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Sustainable Land Clearing Solutions in Brazil's Tropical Forests

Explore the world rankings of agricultural products in Brazil, focusing on the vast Amazon forest that surpasses the land area west of the Mississippi. Discover the low deforestation rate of ½ of 1% annually and the associated costs of clearing virgin rainforest compared to land ready for cotton production. Learn about the process of clearing tropical forests and the value of land in this region.

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Sustainable Land Clearing Solutions in Brazil's Tropical Forests

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  1. World Rankings Ag Products Brazil

  2. World Ranking Ag Products Brazil

  3. Tropical Forest • Amazon forest is bigger than all the land west of the Mississippi in US • Deforestation ½ of 1% / year

  4. Land Clearing & Land Cost • Virgin Rain Forest Clearing R$1500 per hectare • $600 per hectare • $270 per acre • Land Cost $50-80 per acre Virgin Rain Forest • Land Cost $500 per acre for land that has been growing Soybeans for 7 years and is now ready for Cotton Production

  5. Cleared Tropical Forest

  6. Trees in Windrow to be Burned

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