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Georgia Continuum of Care 2012 TH & SSO Renewals Webinar: December 4, 2012 / 10:00 A.M.

Georgia Continuum of Care 2012 TH & SSO Renewals Webinar: December 4, 2012 / 10:00 A.M. To access Webinar, please register at: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/263202271 (upon registration, you will receive call-in & log-in information).

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Georgia Continuum of Care 2012 TH & SSO Renewals Webinar: December 4, 2012 / 10:00 A.M.

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  1. Georgia Continuum of Care 2012 TH & SSO Renewals Webinar: December 4, 2012 / 10:00 A.M. To access Webinar, please register at: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/263202271 (upon registration, you will receive call-in & log-in information)

  2. Overview of Continuum of Care (CoC) Program & Renewal Project Applications

  3. DISCLAIMER • This is a GENERAL overview of the CoC Program and Application (for eligible projects to be scored and ranked under Georgia’s BoS CoC competition). • Applicants are responsible for reading the NOFA, regulations, and other related information on HUD’s Homeless Resource Exchange (HUDhre.info) to see program and eligibility requirements. http://www.hudhre.info/index.cfm?do=viewEsnapsIssuances

  4. 2012 Balance of State CoC Process: Submission to HUD • Will be Electronic Again – project applications must be submitted to CoC in E-SNAPS • Renewals will NOT be able to just update applications from last year • Renewals must be scored and ranked (funding may be limited and some projects may fall below funding line) • DCA submits the CoC Application (formerly known as Exhibit 1) and all Project Applications electronically to HUD • Short time frame for submission: • Dec. 7, 2012 = 7 complete copies of response to scoring criteria due • Dec. 12, 2012 = project applications due to be submitted in E-SNAPS (not part of review team submission)

  5. HEARTH Act Changes • May 20, 2009 – Reauthorization of HUD's McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs. • August 31, 2012 – Continuum of Care Interim Rule in effect • Program Requirements changed . . . • Definitions and eligibility changed • Requirements to collaborate with McKinney Education Liaison at the program level • Agencies that serve families cannot discriminate against families based on age or gender of their children or composition of their family • HUD is evaluating Continuums of Care on their ability to: • Reduce the number of people entering homelessness, reduce the length of time people stay homeless, reduce the number of people that return to homelessness

  6. CoC Program Funding Requirements“HUD will reject all requests for funds for ineligible costs.” GIW lists HUD Approved budget amounts (prior to any reallocation consideration) • Leasing Costs (see § 578.49 for full guidance) • Supportive Services (see § 578.53 for full guidance) • Operating Costs (see § 578.55 for full guidance) • HMIS (see § 578.57 for full guidance) • Project Administration (see § 578.59 for full guidance) • Relocation (see § 578.61 for full guidance) • Indirect Costs (see § 578.63 for full guidance) Please see full CoC Interim Regulations at: http://www.hudhre.info/documents/CoCProgramInterimRule_FormattedVersion.pdf

  7. Eligible Operating Costs • Under the section 578.55 of the CoC Program interim rule, the following costs, when used to pay the costs of the day-to-day operation of transitional and permanent housing in a single structure or individual housing unit are eligible operating costs: 1) The maintenance and repair of housing, 2) Property taxes and insurance, 3) Scheduled payments to a reserve for replacement of major systems of the housing (provided that the payments must be based on the useful life of the system and expected replacement cost), 4) Building security for a structure where more than 50% of the units or area is paid for with grant funds, 5) Electricity, gas, and water, 6) Furniture, 7) Equipment. • Additionally, as set forth in section 578.59(a), the staff and overhead costs directly related to carrying out these activities are also eligible operating costs. Therefore, if you have staffing costs directly related to carrying out any of the 7 eligible costs listed above you should keep them in the operating budget line item in your FY2012 project application.

  8. 2012 Project Ranking Process • Renewing TH & SSO Projects will first receive (and must pass) a threshold review and will then be ranked (separate from the PHB) according to the scoring criteria distributed w/Notice. • Higher scoring projects will be ranked as Tier 1 projects, and lower scoring projects representing the bottom $435,864 in funds requested will, generally, be ranked as Tier 2 projects.* *Note that the BoS CoC is required by CoC regulations to establish a “centralized or coordinated assessment system, and may do so by reallocating all or a portion of one or more of the lowest scoring renewal SSO projects.

  9. 2012 Project Ranking Process (continued) Please review HUD’s NOFA for funding criteria (pp. 7-8, 38-39, 44) Tier 1 (ARD) - projects expected to receive notice of Conditional Funding within 45 days of application deadline (1/18/12). Funding of Tier 2 (difference between ARD & CoC’s FPRN and any approved amounts for CoC Planning and the PH Bonus) – HUD will announce any Conditional Awards for Tier 2 projects after scoring is complete, depending on availability of funding). A CoC must score high enough to be awarded new projects.

  10. Threshold Factors Include, but are not limited to: • Agency does not meet HUD’s criteria for eligibility • Agency lacks adequate capacity to carry out grant • Project proposes ineligible costs or activities* • Project proposes to serve ineligible populations • Project does not demonstrate required cash match or insufficient commitments for leveraging • Severe Compliance or Performance Issues on current projects • Project does not demonstrate adequate impact or cost effectiveness • Other, as may be identifies by reviewing staff/team Also • Failure to Obtain Certificate of Consistency (Local Approval) Renewal projects considered as having met some threshold requirements through previously approved grant applications unless information to the contrary is received.

  11. Application Scoring

  12. Balance of State CoC Scoring(As listed in 2012 GA BoS CoC Application Guidelines & Scoring Criteria) • Provide Project Description (MUST submit) - no points • Submit most recent APR (MUST submit or provide explanation of why project has no APR) – no points • Overall Organizational Capacity (Do NOT submit) – Renewal projects considered as having met these requirements through previously approved grant applications unless information to the contrary is received. – no points • Cost Effectiveness – Insert table or tables showing project details (participants & units) to be compared with CoC funds requested. - 10 points max (Unreasonable cost effectiveness could result in threshold rejection.) • Documented Cash Match and Leveraging – Insert detailed budget showing sources & uses of funds for project (and attach commitments for match & leverage). With the exception of Leasing, all projects must show 25% match. All projects must show at least some leverage, and CoC goal is 150% of amount requested. - 10 points max available for each (20).

  13. Balance of State CoC Scoring(As listed in 2012 GA BoS CoC Application Guidelines & Scoring Criteria)continued • For TH – description of participants to be served, specific needs of participants to be served, the type, scale, and location of housing. Points to be awarded to assess extent to which housing to be provided meets the needs of the participants (as families as applicable) – 5 points max available (or see #7) OR • For SSO – description of participants to be served, supportive services to be provided, and the mode of transportation to those services. Points to be awarded to assess whether the type, scale, and location of the supportive services fit the needs of the program participant and the mode of transportation to those services. – 5 points max available (for projects not scored in #6) • Mainstream Benefits – Describe how participants will be individually assisted to obtain mainstream benefits by program staff. – 5 points max available • Permanent Housing – Describe how participants are assisted to obtain and remain in permanent housing in a manner that fits their needs. – 5 points max available • Income and Support – Describe how participants are assisted to both increase their incomes and live independently using mainstream housing and service programs in a manner that fits their needs. – 5 points max available

  14. Balance of State CoC Scoring(As listed in 2012 GA BoS CoC Application Guidelines & Scoring Criteria)continued • Targeting Chronically Homeless Populations – 5 points max available • Targeting Service Resistant participants and Veterans – N/A (only for bonus projects) • Performance Assessment for new bonus projects (of current projects) – N/A (only for bonus projects) • Monitoring History – Attach copy of most recent HUD monitoring letter (and response) - 10 points max available • Spend-out – 10 points max available (15-g should read 15g ÷15f) • Housing Stability Performance of TH projects – 10 points max available (or see # 17) OR • Income Performance of SSO (and narrative of how program assists participants in becoming permanently housed – 10 points max available (for projects not scored in #16)

  15. Matching/Leveraging Requirements(CoC Interim Regulations: § 578.73) YouMUST submit FORMAL documentation with Application Packets (within each of the 7 copies) • The recipient or subrecipient must match all grant funds, except for leasing funds, with no less than 25 percent of funds or in-kind contributions from other sources for eligible costs. • Match must be for eligible activities within the same category • HMIS dollars are not eligible match for Supportive Service Costs • Examples of Eligible Sources of Cash Match include: • Applicant/Project Sponsor’s own cash • Federal government grants/contracts (excluding CoC funds) • State and local government grants/contracts • Private grants or contributions

  16. Matching/Leveraging Requirements continued Non-cash can include: • Client fees • In-kind donations • Volunteer time • Donated services • Donated Property CoCs that have 100 percent participation in leveraging from all project applications (including only those communities that have commitment letter(s) on file that are dated within 60 days of the CoC application deadline) and that have at a minimum 150 percent leveraging will receive the maximum points.

  17. Match/Leveraging Documentation Commitment Letters 100% of applicants MUST submit match/leveraging documentation for review – 150% is the goal Please remember, grants are disbursed on a reimbursement basis ONLY. Depending on financial history, audit records, and the IRS 990, agencies with only in-kind match, may not be determined as having capacity to administer the program.

  18. Grant Requirements

  19. 2012 NOFA Performance Measures & HMIS • Increased emphasis on performance • CoC applications scored on performance: • Length of time participants stay in projects • Reduction in recidivism • Participants movement to and stability in permanent housing • Participant employment and income growth • Reduction in homelessness, family homelessness, chronic homelessness, etc. • Increased emphasis on HMIS • Annual data should come directly out of HMIS **CoCs review Project and HMIS performance in HMIS

  20. 2012 NOFAEducational Assurances (see pp. 23-24 of Project Application Instructions) • Project Applicants must demonstrate that project has established policies and practices consistent with the laws related to the provision of educational and related services to individuals & families experiencing homelessness; and • Projects serving families must demonstrate in application that a staff person has been designated to ensure that children are enrolled in school and receiving educational services, as appropriate (can include early childhood programs such as Head Start, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and McKinney-Vento education services); and • Must address non-compliance (if applicable).

  21. Albany Brunswick Dalton Gainesville Hinesville Macon Rome Valdosta Warner Robins Cherokee County Clayton County Gwinnett County Henry County *All other cities and counties fall under the State’s Consolidated Planning jurisdiction. Certification of Consistency with Consolidated Plan Local Consolidated Planning Jurisdiction will need to review project application to determine if proposed project is consistent with their Consolidated Plan . Con Plan jurisdictions within State’s CoC are:

  22. Certificate of Consistencywith Consolidated Plan • CoC must submit certificate for all grantees in a jurisdiction combined in one form (and submits certifications in CoC Application) • Renewal projects providing housing or services in a different county than last year need to let DCA know • Tina will email local Consolidated Plan reps and cc Renewal Project Applicants • Local jurisdictions need to review/approve all projects

  23. State Executive Order 12372* • The State of GA is no longer operating the clearinghouse. • DCA’s guidance is to select “b” and then do not enter a date. • The Notice is located at: http://opb.georgia.gov/state-clearinghouse *HUD’s detailed instructions on addressing the ‘State Executive Order 12372’ requirements within the Project Application are located at: http://www.hudhre.info/documents/ProjectApplicationInstructions.pdf

  24. HMIS Participation • Mandated by HUD through Continuum of Care Process • All agencies participating in the Balance of State CoC must actively participate in Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) through use of Pathways COMPASS • Data reported to HUD on an annual basis through Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) • AHAR used by Congress to determine future funding levels • Data used by Continuum and Statewide for planning

  25. Georgia CoC HMIS Policy • Enter all consenting clients into HMIS • Authorization for HMIS should be attempted for 100% • ENROLL and DISCHARGE clients in a timely manner • Comply with current privacy and security standards • DCA staff monitor compliance with policy through: • Site Visits • System Utilization Reports • Family Violence Agencies are to use and submit HUD APRs from the ALICE MIS The updated GA CoC HMIS Policy and CoC Data Standards can be found on DCA Website: http://www.dca.ga.gov/index.asp

  26. 2012 CoC Application Process

  27. CoC Application Process & Timeline • December 7th- Submit seven (7) copies of complete response to the scoring criteria MUST be received at DCA (including APR) by 5:00 pm (for each renewal project) • December 10th– application packages mailed to Review Team • December 12th- Project Applications must be submitted to CoC within E-SNAPS • DCA will contact Renewal Applicants with results of the review by December 28th (DCA’s general review of project applications for budget errors will take place separately.) • January 4th– All necessary corrections to applications must be complete and All Final Project Applications must be complete and re-submitted in E-SNAPS (No substantial changes can be made after project scoring/ranking) • DCA submits Application to HUD by January 15th • Receive notice of conditional Tier 1 awards • HUD announces results of Tier 2 (pending CoC score & funding available)

  28. TH & SSO Renewal Projects Application Packet (should include): • Applications Due to DCA for Scoring on December 7th (at DCA by 5:00 pm) to include • Complete response to scoring criteria Mail seven copies of complete response to scoring criteria (APR included) *MUST be received by December 7th!!

  29. Application Packet Mail to DCA at: Georgia Department of Community Affairs State Housing Trust Fund 60 Executive Park South, NE Atlanta, GA 30329 Atten: GA Balance of State Continuum of Care Application

  30. 2012 Balance of State CoC Process: E-SNAPS • MUST complete and submit CoC Project Application electronically through E-SNAPS • https://esnaps.hudhre.info/ • Read ALL directions: http://www.hudhre.info/documents/ProjectApplicationInstructions.pdf • Questions should go to HUD through Virtual Help Desk - www.hudhre.info

  31. Each 2012 Project Application should include (see NOFA pp. 24-25) • Project application charts, narratives, and attachments; • SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance; • SF-424 Supplement , Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Applicants (non-profits only & survey is voluntary); • Documentation of Applicant AND Subrecipient Eligibility; • Applicant Certifications (also see NOFA pp. 22-23) • HUD-2880, Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report must be attached for each project; • SF-LLL – Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (if applicable); • Applicant Code of Conduct (SEE NOFA); • HUD-50070 – Certification of a Drug-free Workplace. *See notice for full list of requirements, certifications, & responsibilities.

  32. QUESTIONS General CoC / Application submission questions … Tina Moore at (404) 327-6870 E-Snaps Assistance: https://esnaps.hudhre.info/projectapps.cfm E-SNAPS & CoC Program questions can be directed to HUD staff through the HUD HRE Virtual Helpdesk http://www.hudhre.info/index.cfm?do=viewHelpdesk

  33. RESOURCES 2012 Continuum of Care NOFA & CoC Competition page: http://www.hudhre.info/index.cfm?do=viewEsnapsIssuances CoC Interim Regulations http://www.hudhre.info/documents/CoCProgramInterimRule_FormattedVersion.pdf HUD HRE www.hudhre.info

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