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Summary of our social media integration research project. The full paper and detailed results are also available on my slideshare profile. <br>This presentation describes how you can integrate social media in your organization through 4 phases and 13 strategic projects.
This is what this presentation has to offer you: A clear & pragmaticroadmaptointegratesocial media in yourorganizationandtobecome more consumercentric.The roadmapconsists of 13 strategic projects. Thisroadmap is baseduponinterviews with 25 companies from different sectors, different countriesand different phases in theirownintegration flow. This is not a visionary document. This is a hands-on, pragmatic guideof whatto do, to make things happen. Goodluck.
The integration roadmap consists Of 4 different stages. Capability building Pilot mode Integration mode Leverage mode
Each stage has specific projects & goals. The very first step is building internal belief & knowledge.The objective of this phase is to get everyone in the company aligned on the importance and value of social media and customer centricity, and setting up the right infrastructure to succeed Capability building Pilot mode Integration mode Leverage mode
Each stage has specific projects & goals. In this phase pilot projects are defined. Concrete projects are set up which should lead to immediate business results. Next, these projects need to increase the learning curve of your organization.Further, two structural projects need implementing: installing a centre of excellenceand a company-wide listening culture. Capability building Pilot mode Integration mode Leverage mode
Each stage has specific projects & goals. During this phase, we bring the entire organization closer to the customer. By adapting the structure from a silo to a network organization, we create benefits for clients. Clients are more involved. Further, an important change is the installation of new business KPIsto measure success. Capability building Pilot mode Integration mode Leverage mode
Each stage has specific projects & goals. The last phase is about making your company more flexible on the one hand and, due to the integration of social media, we want to increase the return on investment of all our marketing and communication effortson the other hand. At this point, the real ROI of social media pops up: leveraging on investments. Capability building Pilot mode Integration mode Leverage mode
13 Let’s take a closer look to the strategic projects.
Capability building 1. Internalandexternal audit. External: Measureexistingconversations. Whospeaksaboutyou, where, whyandaboutwhat? Internal: Measure attitude & behavior of your employees withregardstosocial media.
Diageomappedconversationsabouttheircategory, liquors, withothercategories. Thishelpedthemtounderstand the dynamics of conversationsacrosscategories. This was part of theirexternal audit.
Capability building 2. Set-up structural & ongoing training. In general, knowledgeaboutsocial media is too low in most companies. Gooddecisionscanonlybe taken ifenoughknowledge is present.
The management of AB InBevwants tolearnfrom the best in class. Their top executives were the first onestrained. Their trainers during the social media boothcampwereforinstance Marc Zuckerberg.
Capability building 3. Adapt the HR strategy. Provide employees access tosocial media Hire a Conversation Manager Write a Conversation guide Add new recruitment criteria Adaptcertain job descriptions Include new, social media relatated, KPIs in the annualevaluation Facilitateyour employees in the usage of social media
Cisco has adapted a number of HR policieslikeintegratingusesocial media in objectivesandevaluations. There is a globalsocial media team, whichevolvedtowardsthree teams bynow. Theirconversation guideis based on the usage of common sense of their employees.
Capability building 4. Set-up the right infrastructure Create social media presence and start to build reach.
KLMinvested in different social media channelstoconnectwiththeir target group. Bycombining a number of largercampaignsbut alsocreating a number of smaller interactions, theirreachgrewrapidly.
Pilot mode 1. Create a center of excellence. • The main goals are: • Setting up the overall visionandstrategy • Finalizing & updating the conversation guide in close cooperation with HR • Role out of the training program • Collectingalllearnings • Leadingflagship projects • Be aninternal consultant • The center of excellence is managedby the Conversation Manager.
Intelhas a center of excellence installedwhich leads the globalintegration of social media intotheirotheractivities. Theirchallenge is to train as many employees as possibleto make sure Intel is an innovator andthough leader in the field of social media. The center is lead by Ekaterina Walter.
Pilot mode 2. Execute pilot projects. • Whenchoosing pilots, considerthis: • Have more than 1 pilot project • Center of excellence is informed & consulted • Different people & departmentsinvolved • Create business impact • Createlearnings • Finalselection of projects is made byusingthisfeasibility/return matrix.
Telenet(a Belgiantelco company) launchedanunfinished new technology (Yelo). Theywantedtocapture feedback from the market andintegratethis feedback in the second version of the service. This form of public co-creation was one of their pilot projects to integrate social media in their organization.
Pilot mode 3. Create a listening culture Conversationsbecome a KPI. Needforaninnovative research toolbox Translate conversationsintoactions of marketing & R&D teams
Kodak was de first company in the worldtoinstall a chief listeningofficer. This was an important milestoneto show their company thattheyreallywantedto have a listening culture. Listen to feedback duringlaunch,adapt the product based on thefeedback andbecome market leader. At least, that’swhatKodak did.
Integration mode 1. Re-Design overall company structure From silo’s tonetworks of people
We at InSites Consulting decidedtocreatenetworkswhoworkcloselytogetherand are linkedwitheachother. Examples of ournetworks are clienthappiness, employee happinessandinnovation services.
Integration mode 2. Implementexternalcollaboration Create brand fan communitiestobuildyour brand together. Considerthem as your most valuableasset.
ben & Jerry’screated a brand fan community. It givestheir fans the opportunity tothinkaboutinnovationsfortheirfavorited brand. This is a structural way of collaboration.
Integration mode 3. Install a content strategy Create a content strategythatgoesbeyond marketing& sales. It is ok to have a limitednumberof product (sales) relatedmessages, as long as the majority is aboutyourindustry, yourclientsand relevant trends in the market.
Integration mode 4. Conversion thinking & new KPIs Needfor a number of company wideKPIsrelatedtosocial media.E.g. when we mentionsavings, itimpliessavingsdueto the usage of social media, possibleless media budget. Next to these company wideKPIs, there is a strong needforKPIs per department(next slide) Increase in revenue Savings Leads NPS Knowledge
Tointegratesocial media in yourorganization, everydepartmentshould have a set of new KPIs. These are suggestionsthateach of the different departmentscanuse.
Integration mode 1. Leverage on investments Whensocial media is integrated in all marketing thinking andacting, thereshouldbea leverage on allyour marketing investments. Reaching more people, withless money is the leverage we are lookingfor. reach savings
Kodakinvests a lot of money in events & trade shows. Theyusetheirexistingsocial media reachtoleveragethis investment. By telling peoplewho are not present about the event, the reachincreases. They make it easy forpeoplewhocameto the fair, totellothershowgreat Kodak was doing.
Integration mode 2. Become agile Beingfastandflexible are the keychallengesforcompany’stoday.
“One of ourkeychallenges is toreduce the cycletimesof marketing and R&D projects. Customers are giving feedback everyday, they are notwillingtowait 6 monthsbefore we do somethingwith it. That is the REAL challengeall companies are facingbecause of the rise of social media.” Ekaterina Walter.
What is the impact of going through these four stages?
One of the key effects of integratingsocial media andbecoming more customer centric, is thatyourclientswillbecomehappier. Best buycreated a small army of Twitter service peopleto help theirclients: amazing story.
Ifyourclients are happy, so are your employees. Zapposis one of those places where people love to work. Every is benefiting from this great atmosphere.
By connecting through social media with external people,your company gets a face.A face that becomes very approachable and open for feedback from everybody.
The final goal is thatevery customer interaction leads towardsa positiveconversation.
Andby the way, I amSteven, hope youlikedmywork. I am managing partner of a pretty cool market research & consultancy agency InSites Consulting.We re-connect companies with their consumers. I’m also a marketing professor at the Vlerick Management School. I wrote the award winning bestseller ‘The Conversation Manager’ and travel around the world to inspire people with this story.
Thankyou! Let’sconnectonLinkedIn Follow me on Twitter @steven_insites For questions & feedback: Steven@insites.eu