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The Birth of God’s People Genesis 12, 15, 17. Review (Or When We Last Left the Book of Genesis…). I. God creates the universe—it is all good! II. Humanity is created to reflect God’s image. III. Humanity chooses to go its own way… A. Ignores/Disobeys God’s order & purpose for creation.
Review(Or When We Last Left the Book of Genesis…) I. God creates the universe—it is all good! II. Humanity is created to reflect God’s image. III. Humanity chooses to go its own way… A. Ignores/Disobeys God’s order & purpose for creation. IV. Disobedience leads to separation… A. …from God, from each other, from creation itself. 1. Fear, shame and blame—we push God and others away. V. Glimpses of a world without God A. Humanity nearly destroys itself 1. Cain & Abel, Noah & the Flood, the Tower of Babel
God’s Plan To Restore His Creation God reveals himself and his expectations to Abram and Sarai.
Genesis 12:2 – 3God Will Bless #1. What promises did God make to Abram? He would become a great nation, have a great name and be a blessing to all the people on Earth. #2. Which promise implies that Abram had a responsibility? The promise that Abram would be a blessing implies a responsibility and an expectation. Abram and his family will NOT exist just for themselves—they will serve a larger purpose.
Genesis 12:4, 10 – 13God Will Bless #3. Did Abram fully understand and trust God’s promise? Yes and no. Yes, because he left his country & his people to follow God to a new, unknown land. No, because when he and Sarai faced danger from the Egyptians he lied instead of trusting God.
#4. What does God promise Abram here? God promised to protect Abram. God promises him land also. (Answer to #6) Genesis 15:1 – 8God Will Protect #5. How did God reaffirm his promise to Abram of many descendants ? God showed Abram the stars in the sky and promised Abram more descendants than that. #7. How do verses 6 and 8 show both Abram’s faith and doubt? Abram believed God but he also questioned how he could know he would actually get the land.
#8. What future events did God reveal to Abram? Genesis 15:12 – 16God will protect The time of slavery in Egypt, the punishment of the Egyptians, and the deliverance of the exodus. #9. What do these verses tell us about God? God’s protection doesn’t mean that bad things won’t happen to us. God as our savior and deliverer means that bad things won’t have the last word in our life—they won’t define us or our circumstances!
Genesis 16:1 – 2Getting Ahead of God #10. How can you tell that Abram and Sarai still didn’t fully trust God? Instead of waiting for God to fulfill his promise, they took matters into their own hands. Sarai had Abram conceive a child with her servant, Hagar—a commonly accepted practice back then. Sarai ended up resenting Hagar and her son Ishmael. God blesses Hagar and Ishmael but Ishmael is not the heir to God’s promise to Abram.
Genesis 17:1 – 8God is El Shaddai(“God Almighty”) #11. Instead of scolding or abandoning Abram, what promises does God repeat to him? God will make him a great nation and give him land. #12. What new things did God do? God changes Abram’s name to Abraham (“father of many nations”) to confirm that he would be the head of a family that would become a great nation. God also established a new covenant.
Genesis 17:9 – 11Sign of Circumcision #13. How was Abraham supposed to respond to God’s promises? Abraham was supposed to keep the covenant. #14. What physical sign did God require as a sign of the covenant? Circumcision
#15. What promise to Abraham and Sarah did God repeat? Genesis 17:15 – 16The Sign of Laughter The promise of a son. #16. By changing Sarai’s name to Sarah, what was God trying to show? God wanted Sarah to know that his plan was to be fulfilled through her as well as Abraham. Later when their son is born, he is named “Isaac” (= “laughter”)
A contract is a legal document where two people agree to do something. ...A checkbook is a book of blank contracts. The focus of a contract is oneself—making things better for or protecting myself. A covenant is like a contract—two parties promise to do something. But the focus of a covenant is on the other person—looking out for their interests and needs. Both parties honor their agreement based on the other person NOT themselves. ...Marriage is a covenant—NOT a contract! A Contract vs. A Covenant
A conditional covenant is an agreement that depends on both people fulfilling certain conditions. If either person fails to meet their responsibilities, the covenant is broken and neither person has to fulfill the expectations of the covenant. An unconditional covenant is an agreement between two people, but only one of the two people has to do something. Nothing is required of the other person. A Conditional vs. An Unconditional Covenant
The promise of land (Canaan). • The promise of many descendants. • (Father of a great nation—begins with Isaac) • The promise of protection. • (Bless those who bless you, curse those who...) • The promise of redemption. • (Save the world through you: light to the nations) In Summary, What is God’s covenant with Abraham?
Is God’s Covenant With Abraham conditional or unconditional? It is an unconditional covenant. God made promises to Abraham that required nothing of Abraham. But the sign of circumcision is a condition for accepting God’s offer, for being included in those promises.
Homework (Due Tuesday 9/21) • Read the Summary of Genesis 27 – Joshua 24 Diagram at least three of the stories! • Blog on “Walking by Faith” Your response due Sunday. Interact with at least two other students by Monday night. • Learn the memory verse (2 Timothy 3:16-17). • Memorize the books & library of the Bible. • Use your prayer journal.
Blogging Homework (Sample) Good Response: “my faith in god has gotten much stronger this summer, by doing things like play in the church band and getting more involved in church activities. my faith has been tested through numerous hard times and i just had to tell myself that he is there for me anytime. I ask god why im here and how im s pose to act.”
Blogging Homework (Sample) Better Response: “My faith in God has changed for the better i have been getting involved with my church and other churches just trying to help and become even closer to God. My faith was challenged when i went camping and a couple of people were lacking knowledge of God were trying to change me but I stood firm. I am now asking myself if this is the right path for me or if I should just start blending in with the sea of people that follow trends even if they know it is wrong.”
Blogging Homework: Great Response “I think my faith in God has gotten much stronger over the summer. During the summer, I was involved in church activities. I went to church on Fridays and Sundays to worship & learn more about God. On Fridays, my aunt goes to a church and gives away food to people who have nothing. My aunt wanted me to go there with her because she needed someone to help her. I went there and a lot of homeless people came to get food. I felt really bad because they didn’t even have enough money to buy food and they had nowhere to sleep in. I realized that God made me go to that church because he wanted me to know how lucky we are, that he loves us and how blessed we are. There are tons of people who are suffering and people that can’t afford to buy food. I realized that we should help people who have nothing because that is what God wants us to do. .”
Blogging Homework: Weak Response “My faith has been improved during sunday school that i went to during the summer and last school year and i am starting to go to church now…” In what did your faith improve? How did going church change your faith? Explain. Give an example.
Blogging Homework: Great Interaction “(Karli) I totally agree. I have questioned my faith SOOO many times this summer (its sad) I still think that there is a God...but man they've got me thinking sometimes...” (Patience) I also agree, having people question me kinda teaches me that there is....and that I need to share my faith to them not pull away from God.”
Blogging Homework: Weak Interaction “I completely agree with noah, eathen ,taylor, and kameron.” Why? For what reason?