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The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). What is FEMP? Aims Brief History Governing Bodies Skecth of elections Local Administration Spanish Provinces Local Entities Executive Committee Municipalities Municipal services Working Committees Regional Federations
The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces(FEMP)
What is FEMP? • Aims • Brief History • Governing Bodies • Skecth of elections • Local Administration • Spanish Provinces • Local Entities • Executive Committee • Municipalities • Municipal services • Working Committees • Regional Federations • FEMP’s flow chart • International Relations • Regular Publications www.femp.es What's FEMP?
What is FEMP? FEMP -The Spanish Section of the CEMR • The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias -FEMP-) is a non-profit legal association working for the public interests. • FEMP membership, which is on a voluntary basis, consists of Municipalities, Provinces and the Spanish Islands. • As of January 27, 2004 the FEMP assembled 6.978 municipalities, which represents 86,1 % of them, with a total population of 40.635.934 inhabitants, which represents 95,1 % of the Spanish population. What's FEMP?
Aims of the FEMP • To promote and defend the autonomy of Local Authorities • To represent and defend the general interests of Local Authorities before other public administrative bodies. • To provide a wide range of services to Local Authorities • To develop and strengthen the European spirit at local level, by fostering autonomy and solidarity among Local Authorities. • To promote and favour friendship ties and co-operation between Local Authorities and their organisation at international level, with particular focus on Europe, Latin-America and the Arab Countries. • To monitor national programmes aimed at municipal and provincial levels. What's FEMP?
Brief History • On the 12 January 1980, a group of Mayors met in Madrid invited by Mr. Enrique Tierno Galván, then Mayor of Madrid. The outcome of this meeting was the setting up of the Management Council, chaired by Mr. Pedro Aparicio Sánchez, Mayor of Málaga, which led to the official establishment of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities on 23 June 1980. • The first General Assembly was held in Málaga on 13 June 1981, when it was decided to include Provinces and Islands as well. The Mayor of Málaga was elected as Chairman at this Assembly. FEMP also became the Spanish Section of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR). • Mrs. Rita Barberá Nolla, Mayor of Valencia, was elected Chairwoman of the FEMP at the VI and VII General Assemblies, held in Madrid in November 1995 and 1999. Mrs. Barberá´s term in office expired in 2003. • Mr. Francisco Vázquez Vázquez, Mayor of La Coruña was elected President of FEMP at the VIII General Assembly, held in Madrid in November 23, 2003. What's FEMP?
Governing bodies General Assembly: Is the supreme body of the FEMP. It is made up of representatives from adhered Local Authorities. The General Assembly meets every four years, the VIII Assembly took place in November 2003. Federal Council:Is the maximum body between Assemblies. Is made up of sixty one members elected at the General Assembly….(Develops the general actions of the Federation in conformity with the Assembly resolutions. They are made up of members of the Executive Commission and other components elected within the legal members by the Assembly) It meets twice a year. Executive Commission: (Prepares and coordinates the works of the councils, executes its decisions and applies the regulations of the Federal Council. It is voted by the Assembly within its members. It is composed of a President, two Vice-presidents, and twenty two members.) They meet monthly. The President: Is the FEMPs ordinary representative, as well as the Federal Council and Executive Commission. In mentioned bodies the President has quality vote in case of a draw. The Secretariat General: Is responsible for the Federation’s daily functions, and is in charge of its administrative services; executes the agreements of the Executive Commission and the Federal Council; represents the FEMP in Institutions as per the Executive Commission appointment. What's FEMP?
Sketch of the Spanish Elections What's FEMP?
Local administration • The State is organized territorially into municipalities, provinces and any Autonomous Communities that may be constituted. All these bodies shall enjoy self-government for the management of their respective interests. (Art.137) • The Constitution guarantees the autonomy of the municipalities, which shall enjoy full legal personality. Their government and administration shall be incumbent on their respective Town Councils, consisting of Mayors and Councillors...(art. 140) • The province is a local entity, with its own legal personality, determined by the grouping of municipalities and by territorial division, in order to carry out the activities of the State... • The goverment and autonomous administraton of the provinces shall be entrusted to Provincial Councils (Diputaciones)... • Groups af municipalities other than those of the provinces may be formed • In the archipelagoes, the islands shall also have their own administration in the form of “cabildos” or Councils. (art. 141) What's FEMP?
Local Entities PLENNARY GOVERNMENT BODY MAYOR (Elected by the Councillors or the inhabitants) Government Committee (Appointed by the Mayor) COUNCILLORS Elected by universal, free, equal, direct and secret suffrage C O M P O S I T I O N FUNCTIONS Directs the goverment and the administration Dictates edicts Decides the expenses Directs the internal rules Infringement sanctions To control works and services Grants licences To control and oversee Concerning boundaries, name, flag, chief town, Urban plans Approval rules, regulations and ordinances Approval of its budget Tax determination What's FEMP?
Executive Committee 2003-2007 What's FEMP?
Municipalities by segment of inhabitants What's FEMP?
Compulsory Municipal Services(Art. 26.1 Law 7/85) What's FEMP?
Working committees In order to carry out daily functions the FEMP is organised in Working Committees that prepare studies and proposals on all issues that Local Authorities are responsible for. Currently the Working Committees are as follows: • Territorial Federations • ACON/OICI • County council, land councils • International Relations • Local Development • Cooperation Development • Municipalities Association • Town planning and housing • Culture • Cultural Heritage • Education • Environment and Ecology • Sports • Transport and Infrastructures • Youth • Public security and Civil Protection • Civil Service and HH.RR • Citizens Participation, Democratic quality & Governance • Vocational training • Social Services • Modernization and Quality • Mobility and Accessibility • IT´s Advisory Body • Gender Equality • Economic and Employment Development • Immigration • Sustainable and Healthy Cities • Local Public Funds • Consumption • Tourism What's FEMP?
Federación Andaluza de Municipios y Provincias. Federación Aragonesa de Municipios y Provincias. Federación Asturiana de Concejos. Federación de Entidades Locales de las Islas Baleares. Federación Canaria de Municipios. Federación Regional de Municipios y Provincias de Castilla y León. Federación de Municipios y Provincias de Castilla-La Mancha. Federación de Municipios de Cataluña. Federación de Municipios y Provincias de Extremadura. Federación Gallega de Municipios y Provincias. Federación de Municipios de Madrid. Federación de Municipios de la Región de Murcia. Federación Navarra de Municipios y Concejos. Federación Riojana de Municipios. Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias. La FEMP mantiene también relaciones con la Asociación de Municipios Vascos-EUDEL. Federations of regional sphere The FEMP keeps relations with Local Authorities of territorial scope by means of an specific signed protocol. Said protocol is currently in force with the followings Federations: What's FEMP?
FEMP’s Flow Chart What's FEMP?
International Relations • The FEMP, since its foundation, is the Spanish Section of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) • The CEMR is an association made up of National Associations of Local and Regional Powers from all over Europe. Its objectives are to promote from the territorial authorities: the European integration process; cooperation between Local and Regional authorities; the defence of Local and Regional autonomy within a democratic framework; the representation before the authorities of the European Union and Council of Europe, as its consultative body. The Council of European Municipalities was founded in Geneva in 1951 by a group of European mayors; later, it opened its ranks to the regions and became the Council of European Municipalities and Regions. Its Headquarters is in Paris and has office in Brussels. Since 1990 is the European Section of the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA). • After the merging process with United Cities Organization (UTO–FMCU) and METROPOLIS on May 1st, the FEMP is member of the governing bodies of Cities and Local Governments (CGLU),. • The FEMP proposes the appointment of Local representatives to the Committee of the Regions of the European Union, and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the European Congress (CLRAE). • Since1988 the FEMP is member of the Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement. • The FEMP is member and the Headquarters of the Organización Iberoamericana de Cooperación Intermunicipal (OICI), and is in charge of its Technical Office; it also cooperates with the Unión de Ciudades Capitales Iberoamericanas (UCCI). The objective of both associations is to strengthen Local Governments in Latin-American Countries and to establish cooperating channels between them. • The Organization of Arab Cities (OAC) and the FEMP carry out joint activities in the framework of a friendly and cooperating agreement subscribed by both organizations in 1985 • The FEMP promotes twinning activities all over the world and cooperating development projects in order to forge closer relationships between countries. What's FEMP?
Regular publications Carta Local, FEMP´s official publication. Its content is basically informative on all current issues which the editorial board considers of relevant interest. Cuadernos de Administración Local FEMP´s official technical bulletin. It provides the Municipalities with a strict analysis of technical issues; informs on legislative news which could affect them (at European, national and autonomous level); as well as bibliography and new publications. Cuadernos de la OICI Official bulletin of the Organización Iberoamericana de Cooperación Intermunicipal. Its object is to be a communication channel between the Institutions and municipalities that belong to it. What's FEMP?