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Panel discussion. James GRIFFITHS , Managing Director Ecosystems, Forest Solutions and Water, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Sheila VERGARA , Director, Biodiversity Information Management, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
James GRIFFITHS, Managing Director Ecosystems, Forest Solutions and Water, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Sheila VERGARA, Director, Biodiversity Information Management, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity Gilles KLEITZ, Project Manager Biodiversity - Natural Resources, AgenceFrançaise de Développement, France Claudio PADUA, Vice-President, IPÊ Instituto de PesquisasEcológicas, Brazil Andreas OBRECHT, Senior Policy Adviser Biodiversity, Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Switzerland Luis FUEYO, National Commissioner of Natural Protected Areas, Mexico Kurt ECKERSTROM, Account Manager, Global Affairs, ESRI Nigel CRAWHALL, Director of Secretariat, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC) Christine DAWSON, Director, Office of Ecology and Conservation (OES/ENC), Department of State, USA James NJOGU, Head of Conventions & Biodiversity research at the Kenya Wildlife Service
Stay informed | www.iucn.org/ipbesFurther discussions at WCC Event 1107 | Just World Pavilion on Tuesday 11 | 14:30-16:30 | Capacity-building Event 1190 | Species Pavilion on Wednesday 12 | 19:00-21:00 | Using the Red List by the IPBES (drinks offered!) Make the link Event 1448 | Human Development within Planetary Boundaries | Monday 10 | 14:30-16:30 | Room 303