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Real-Time Systems

Real-Time Systems. Real-time research repository. For information on real-time research groups, conferences, journals, books, products, etc., have a look at: http://cs-www.bu.edu/pub/ieee-rts/Home.html. Introduction.

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Real-Time Systems

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  1. Real-Time Systems

  2. Real-time research repository • For information on real-time research groups, conferences, journals, books, products, etc., have a look at: http://cs-www.bu.edu/pub/ieee-rts/Home.html

  3. Introduction • A real-time system is a system whose specification includes both a logical and a temporal correctness requirement. • Logical correctness: produce correct output. • Can be checked by various means including Hoare axiomatics and other formal methods. • Temporal correctness: produces output at the right time. • A soft real-time system is one that can tolerate some delay in delivering the result. • A hard real-time system is one that can not afford to miss a dealine.

  4. Characteristics of real-time systems • Event-driven, reactive • High cost of failure • Concurrency/multiprogramming • Stand-alone/continuous operation. • Reliability/fault tolerance requirements • PREDICTABLE BEHAVIOR

  5. Misconceptions about real-time systems • There is no science in real-time-system design. • We shall see… • Advances in supercomputing hardware will take care of real-time requirements. • The old “buy a faster processor” argument… • Real-time computing is equivalent to fast computing. • Only to ad agencies. To us, it means PREDICTABLE computing.

  6. Misconceptions about real-time systems • Real-time programming is assembly coding, … • We would like to automate (as much as possible) real-time system design, instead of relying on clever hand-crafted code. • “Real time” is performance engineering. • In real-time computing, timeliness is almost always more important than raw performance … • “Real-time problems” have all been solved in other areas of CS or operations research. • OR people typically use stochastic queuing models or one-shot scheduling models to reason about systems. • CS people are usually interested in optimizing average-case performance.

  7. Misconceptions about real-time systems • It is not meaningful to talk about guaranteeing real-time performance when things can fail. • Though things may fail, we certainly don’t want the operating system to be the weakest link! • Real-time systems function in a static environment. • Not true. We consider systems in which the operating mode may change dynamically.

  8. Are all systems real-time systems? • Question: Is a payroll processing system a real-time system? • It has a time constraint: Print the pay checks every month. • Perhaps it is a real-time system in a definitional sense, but it doesn’t pay us to view it as such. • We are interested in systems for which it is not a priori obvious how to meet timing constraints.

  9. Resources • Resources may be categorized as: • Abundant: Virtually any system design methodology can be used to realize the timing requirements of the application. • Insufficient: The application is ahead of the technology curve; no design methodology can be used to realize the timing requirements of the application. • Sufficient but scarce: It is possible to realize the timing requirements of the application, but careful resource allocation is required.

  10. Example: Interactive/multimedia application Requirements (performance) Sufficient but scarce resources Interactive Video High Quality Audio Network File Access Remote Login Insufficient resources Abundant resources 1980 1990 2000 Hardware resources in Year X

  11. A/D A/D D/A Example: Real-time application • Many real-time systems are control systems. • Example: A simple one-sensor, one-actuator control system. Computation Sensor Plant Actuator The system being controlled

  12. Simple control system • Pseudo-code for this system: set timer to interrupt periodically with period T; at each timer interrupt do do analog-to-digital conversion to get y; compute control output u; output u and do digital-to-analog conversion; od • T is called the sampling period. T is a key design choice. Typical range for T: seconds to milliseconds.

  13. Example Helicopter flight controller. Do the following in each 1/180-sec. cycle: validate sensor data and select data source; if failure, reconfigure the system Every sixth cycle do: keyboard input and mode selection; data normalization and coordinate transformation; tracking reference update control laws of the outer pitch-control loop; control laws of the outer roll-control loop; control laws of the outer yaw- and collective-control loop Every other cycle do: control laws of the inner pitch-control loop; control laws of the inner roll- and collective-control loop; Compute the control laws of the inner yaw-control loop; Output commands; Carry out built-in test; Wait until beginning of the next cycle Note: Having only harmonic rates simplifies the system. More complicated control systems have multiple sensors and actuators and must support control loops of different rates. Multi-rate control systems

  14. Hierarchical control systems

  15. Signal processing systems • Signal-processing systems transform data from one form to another. • Examples: • Digital filtering. • Video and voice compression/decompression. • Radar signal processing. • Response times range from a few milliseconds to a few seconds.

  16. Example: radar system

  17. Other real-time applications • Real-time databases. • Transactions must complete by deadlines. • Main dilemma: Transaction scheduling algorithms and real-time scheduling algorithms often have conflicting goals. • Data may be subject to absolute and relative temporal consistency requirements. • Multimedia. • Want to process audio and video frames at steady rates. • TV video rate is 30 frames/sec. HDTV is 60 frames/sec. • Telephone audio is 16 Kbits/sec. CD audio is 128 Kbits/sec. • Other requirements: Lip synchronization, low jitter, low end-to-end response times (if interactive).

  18. Hard vs. soft real-time • Task: A sequential piece of code. • Job: Instance of a task. • Jobs require resources to execute. • Example resources: CPU, network, disk, critical section. • We will simply call all hardware resources “processors”. • Release time of a job: The time instant the job becomes ready to execute. • Deadline of a job: The time instant by which the job must complete execution. • Relative deadline of a job: “Deadline - Release time”. • Response time of a job: “Completion time - Release time”.

  19. Example • Job is released at time 3. • It’s (absolute) deadline is at time 10. • It’s relative deadline is 7. • It’s response time is 6.

  20. Hard real-time systems • A hard deadline must be met. • If any hard deadline is ever missed, then the system is incorrect. • Requires a means for validating that deadlines are met. • Hard real-time system: A real-time system in which all deadlines are hard. • Examples: Nuclear power plant control, flight control.

  21. Soft real-time systems • A soft deadline may occasionally be missed. • Question: How to define “occasionally”? • Soft real-time system: A real-time system in which some deadlines are soft. • Examples: Telephone switches, multimedia applications.

  22. Defining “occasionally” • One Approach: Use probabilistic requirements. • For example, 99% of deadlines will be met. • Another Approach: Define a “usefulness” function for each job: • Note: Validation is trickier here.

  23. Firm deadlines • Firm deadline: A soft deadline such that the corresponding job’s usefulness function goes to 0 as soon as the deadline is reached (late jobs are of no use).

  24. Reference model • Each job Ji is characterized by its release time ri, absolute deadline di, relative deadline Di, and execution time ei. • Sometimes a range of release times is specified: [ri-, ri+]. This range is called release-time jitter. • Likewise, sometimes instead of ei, execution time is specified to range over [ei-, ei+]. • Note: It can be difficult to get a precise estimate of ei

  25. Periodic, sporadic aperiodic tasks • Periodic task: • We associate a period pi with each task Ti. • pi is the time between job releases. • Sporadic and aperiodic tasks: Released at arbitrary times. • Sporadic: Has a hard deadline. • Aperiodic: Has no deadline or a soft deadline.

  26. Examples • A periodic task Ti with ri = 2, pi = 5, ei = 2, Di = 5 executes like this:

  27. Some definitions for periodic task systems • The jobs of task Ti are denoted Ji,1, Ji,2, … . • ri,1 (the release time of Ji,1) is called the phase of Ti. • Synchronous System: Each task has a phase of 0. • Asynchronous System: Phases are arbitrary. • Hyperperiod: Least common multiple of {pi}. • Task utilization: ui = ei/pi. • System utilization: U = Σi=1..nui.

  28. Task dependencies • Two main kinds of dependencies: • Critical Sections. • Precedence Constraints. • For example, job Ji may be constrained to be released only after job Jk completes. • Tasks with no dependencies are called independent.

  29. Scheduling algorithms • We are generally interested in two kinds of algorithms: • A scheduler or scheduling algorithm, which generates a schedule at runtime. • A feasibility analysis algorithm, which checks if timing constraints are met. • Usually (but not always) Algorithm 1 is pretty straightforward, while Algorithm 2 is more complex.

  30. Classification of scheduling algorithms

  31. Optimality and feasibility • A schedule is feasible if all timing constraints are met. • The term “correct” is probably better — see the next slide. • A task set T is schedulable using scheduling algorithm A if A always produces a feasible schedule for T. • A scheduling algorithm is optimal if it always produces a feasible schedule when one exists (under any scheduling algorithm). • Can similarly define optimality for a class of schedulers, e.g., “an optimal static-priority scheduling algorithm.”

  32. Feasibility vs. schedulability • To most people in real-time community, the term “feasibility” is used to refer to an exact schedulability test, while the term “schedulability” is used to refer to a sufficient schedulability test. • You may find that these terms are used somewhat inconsistently in the literature.

  33. Clock driven (or static) scheduling • Model assumes • n periodic tasks T1,…,Tn. • The “rest of the world” periodic model is assumed. • Ti is specified by (fi, pi, ei, Di), where • fi is its phase, • pi is its period, • ei is its execution cost per job, and • Di is its relative deadline. • Will abbreviate as (pi,ei,Di) if fi=0, and (pi,ei) if fi=0 ∧ pi=Di. • We also have aperiodic jobs that are released at arbitrary times

  34. Schedule table • Our scheduler will schedule periodic jobs using a static schedule that is computed offline and stored in a table T. • T(tk) = Ti if Ti is to be scheduled at time tk I if no periodic task is scheduled at time tk • For most of this chapter, we assume the table is given. • Later, we consider one algorithm for producing the table. • Note: This algorithm need not be highly efficient. • We will schedule aperiodic jobs (if any are ready) in intervals not used by periodic jobs. {

  35. Static, timer-driven scheduling

  36. Example • Consider a system of four tasks, T1 = (4,1), T2 = (5,1.8), T3 = (20,1), T4 = (20,2). • Consider the following static schedule: • The first few table entries would be: (0,T1), (1,T3), (2,T2), (3.8,I), (4, T1), …

  37. Frames • Let us refine this notion of scheduling… • To keep the table small, we divide the time line into frames and make scheduling decisions only at frame boundaries. • Each job is executed as a procedure call that must fit within a frame. • Multiple jobs may be executed in a frame, but the table is only examined at frame boundaries (the number of “columns” in the table = the number of frames per hyperperiod). • In addition to making scheduling decisions, the scheduler also checks for various error conditions, like task overruns, at the beginning of each frame. • We let f denote the frame size.

  38. Frame size constraints • We want frames to be sufficiently long so that every job can execute within a frame nonpreemptively. So, • f ³ max1£i£n(ei). • To keep table small, f should divide H. Thus, for at least one task Ti, ëpi/fû - pi/f = 0. • Let F = H/f. (Note: F is an integer.) Each interval of length H is called a major cycle. Each interval of length f is called a minor cycle. • There are F minor cycles per major cycle.

  39. Frame size constraints • We want the frame size to be sufficiently small so that between the release time and deadline of every job, there is at least one frame. • A job released “inside” a frame is not noticed by the scheduler until the next frame boundary. • Moreover, if a job has a deadline “inside” frame k + 1, it essentially must complete execution by the end of frame k. • Thus, 2f - gcd(pi, f) £ Di.

  40. Example • Consider a system of four tasks, T1 = (4,1), T2 = (5,1.8), T3 = (20,1),T4 = (20,2). • By first constraint, f ³ 2. • Hyperperiod is 20, so by second constraint, possible choices for f are 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20. • Only f = 2 satisfies the third constraint. The following is a possible cyclic schedule.

  41. Job slices • What do we do if the frame size constraints cannot be met? • Example: Consider T = {(4, 1), (5, 2, 7), (20, 5)}. By first constraint, • f ³ 5, but by third constraint, f £ 4! • Solution: “Slice” the task (20, 5) into subtasks, (20, 1), (20, 3), and (20, 1). Then, f = 4 works. Here’s a schedule:

  42. Summary of design decisions • Three design decisions: • choosing a frame size, • partitioning jobs into slices, and • placing slices in frames. • In general, these decisions cannot be made independently.

  43. Pseudo code for cyclic executive

  44. Improving response times for aperiodic jobs • Intuitively, it makes sense to give hard real-time jobs higher priority than aperiodic jobs. • However, this may lengthen the response time of an aperiodic job. • Note that there is no point in completing a hard real time job early, as long as it finishes by its deadline.

  45. Slack stealing • Let the total amount of time allocated to all the slices scheduled in frame k be xk. • Definition: The slack available at the beginning of frame k is f - xk. • Change to scheduler: • If the aperiodic job queue is non-empty, let aperiodic jobs execute in each frame whenever there is nonzero slack.

  46. Example

  47. Implementing slack stealing • Use a pre-computed “initial slack” table. • Initial slack depends only on static quantities. • Use an interval timer to keep track of available slack. • Set the timer when an aperiodic job begins to run. If it goes off, must start executing periodic jobs. • Problem: Most OSs do not provide sub-millisecond granularity interval timers. • So, to use slack stealing, temporal parameters must be on the order of 100s of msecs. or secs.

  48. Scheduling sporiadic jobs • Sporadic jobs arrive at arbitrary times. • They have hard deadlines. • Implies we cannot hope to schedule every sporadic job. • When a sporadic job arrives, the scheduler performs an acceptance test to see if the job can be completed by its deadline. • We must ensure that a new sporadic job does not cause a previously-accepted sporadic job to miss its deadline. • We assume sporadic jobs are prioritized on an earliest deadline- first (EDF) basis.

  49. Acceptance test • Let s(i, k) be the initial total slack in frames i through k, where 1 £ i £ k £ F. (This quantity only depends on periodic jobs.) • Suppose we are doing an acceptance test at frame t for a newly-arrived sporadic job S with deadline d and execution cost e. • Suppose d occurs within frame l + 1, i.e., S must complete by the end of frame l. • Compute the current total slack in frames t through l using s (t,l) = s (t,l) - ådk £ d(ek - xk) • The sum is over previously-accepted sporadic jobs with equal or earlier deadlines. xk is the amount of time already spent executing Sk before frame t.

  50. Acceptance test • We’ll specify the rest of the test “algorithmically”…

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