,TISS,Mumbai Working women need support for continued breastfeeding. Link:http://youtu.be/2GGSNPBtCpw
Talk to the Lactating women and family about breastfeeding at every given opportunity Prepare a petition and communicate to your leaders get it signed by many people and submit to your Government Contact academicians, doctors, teachers, media tom spread vital messages and raise awareness Address youth at schools, colleges and lead local campaigns to spread awareness. Join the “One Million Campaign” to support women to breastfeed & ask more people you know to join. Connect with people by creating a BLOG with breastfeeding information, where people can also share their breastfeeding experience, messages or even pictures related to breastfeeding mother & child bonding. Communicate to get support for women for breastfeeding through social network accounts, youth groups, mail groups, twitter,SMSetc. Action ideas