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Brief Overview about Etranscriptor

Brief Overview about Etranscriptor.

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Brief Overview about Etranscriptor

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brief Overview about Etranscriptor Etranscriptor suite is meant for transcribing and generating reports, uploading those reports in HIS (it depends on site to site whether they want us to upload or they will pick reports form specified location and do the uploading process). Etranscriptor is an extended version of Wintran.

  2. Classification of Etranscriptor • Front End Processes • Etranscriptor (Transcriptionist Software) • Etran Player (For Playing Audio File) • Background Processes • AutoFtpVoice • AutoFtpDoc • AutoTransfterFile

  3. Etranscriptor

  4. Etranscriptor • Etranscriptor suite is used by the transcriber, the pending view shows all the jobs which are ready to be transcribed, the transcribers download the audio file to their local and listen to the dictations and transcribe. Finally transcribers submit the report in doc format by clicking the submit button.

  5. Backgroud Processes • AutoFtpVoice • This process picks VOX files from \\FTPSite\Outbox and placed it into pending table (\\FTPSite\Pending) and copy to \\FTPSite\Dictation folder. • From Pending table Transcriber select a particular VOX file (on the basis of TAT) and start generating the reports. After this the report generated is in .doc form and moved to \\FTPSite\Transciptions.

  6. Some Familiar Errors returned by AutoFtpVoice on below conditions: 1. Voxfilewith an invalid doctor id (Doctor Id which is not in our system or with non-numeric value) Voxfilewill get renamed with the extension '.INVALID_DOCTORID' in the outbox 2. Voxfilewith an invalid dictation date(Date which are not in the format of YYMMDD or YYMMDDHHMMSS )   Voxfilewill get renamed with the extension '.INVALID_DICDATE ' in the outbox. 3. Voxfilewith an invalid Job ID (JobID field is not there or is non-numeric value in file name) Voxfilewill get renamed with the extension '.INVALID_JOBID ' in the outbox. 4. Voxfilewhich is already in pending   a. If the both files have same contents, it will get deleted from outbox b. If both the files have different contents , it will get renamed as .ERR_IN_PEN Continued….

  7. 5. Voxfileshortwhich is already in pending table Voxfile will get renamed with the extension ' .NEW_DUP_PEN' in the outbox 6. Voxfilewhich is already in archive table Voxfile will get renamed with the extension '.ERR_IN_ARV ' in outbox 7. Voxfilewhich is already in archive table but not found in both Archive\DoctorID\YYMM and ColdArchive\DoctorID\YYMM It simply moves that vox file from outbox to Archive\DoctorID\YYMM. 8. Voxfileshortwhich is already in archive table Voxfile will get renamed with the extension '.NEW_DUP_ARV ' in outbox

  8. AutoFtpDoc • AutoFTPDoc application process doc files from the below path \\FTPSite\Transciptions • It uploads these reports onto HIS (it depends on site to site whether they want us to upload or they will pick reports form specified location and do the uploading process by themselves). • Note: - Once the document is transcribed it is moved to Archive table (\\Archive) • It is done to maintain a history or more precisely as Backup. It holds both Vox Files as well as doc files i.e. the final report.

  9. AutoTransferFiles • AutoTransferFiles service is configured to copy VOX files from Site to Sca1 and update comments in Pending as – “Will be typed by TMT” for jobs having transcriptor initials as TMT.

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