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Understanding Negative Reinforcement: Definitions and Applications

Learn the concepts of negative reinforcement in behavior science - how it differs from positive reinforcement, examples, Michael's theory, and ethical considerations. Understand the distinction between negative reinforcement and punishment. Discover how negative reinforcement strategies impact behavior and their effectiveness in various scenarios.

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Understanding Negative Reinforcement: Definitions and Applications

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  1. Negative Reinforcement

  2. Definition • When a Stimulus is removed (terminated, reduced, or postponed) contingent on a response, it results in an increase in the future probability of that response

  3. Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement • How they are similar: • Both increase responding • How they are different: Positive: A stimulus is provided following a response and behavior increases Negative: A stimulus is removed following a response and the behavior increases

  4. Positive reinforcement: EO Absence of food for 2 hours SD Teacher says “Snack time” and apples on table Response “Apple, please” SR+ Apple presented Saying “Apple, please” when it is snack time and apples are present more likely in the future Different Similar EO Math worksheet with 20 problems on student’s desk SD Teacher says “Complete 5 problems, then you don’t have to do the rest” Response Completes 5 problems SR- Remaining problems on worksheet removed Completing problems when math worksheet and teacher instructions present more likely in the future Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement Negative reinforcement:

  5. Can be Difficult to Determine • Turning up the heat • Adds heat • Removes cold • Free time contingent on work completion • Adds preferred activities • Removes work

  6. Michael (1975) • Suggests the distinction is not important • Instead, define key stimulus features • Before the stimulus change • After the stimulus change • May provide a more complete, functional understanding of the relationship between the behavior and environment

  7. Negative Reinforcement vs. Pos. Punishment • Not good vs. bad • Positive refers to presentation of the stimulus and Negative refers to the termination of the stimulus • Both can involve “aversive” events • Negative reinforcement, the aversive event is present prior to the target behavior, once removed, behavior increases • Punishment, the aversive event is presented contingent on the target behavior, behavior decreases

  8. Punishment: EO Math worksheet with 20 problems on student’s desk SD Teacher says “Complete 5 problems, then you don’t have to do the rest” SD Teacher says “Complete 5 problems, then you don’t have to do the rest” Response Destroys worksheet Response Completes 5 problems SP+ Teacher requires student to complete all 20 problems SR- Remaining problems on worksheet removed Completing problems more likely in the future Destroying worksheet less likely in the future Negative Reinforcement vs. Punishment

  9. Types of Negative Reinforcement • Escape • Avoidance

  10. Escape Contingency • Includes 4 terms • Establishing operation • Aversive event from which escape is reinforcing • A discrimintive stimulus (SD) • A response • The reinforcer (termination of the EO)

  11. Escape and Avoidance Contingencies • Escape Contingency EO Rain falling on your head as you walk down sidewalk SD Friend says “Do you have an umbrella?” Response Put up umbrella SR- Escape rain falling on your head Putting up umbrella more likely in the future when it’s raining and friend asks for umbrella

  12. Escape and Avoidance Contingencies • Avoidance Contingency EO Rain outside; you are still inside--nice and dry SD Friend says “Do you have an umbrella?” Response Put up umbrella (prior to going outside) SR- Avoid rain falling on your head Putting up umbrella more likely in the future when it’s raining and friend asks for umbrella

  13. Examples • Aspirin for Head Ache • Drug Abuse

  14. Negative Reinforcement Characteristics • Any response can be strengthened by negative reinforcement • A variety of stimuli can serve as negative reinforcers • Unconditioned • Conditioned • Negative reinforcement can be • Socially mediated (delivered by another person) • Automatic (is produced directly by the person’s response)

  15. Factors Influencing Effectiveness • Immediacy: Is delivered immediately following the target behavior • Magnitude: The larger the reinforcement the greater the response • Schedule: It is delivered consistently • Availability: Reinforcement is unavailable for competing (non-target) responses

  16. Ethical Considerations • Like positive reinforcement, ethical issues arise from the severity of the EO that may need to be in place to motivate the occurrence of the behavior • The presence of particularly aversive antecedent stimuli may be problematic • These stimuli may generate undesirable competing behaviors

  17. Conclusions • Negative Reinforcement can be used effectively in various situations • Need to identify the reinforcers the same way as with Positive reinforcement procedures • Often need to identify in relation to determine what is controlling a behavior.

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