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Explore the Payment Media Protection Division's initiatives to safeguard Czech legal tender from counterfeiting through research, development, and training. Learn about their collaboration with law enforcement and the regulation of banknotes and coins. Discover how they ensure the quality and authenticity of money in circulation.
Payment Media Protection DivisionIntegration of Payment Media Testing Office • Cash and Payment Systems Department => • Payment Media Protection Division => • Payment Media Testing Office (since 1919)
322 - Payment Media Protection Division It provides in particular: • technical and legal protection of the Czech legal tender against counterfeiting and determination of technical parameters and architecture of Czech legal tender, • research and development activities in the field of technical protection of legal tender and equipment for the detection of counterfeits, • establishment of technical principles and technological procedures of quality control over manufactured banknotes and coins and their compliance, • keeping of payment media designs, coin strikes, banknote proofs, dies, and other relevant documents and materials, • specification of technical means and equipment for checking and processing money from the user perspective, equipment of CNB workplaces with technique for money processing, public tenders for devices for checking the authenticity and processing of money
6) standardization of procedures for counterfeits detection and rules of trainings on counterfeits detection and their implementation, 7) activities of national centers for a) analysis of counterfeit euro banknotes (NAC), b) analysis of counterfeit euro coins (CNAC), c) counterfeits (NCC), 8) cooperation with police and law enforcement authorities in criminal proceedings, elaboration of expert opinions on counterfeit and altered banknotes and coins for police and law enforcement authorities, 9) recording and keeping of seized counterfeit and altered Czech and foreign banknotes and coins, 10) calculating of compensation for incomplete and damaged banknotes in cases where standard practice is inapplicable, 11) exchange of money specimens with foreign central banks, 12) acceptance and custody of coins of precious metals, 13) custody of gold and other precious metals and other collections.
Main activities National Center for analysis of counterfeit banknotes and coins, expert opinions for police and law enforcement authorities, recording and keeping of counterfeits Trainings on detection of counterfeits Calculating of compensation for incomplete and damaged banknotes in cases where standard practice is inapplicable, Supervision over money manufacturers, adherence to established methodology Custody of gold reserves and other collections of material
National Analysis Centre (NAC CZ)Coin National Analysis Centre (CNAC CZ) Definition of NAC´s and CNAC´s main tasks: • providing expert opinions on counterfeit Eurobanknotes and Eurocoins • data transfer on counterfeit Eurobanknotes and Eurocoins seized in the Czech Republic to the CMS (Counterfeit Monitoring System) • preparation and executing of trainings for banknote experts (police, cashier,..)
LEGISLATION - Act No. 6/1993 Coll. on the Czech National Bank - Act No.40/2009 Coll., theCriminal Code CNB decrees 1) CNB Decree No. 37/1994 of 21 February 1994, stipulating the procedure for accepting and handling money and providing compensation for incomplete and damaged banknotes and coins 2) CNB Decree No. 553/2006 of 30 November 2006 on the terms and conditions under which it is possible to reproduce banknotes, coins, cheques, securities and payment cards and to produce objects imitating them. 3) about issuance of new banknotes and coins and commemorative coins, 4) the expiration of banknotes and coins and the type and duration of their exchange .
Project Component 2:Administrative capacity development of the system for fight against counterfeiting of banknotes and coins(NCC, NAC, CNAC, PNO) Expected results: Organizational structure of the centers Training needs analysis Workshops Study visits
Organisational structure of the centres The organisational structure of the NCC, NAC, CNAC, PNO in Croatia will be analysed and compared with corresponding units in competent national authorities of the Czech Republic.
Training needs analysis Training needs analysis will be made, multidisciplinary programme and National Training Plan prepared and elaborated. It will contain definite priorities, target groups, responsible institutions.
Workshops A workshop for the staff of centres for fighting counterfeiting will be arranged. It will concern, among others, analyses of suspicious banknotes and coins.
Study visits It is expected that the Team of Croatian specialists will visit the Czech National Bank to get acquaintedwith respective practice and activities connected with the fight against counterfeiting, money protection, counterfeits analyses and respective trainings.