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CHAPTER 1 1. W e c o ntin u e to Lea r n a l o t abo u t the S o lar S y stem b y using S p a c e E x p lo r a tion. S e ction 1 1 . 1 T h e S u n. p age 390. - A v e r age siz ed star - 300 , 000 mo r e mas s i v e th a n E a r th, 99% of a l l mass in our sol a r sy s t em
CHAPTER11 Wecontinueto Learnalotaboutthe SolarSystemby using SpaceExploration
Section11.1TheSun page390 -Averagesized star -300,000more massive than Earth,99%of allmassinour solarsystem -Millionsof kmaway -Approx.5billionYearsold with 5billionmore togo!
The Hugesize of thesun causes pressure tobuildupatthecenterof thesun asgravitypullsthe mass inward… ThermonuclearReactions turn H(hydrogen) He(helium)giving offHeat,Lightand UV radiationinthe process Heat,LightandUVradiation H He Pressure
SolarRadiation–Energy (E)Emitted from thesuninthe form of ElectromagneticRadiation …E thatiscarriedorradiatedin theform of wavesthatrangein length,ex.Microwaves,radiowaves,UVwaves TheEarthislocatedinthe“GoldilocksZone”, nottoo hot,nottoocold,justright!
SUNSPOTS– dark patches of slightly cooler(3500°C) surface areasonthe sun, theyincrease and decreasein numberonan11-yrcycle.Theymaybe relatedto changesin the Earth’s climate. SOLARFLARES–eruptionsof gasonthe sunssurface– can lasta fewhours, temperatures increaseupto 11,000,000°C CreatesSolarWinds
SolarWind page393 HotE bubbles“pop” onthe surfaceofthe sunandsend highE particlesrushingpastEarth.Earthis protected fromthis solarwind byits magneticfield.Someof the particlesenterthe Earth’satmosphereat the poles wheretheycollidewith the gas intheatmosphereto createAuroras(Northern/Southernlights)page 394.
SomesolarwindscandisturbEarth’s magneticfieldanddisable satellites, knockoutpowerlines,and expose astronautstohighlevelsof radiation
Section 11.2 page398 Characteristicsof theCelestialBodies oftheSolarSystem
ThePlanets Tobea planetyoumust… …orbit1 ormorestars …belarge enoughsoitsgravity holdsitin place …bethe onlybodyinitsorbital path
AstronomicalUnits(AU) • Usedtomeasuredistancesin space 1AU=150millionkm (thedistancefromtheEarthtotheSun) 5.27AU 1AU
Activity11-2A: TerrestrialandJovianPlanets Read Sectioon 11.2 of your text onthe planets andcompletethetablein your notes. MnemonicDeviceto Rememberthe orderofthePlanets??? Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter, Saturn,Uranusand Neptune
PLUTO NowconsideredDwarfPlanet –acelestialbodyorbitingtheSunthatis generallysmallerthanaplanetbutmassive enoughforitsowngravityto giveitaround shape.Howevertheyarenotstrongenough tocleartheirorbitofdebris Therearemany other“dwarf planets”some arebiggerandsomelikePluto havemoons
AComparison of3dwarfplanetsand Earth,noticesome havemoonsandsome don’t
COMETS • “dirty snowballs”composed • of ice, rock andgas • Originatefromthe Kuiper • BeltandOortCloud • Theytravelinlong ellipticalorbitsaroundthe sun whichareaffectedbythe gravitational pullsofotherplanets • Ithasa long dusttailassunlightstartsto • meltthe ice,thesecanstretchmillions ofkm • MostfamousHalley’scometwhichisvisable • every76yearsorso
PeriodicityofComets: "Period"istheamountoftimeittakesanobjectin orbittoreturn toitsstartinglocation. Cometstravel inshortand longperiods aroundthe suninelliptical orbits
ASTEROIDS • Small bodiesbelievedtobe theleftoverremainsofthe formationoftheSolarSystem • Mostly found inan asteroidbeltbetweenMarsand Jupiter • They haveirregularshapes • Rangeinsizefroma • grainofsandup to1000km • Anasteroidup • to1kmwoulddevastateEarth
Meteoroid–a rockychunk, brokenoffanasteroidor planet,whichfloatsthroughspace • Meteor–a meteoroidthatburnsupasitpasses throughEarths atmosphere,seen asa shootingstar • Meteorite–a meteoroid that doesnotburnupfullyintheEarthsatmosphereandhitsthe Earthssurface METEORS
DeepImpactSites • Aplacewherea relativelysmallobject(meteorite)has collidedwithalargerobject(planet) • Producesa fairlycirculardepressioninthesurfaceof thelargerobjectreferredtoasanimpactcrater
QUIZ Thursday, October 17, 2013 10 True/False 15 Multiple Choice 6 Matching 2 Short Answer Questions • Study Guide: • The Sun – characteristics, diagram, sunspots, solar flares, solar winds, etc • The Planets – characteristics, table of comparison for inner/outer planets • What is an astronomical unit? • Pluto • Comets • Asteroids • Meteors, meteoroid, meteorite • Deep impact sites • Worksheet for Section 11.3