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Dinosaurs or Dragons ?. Did Dinosaurs really go extinct 65 million years ago? Or …. Are some Dinos still alive today because they are actually the Dragons that always lived with men? Like the Elasmosaur pictured here.
Dinosaurs or Dragons? Did Dinosaurs really go extinct 65 million years ago? Or… Are some Dinos still alive today because they are actually the Dragons that always lived with men? Like the Elasmosaur pictured here. Recorded history shows that virtually every nation has records & legends of Dragons; Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, Chinese, Incas, Europeans, as well as historical records of deadly fights between humans and dragons.
Ancient Chinese Dragon/Dinosaur 1700 BC Shang Dynasty, Jade dinosaur H. 39cm, W. 14kgs. Note scales-like skin patterns, the ridge on its back, horn extending from back of the head, the long tail, the enormous claws, and dragon like face! Dr. Huang states: “Chinese characters have their basis only in the real world!” The early Shang dynasty [1750 – 1050 BC], wrote on “oracle bones” sold later by Chinese pharmacists as “dragon bones.” Dragon =龍 Dr. Huang PhD. says: “Some believe the mythical Chinese dragon may be the dinosaur in the Cretaceous Period. The Chinese character of Dragon has been formed by the pattern derivation which must base some thing in the real world. If this is true, then the ancient Chinese must see the live dinosaur to compose the dragon character. The shape of ancient character of dragon looks like the shape of dinosaur. “The artifact has the simplified design of tyrannosaurus with only two legs.” Dr. Eugene Huang PhD, Cornell University Associate Researcher, Institute of Earth Sciences, Acadamia Sinica
600 BC Nebuchadnezzar Emperor of Babylon had his own pet dragon! This pic was on its city wall. Dragon head in bronze!
Dinosaurs are Dragons! KROKODILOPARDALIS 30 BC Roman mural shows soldiers hunt a Dino-like animal, called krokodilopardalis, mix of crocodile & leopard.
Dinosaurs are Dragons! But perhaps the most relevant aspect of this, as far as our present study, is concerned, is the fact some of these sightings and subsequent encounters with living dinosaurs can be dated to the very recent past. The giant reptile at Bures in Suffolk, for example, is known to us from a chronicle of 1405:- "Close to the town of Bures, near Sudbury, there has lately appeared, to the great hurt of the countryside, a dragon, vast in body, with a crested head, teeth like a saw, and (a tail extending to an enormous length. Having slaughtered the shepherd of a flock, it devoured many sheep..."After an unsuccessful attempt by local archers to kill the beast, due to its impenetrable hide... "in order to destroy him, all the country people around were summoned. But when the dragon saw that he was again to be assailed with arrows, he fled into a marsh or mere and there hid himself among the long reeds, and was never more seen." Dragon Tales from Britain & Wales336 BC & 1405 AD Early Britons & Welsh provide us with the earliest surviving European accounts of reptilian monsters, one of whom killed and devoured king Morvidus (Morydd) in about 336 BC. We are told in the original early Welsh account (which Geoffrey of Monmouth translated into Latin and which still survives in spite of modernist claims to the contrary), that the monster "gulped down the body of Morvidus as a big fish swallows a little one." In England and Scotland, again until comparatively recent times, other reptilian monsters were sighted and spoken of in many places. There are 81 locations in the British Isles alone in which dinosaur activity has been reported (there are, in fact, nearly 200 such places in Britain.)
Dinosaurs are Dragons! In 900 AD an Irish writer told of an animal with iron nails on his tail and a head similar to a horse. It also had thick legs and strong claws Ireland ca. 900 ADAn Irish writer recorded an encounter with a large beast with iron nails on its tail which pointed backwards. Its head was shaped a little bit like a horse’s. And it had thick legs and strong claws. These details match features of dinosaurs like the Kentrosaurus and Stegosaurus. From the Great Dinosaur Mystery by Paul Taylor
Dinosaurs are Dragons! “On Friday the 26th of September in the year of our Lord 1449, about the hour of Vespers, two terrible dragons were seen fighting for about the space of one hour, on two hills, of which one, in Suffolk, is called Kydyndon Hyl and the other in Essex Blacdon Hyl. One was black in colour and the other reddish and spotted. After a long conflict the reddish one obtained the victory over the black, which done, both returned into the hills above named whence they had come, that is to say, each to his own place to the admiration of many beholding them.” From a MSS in the Library of The Dean and Chapter at Canterbury (Blacdon Hyl is now known as Ballingdon Hill, and Kydyndon Hyl is Killingdown Hill at Keddington. Below the latter is a meadow known as Sharpfight Meadow) Source For more go to: http://www.anzwers.org/free/livedragons/dragon.htm Two Dragons seen Fighting in 1449 in Suffolk & Essex The following account in a true journalistic spirit even mentions Christian evening devotions or “vespers” in one breath, making this report all the more believable. WHY WOULD THESE PEOPLE LIE ABOUT A BY MANY WITNESSED EVENT FROM A PUBLIC CANTERBURY CHRONICLE? WELL, EITHER THEY LIED, OR MODERN EVOLUTIONIST ‘SCIENTISTS’ LIE TO US ABOUT “65.000.000 YEARS AGO!” THE LATTER IS THE REAL MYTH!
Dinosaurs are Dragons! As late as August, 1614, the following sober account was given of a strange reptile that was seen in St Leonard's Forest in Sussex (the sighting was near a village that was known as Dragon's Green long before this report was published): Dragons inSussex 1614 AD "This serpent (or dragon as some call it) is reputed to be nine feete, or rather more, in length, and shaped almost in the form of an axletree of a cart; a quantitie of thickness in the middest, and somewhat smaller at both endes. The former part, which he shootes forth as a necke, is supposed to be an elle[3ft 9 inches or 114 cms]long; with a white ring, as it were, of scales about it. The scales along his back seem to be blackish, and so much as is discovered under his bellie, appeareth to be red... it is likewise discovered to have large feete, but the eye may there be deceived, for some suppose that serpents have no feete...[The dragon] rids aways (as we call it) as fast as a man can run. His food[rabbits]is thought to be for the most part, in a coniewarren, which he much frequents... There are likewise upon either side of him discovered two great buches so big as a large foote-ball, and (as some thinke) will in time grow to wings, but God, I hope, will (to defend the poor people in the neighbourhood) that he shall be destroyed before he grows to fledge."
Ancient Cambodians saw aStegosaur! Their 900 yr old Ankor Wat temple has a tile with one on it. Do you know why Evolutionists pooh pooh the before mentioned historicaldragon documentsas myths? Because these accounts prove that Dinosaurs didn’t live 65 million years ago, but recently! And so they wouldn’t have “early models” for their beloved Evolution. No “model T-Fords” for present “advanced car” models.—No Evolution! Popular National Geographic, Animal Planet & History Channel etc., fully support this 65 million year old fantasy!
Australian Aborigines painted a plesiosaur with spine, teeth & intestines, named ‘Yarru’! Elders of the Kuku Yalanji Aboriginal tribe of Far North Queensland, Australia, relate stories of Yarru (or Yarrba), a creature which used to inhabit rainforest waterholes. This animal is rare today! Why did Aborigines paint it along with a known fish, snake and turtle? Because this creature is not imaginary, but real!--They even hunted it!
Is there any proof of Dragons today? Oh Yes! Plenty! Nessie is just a wee little Elasmosaur! From the English “Daily Mail” Roy Johnston is just a normal sincere Scotsman who happened to see something in Loch Ness and photographed it! Lawrence Sear, managing editor of the Daily Mail, said there was absolutely no sign the photographs had been doctored. "We collected the negatives from Mr Johnston and they were absolutely genuine. They have not been manipulated at any stage," he said. Left & below: Sonar expedition pictures made in Loch Ness of Nessie’s body & flipper. Right below: Piece of plesiosaur spine found below waterline along Loch Ness beach.
Lake Champlain Monster looks like a Dino! This photo was taken by Ms. Sandi Mansi when picnicking at Lake Champlain in the USA. Champy has been seen hundreds of times by many people in the lake area. Its sound was recorded by scientists. Click to hear it again! Left: Pic of video taken by a Turkish professor, in Lake Van, Turkey in 2001. Right: This baby creature was found on Parton beach in New Cumbria England
OGOPOGO MONSTER in Canada's beautiful Lake Okanagan, has been seen thousands of times. • On September 16, 1926, Ogopogo was watched by some 30 cars of people along an Okanagan Mission beach. Not many monsters have been seen at one time by so many people. • The first photograph was taken by Ed Fletcher of North Vancouver while on a skiing excursion on the lake with his family. In the space of an hour Fletcher & his companions followed the monster around the lake and reportedly sighted the animal a dozen times. Fletcher is adamant that the monster was attracted to his vessel because of electrode emissions emanating from his boat. • BCSCC President John Kirk has also sighted the monster almost as frequently over a period of three years from 1987 - 1990, but the record belongs to Jake Heppner who has reportedly had sightings in the dozens over a 40 year period. And a native Indian known only as "Joe" has also encountered Ogopogo on many occasions in his 80+ plus years of life. • Fletcher, Kirk and Heppner are among thousands who have sighted an animal they have variously described as serpentine; with a horse or sheep-like head; black or dark green in colour; able to appear in the shape of logs and in the form of humps - single or many, coiled or arched or like some great snake. • Measuring in length from 12 to over 70 feet long, Ogopogos have been seen as individuals or in groups of as many as three animals at a time. Source: OGOPOGO
California 1921 Moore’s Beach Dino The renowned naturalist E. L. Wallace, after thoroughly examining the carcass, concluded that it was some kind of Plesiosaur. With no teeth and a bill, Wallace reasoned, the animal must have lived on vegetation. Wallace felt strongly that there were a number of factors that mitigated in favour of a Plesiosaur and against a ‘beaked whale’ explanation. Wallace noted that there was no bone in the Santa Cruz carcass as large as the backbone of a whale. This fact contradicted the whale theory, as did the fact that the tail of the unknown animal was only three feet [one meter] long, too short and weak--Wallace felt--for an animal of the deep. A PLESIOSAUR? SUPPOSED TO BE EXTINCT 65 MILLION YEARS AGO? SEEN IN THE 20TH CENTURY??? SOMEONE PINCH ME QUICK AND WAKE ME UP FROM AN EVOLUTIONARY NIGHTMARE DECEIVING THE HUMAN RACE!
Zuiyo Maru trawler’s fish up carcassoff the coast of New Zealand in 1975 This carcass was picked up by the Japanese fishing boat MS Zuiyomaru off the coast of New Zealand. The carcass was covered with badly decayed fatty tissue. The creature weighed about 1 ton. The Captain ordered it thrown back because of it's smell so it was never closely examined. Scientists studying the picture were unable to tell what kind of animal it was. It does not resemble any known sea creature. Skeptical scientists assumed it was a decayed body of a basking shark. [favorite decoy] Upon further examination, other biologists claim the size, fin placement, and overall appearance does not support the basking shark theory, but it may well be a kind of plesiosaur. The sketch shown above is a drawing of what the creature would look like laid out flat.
The international press reported that a prehistoric monster of some sort had been beached in Tecolutla, Mexico in March, 1969. The strange carcass's serpent-like body was covered with hard jointed armor. A 10 foot bone tusk--estimated to weigh a ton -- protruded from its head. UPI reported that biologists thought the creature might have been a narwhal--which has a long tusk--but that after seeing the carcass, "they could not match it with any sea creature known to man."Then a 7-man commission of scientists reported on April 20, 1969 that the monster was a rorqual whale, [see inset] known as the finback whale, however, that particular explanation fell short of explaining the 1 ton horn & body armor. The first biologists who thoroughly examined it with the idea that it might be a whale concluded that again; “it did not match any sea creature known to man.”Some other marine dragon. Tecolutla monster Mexico
A real Pterosaur shot during the American civil war versus a fake!This huge Pteranodon or Quetzalcoatlus, judging by the elongated skull & its 10-12 meters length, is not supposed to co-exist with Man! The amazing thing is that their wings are never pictured in textbooks with canoe-type tips like this. The fake* is on the right>>> Just think, some fanatic evolutionists went through all that trouble to produce a fake Ptero to imitate this picture, just to obfuscate, eclypse & so “debunk” this original proof! Wicked! Even today Pterodactyl are still seen in the U.S., Australia & other places! So “dinosaurs” did not live 65 million years ago, but recently! --Today!! *Evolutionists stated: “We know it’s a fake because we created a model for our TV show & it’s now in a cryptozoic museum!” QUESTION: Which pic is fake? Because there are 2 with 2 different pterosaur! The huge one is from a 1950 ‘believe it or not’ book.
A Texas Farmer With Yet Another Pterosaur! American Southwest 1699.While exploring the Sonora Desert on 12 February 1699, Captain Juan Mateo Manje, accompanied by Jesuits Eusebio Francisco Kino and Adamo Gil, was told by the Pima Indians that a giant monster lived in a nearby cave in days past. It was a menace to the Pima because it would fly around and catch as many Indians as it could eat. One day, after the creature had eaten its fill, some Indians followed it back to its cave. When it was sound asleep they closed the entrance of the cave with wood collected for this occasion; then set it on fire. The creature couldn't escape and, growling fiercely, died as it was asphyxiated by the flames and smoke.1The Pima recalled another story of killing a similar creature in the pueblo of Oposura by using the same strategy. We are told the bones of this creature were found during the pacification of Mexico by General Don Hernándo Cortés and were sent to Spain.1 A rancher holds up an anatomically correct long-tailed Rhamphorhynchoidea pterosaur. This revealing photo is from the same ‘believe it or not’ book from the 1950's. [This pic has not been “debunked” by a faked double. Yet!]
Center Photo: A baby Pterodactylus in 2003 This picture was sent to Christian webmaster of www.s8int.com. An American lady told him she found it pecking against her window. She caught and because she didn’t know what kind of bird it was she photographed it on her hand. Then it flew away. Note how it is anatomically identical with the pterodactylus kochi on the right, down to the little (de)tails. Left picture: The contents of a real pterodactylus’ egg.
Pterosaurs Alive in US, Australia & Africa! FLYING PTEROSAUR IN PERTH 2003On September 28, 2003 In December, 1997 my husband and I both sighted a huge creature flying one night in Perth, Western Australia on the coastline. This creature could not be written off as a bird as it was bigger than any bird on the planet, It did not flap it's wings (just glided on the air current), it had a ruddy reddish brown leathery skin; (we could see it's underneath as it flew over us at about 300ft up; it had a long tail and a wingspan between 30-50ft across. It made no sound and did not flap it's wings. This creature was huge and never in my life have I ever seen anything that remotely resembled it until I found a page on Pterosaurs over the last few days.Maybe these creatures have always been here in remote places, but it is possible their numbers are increasing and they have to search farther a field for food. I also read over the last few days that we are not the only people who have seen one of these creatures. The sighting was pushed aside as who do you report these sightings to anyway? If a creature that size is flying the night sky then it could be dangerous to humans....it must have a huge appetite.Being a middle aged couple who abhor the spotlight, we were not gonna go to news-papers and leave ourselves open for ridicule. But we both swear to God that we saw it. Very old photograph of Strange bird shot in US KONGAMATO: Zambian & Kongolese Pterosaur A college student from Kenya, surprised over the fact that Americans believed Pterosaurs to have existed millions of years ago, told Dr. Kent Hovind over the phone one evening of the flying reptiles of his native land. In detail, he explained to Mr. Hovind their natural habits. They consider them pests, similar to buzzards. A common problem they have, explained the student, is making sure to bury their dead deep enough, because interestingly, the Kongamatos (African Pterosaur) will unearth buried natives to feed upon their dead flesh.
Fresh, unfossilised, elastic Dinosaur meat on bone? Dino Steak from 65.000.000 years ago? Not only have more blood cells been found, but also soft, fibrous tissue, and complete blood vessels. The fact that this really is unfossilized soft tissue from a dinosaur is in this instance so obvious to the naked eye that any skepticism directed at the previous discovery is completely “history”. My grandfather’s bones are dryafter 40 years! Here be Dragons! Science via AP(From www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7285683/) A: The arrow points to a tissue fragment that is still elastic. It beggars belief that elastic tissue like this could have lasted for 65 million years.B: Another instance of “fresh appearance” which similarly makes it hard to believe in the “millions of years”.C: Regions of bone showing where the fibrous structure is still present, compared to most fossil bones which lack this structure. But these bones are claimed to be 65 million years old, yet they manage to retain this structure. 65.000.000 years! They say Man only arrived 3-4 million years ago!
How much more proof do you require? WHY Evolution? Even many great scientists are shunned also who don’t believe in it because it is a false religion created by people who don’t like to acknowledge the Intelligent Creator that all intelligent brainy creatures (us) prove!Many scientists are not just locked into an Evolutionary paradigm, but PREFER it because it means tax supported salaries, research & easy publishing, whereas Intelligent Design scientists are shunned by the academic elite. Evolution is a conspiracy by anti-Christian forces who hijacked the West! As the Kennedy assassinations & the controlled demolitions of WTC towers & Building 7 that wasn’t even hit by a plane, it is a cover up! Evidence supporting Dragons has been neglected, ignored, ridiculed & even destroyed by the dictatorial modern evolutionary Inquisition of hijacked Western science & complicit Mainstream Media! Why? Because the powers that be do not like to retain God in their minds & hearts, nor accept the cataclysmic historical Flood that Moses & Jesus taught!
Dinosaurs Alive in Africa in 1919? The following report appeared in Australia's Newcastle Herald on December 29, 1993, in its 'On This Day' column.'In 1919, rumours abound about a large animal seen in the interior of the Congo, in Africa.'The animal is claimed to be a Brontosaurus (thunder-lizard), a "reptile which has been decently buried for 8 million [sic] years".'A Belgian prospector claims to have seen an animal with "large scales, a thick, kangaroo-like tail, a horn on the snout and a hump on the back".'Scientists are sceptical about what the prospector saw and it is suggested "that any of these large land reptiles are now in existence is inconceivable, for they have been extinct since Cretaceous times, and there is no precedent for such an unwarranted resurrection.'They are, however, unsure of why the Brontosaurus and other dinosaurs disappeared. One theory is that during the development and specialisation in an animal, as for instance the Brontosaurus, there is a "waning of potential". It cannot adapt itself to altering conditions and thus "the race dies out".'— Norm Barney, Newcastle Herald (Australia), December 29, 1993. Alleged “Rex” photo taken in 1908 in Africa, eating a rhino.
Conclusion: Dragons are alive today! • As Dragons are real, the alternative 65 million year old Dino genesis of “Evolution” is a hoax & deception foisted upon us by our hijacked media & academia for some ulterior reason! • Why? Ultimately to make us doubt our roots, Biblical faith of our fathers, to destroy our Christian heritage & civilisations! • Thus alienated from our millennia old religious roots, we are delivered over to the chaos & religion of liars. Our nations, organisations, & leadership cadres are infiltrated & hijacked by Antichristian forces. • We’re left without voices or powers to defend ourselves, delivered over to their so-called “New World Order”, the fast spreading Antichrist One World dictatorial regime. Lets pray to return to our real roots: Dear Jesus come quickly! Help me to return to the Christian roots of my nation.—You! Please come into my heart and help me to love you and others, and to understand your words of truth! Give me your free gift of eternal Life Amen! FEEL FREE TO PASS ON TO OTHERSFor more powerpoints visit: www.powerpointparadise.com/