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Agency on statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National MDG progress report in Kazakhstan. BRIEFLY ABOUT KAZAKHSTAN. Kazakhstan is located on a joint of two continents : Europe and Asia . The territory i s 2,7 mln . km 2 . By territorial size Kazakhstan ranks 9th in the world.
Agency on statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan National MDG progress report in Kazakhstan
BRIEFLY ABOUT KAZAKHSTAN • Kazakhstan is located on a joint of two continents: Europe and Asia. • The territory is 2,7 mln. km2. • By territorial size Kazakhstan ranks 9th in the world. • Populationis16594417people.
MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS and KAZAKHSTAN • Since the signing of the Millennium Declaration Kazakhstan has prepared four reports on achievement of MDG (2002, 2005, 2007, 2010). • For today Kazakhstan has reached 3 MDG (№1,2,3) and has established for itself new problems on achievement of the MDG+.
MDG 1. ELIMINATION EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER This goal was achievedalready in 2004 and Kazakhstan has established MDG+: • To decrease the number of people living in rural areas with incomes below the subsistence level; • To reduce by half the proportion of people not receiving a balanced and adequate nutrition.
MDG 2: ACHIEVE GENERAL PRIMARY EDUCATION In Kazakhstan this goal was achieved and has established next MDG+: «Achieve general secondary education». Literacy rate of 15-to 24-year-olds is(by data of National population census in 2009) 99,8% (1999 – 99,8%)
MDG 3: PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER WOMEN This goal was achieved in Kazakhstan in area ensuring equalaccess to education. Ratio of literate women and men in 15-to 24-year-olds (by data of National population census in 1999 and 2009) is99,9% and 99,8%. Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector, %
Share of women from the general number of pupils in 2006-2010
The characteristic of structure of deputies of National Parliament by gender in 2010
MDG 3: PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER WOMEN MDG+: • To provide the adoption and implementation of measures to increase representation of women in governance; • To provide legislative and executive measures to prevent and eliminate violence against women; • To provide sustainable gender mainstreaming in state planning and budgetary process, and in reducing the gap level.
MDG 4: REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY Target 5: Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate Indicators: • Under-five mortality rate • Infant mortality rate This goal is not achieved in Kazakhstan yet. Moreover, as recommended by WHO, the transition of the republic to the new criteria for live and stillbirths at 2008 puts this goal indefinitely.
MDG 4: REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY Child mortality rate
MDG 5: IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH Indicators: • Maternal mortality ratio • Proportion of births in Kazakhstanattended by skilled health personnel exceeds99%.
MDG 5: IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH Maternal mortality ratio • Per 100 000 live births
MDG 6: COMBAT HIV/AIDS AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER DISEASES • Target 6.A: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS • Target 6.C: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases
MDG 6: COMBAT HIV/AIDS AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER DISEASES Number of registered cases of HIV infection in 2006-2010
MDG 6: COMBAT HIV/AIDS AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER DISEASES Incidence, prevalence and death rates associated with tuberculosis Per 100 000 population