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Learn about the impact of changing protein consumption on the environment and the benefits of sustainable agriculture in mitigating climate change. Discover how reducing soy imports, increasing protein crop production in Europe, and implementing organic farming practices can contribute to a more sustainable future.
Martin Häusling MEP Changingproteinconsumption EU: About 40 milliontonsofsoyaproteinisimportedannuallyforanimalfeed. Most ofitis GM-Soy. 2
MARTIN HÄUSLING – MEP Changingproteinconsumption South American rainforests and grasslands are destroyed. For cultivation of GM soy 200 million litres of Roundup-Ready are used per year only in Argentina 3 Source: Altieri/Bravo 2007
MARTIN HÄUSLING – MEP www.martin-haeusling.eu Changingproteinconsumption Worldwide 18 percentofgreenhouse gas productioniscausedby intensive meatproduction. 4
MARTIN HÄUSLING – MEP www.martin-haeusling.eu Changingproteinconsumption Lesssoyaimports. Increaseoftheproteincropproduction in Europe. Extendthe amound of grassland 5
MARTIN HÄUSLING – MEP www.martin-haeusling.eu Changingproteinconsumption A reduction of 64 percent of greenhouse gas could be reached if a legume based crop rotation would be installed a study states. (Source: Köpke/Nemecek 2010) 100 million Estimated potential savings of costs concerning fertilizer use - only for France - EUR 100 million annually. (Source: CGDD 2009) 6
MARTIN HÄUSLING – MEP www.martin-haeusling.eu Onestepfurther: Organicfarming Scientists identify in a recent study that organic farming offers strong benefits in eleven of twelve areas, compared to conventional farming. Especially concerning soil quality, minimizing pollution, biodiversity and climate change. (Source: Reganold/Wachter in “Nature Plants” 2/2016) 7
MARTIN HÄUSLING – MEP www.martin-haeusling.eu Onestepfurther: Organicfarming OF: 20% lower yields in the temperate zone BUT Saving high costs concerning soil and water protection, climate protection, or better animal health etc ... OF in tropical regions is superior to conventional farming concerning the nutritional output per area. Up to 120% of the yield of conventional farming can be reached. (Sourcee: Badgley 2007) 8
MARTIN HÄUSLING – MEP www.martin-haeusling.eu Onestepfurther: Organicfarming A study in North America and Europe shows: In a large-scale conversion from conventional to organic production by 50% there are no serious adverse effects on the global food availability. For sub-Saharan Africa even higher yields and economic benefits have been figured out: Such as reduced dependence on technology, fertilizers, agricultural chemicals and food imports. (Source: Halberg et al. 2005) 9
Thankyouforattention! Martin Häusling Member of European Parliamentand Coordinatorof Greens/EFA in AGRI Member in ENVI www.martin-haeusling.eu Study on a chang in proteinconsumption: „Biodiversity, not soyamadness“ Editedby Martin Häusling martin-haeusling.de http://www.martin-haeusling.eu/presse-medien/publikationen/publikation-in-englisch.html 10