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Lecture 1 OOMPA. Course formalities Object oriented analysis and design Object oriented concepts Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Abstract classes Associations. 2D1359 & 2D1360 Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis. Lecturer:
Lecture 1 OOMPA • Course formalities • Object oriented analysis and design • Object oriented concepts • Encapsulation • Inheritance • Polymorphism • Abstract classes • Associations 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
2D1359 & 2D1360 Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis Lecturer: Frank Hoffmann hoffmann@nada.kth.se (kursledare) Bjoern Eiderbaeck bjorne@nada.kth.se Assistents: Ronni Johansson rjo@nada.kth.se Carolin Jonsson d98-cjo@nada.kth.se Jonas Sjoebergh jsh@nada.kth.se Marcus Weiland d99-mwe@nada.kth.se Course webpage: http://www.nada.kth.se/kurser/kth/2D1359 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Seminars & Labs • group 1: Frank Hoffmann (in English) • group 2: Ronni Johansson • group 3: Jonas Sjoebergh • group 4: Carolin Jonsson • group 5 (OOMPAE) : Marcus Weiland • Extra seminar for OOMPAE on Wednesday 5/9 10:00 • Introduction to JAVA • First seminar groups 1-4 : rooms D31-34 Wed. 12/9 15:00 • group 5 (OOMPAE) : room V23 Wed. 12/9 10:00 • Extra lab OOMPAE only Wed. 5/9 13:00 (red) • First labs : Fri. 14/9 8:00-10:00 and 10:00-12:00 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Literature • OO Modeling and Design • Applying UML and Patterns : An Introduction to • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process • Craig Larman, 2/e, Prentice-Hall • JAVA • Thinking in JAVA • Bruce Eckel, 2/e, Prentice-Hall, available online at • www.bruceeckel.com • Other useful books • Design Patterns, Erich Gamma et al, Addison-Wesley • UML Distilled, Martin Fowler, Addison-Wesley 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Registration / Accounts • Obtaining a UNIX account at NADA • sign up on the list with first and last name • visit DELPHI to create your account • http://www.sgr.nada.kth.se/delfi • Register for the course with RES • UNIX command : res checkin oompa01 • or for OOMPA : res checkin oompae01 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Requirements • Lectures • The course contains 20 lectures in period 1 and 2 • Seminars • 6 seminars that cover the Larman book • Each seminar consists of two parts (delmoment) • 9 out of 12 parts (delmomenter) have to be completed and passed • Participation in the seminars requires to read the assigned text and to be able to present selected chapters during the seminar • Exam • Week 43: exact date to be announced 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Requirements • Labs • 5 mandatory labs • labs are programmed and examined in groups of two • Labs must be completed and presented by the dead-line, otherwise you receive fewer points for the grade (betyg) • Lab1 : Figurer i hierarki : due 28/9/01 • Lab2 : Design patterns : due 12/10/01 • Lab3 : Bank : due 23/11/01 • Lab4 : C++ due 7/12/01 • Lab5 : VisualWorks : due 14/12/01 • Extra labs to improve grade (betyg) 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Grading • To pass the course you have to pass the exam (1 point), the labs (3 points) and the seminars (2 points) • Computation of grades: • Seminar series worth 3 units. • Labs worth 3 units (0.5 units less per deadline missed) • Exam worth 3-5 units (same as grade) • Total number of points 9-11, divided by 3, results in grade 3 to 3 2/3, which is rounded to final grade 3 to 4. • To improve your grade you can complete extralabs worth 1-3 units. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Example Grading • Example: grade calculation • Exam 4 points: • Labs 3 points: • Seminar series 3 points • Total 10 points / 3 = 3 1/3 betyg 3 • To improve to grade (betyg) 4, you can do an extralab worth 1 point, to improve to grade (betyg) you need two extra labs worth at least 4 points 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Objectives • Knowledge about the principles and concepts behind the object oriented programming paradigm. • Knowledge and skills in using methods for the development of object oriented programs, i.e. analysis, design, modeling, implementation, testing. • Experience of object oriented programming in JAVA, Smalltalk and C++. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Prerequisites • 2D1340 or 2D1343 Introduction to Computer Science • 2D1351 Programming style or 2D1344 Fundamentals of CS • Knowledge and experience in an object oriented programming language JAVA or C++ • This course will NOT teach you how to write JAVA programs! • Students should be familiar with object oriented concepts such as objects, classes, encapsulation, interface, inheritance and polymorphism. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Contents • Object oriented analysis and design • Unified modeling language (UML) • Design Patterns (GoF, GRASP) • Requirement specifications • Extreme programming XP • System and object design • Other OO languages: C++ and Smalltalk 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Contents • Mastering object oriented analysis and design (OOA/D) is critical to create robust and maintainable object systems. • UML has emerged as the standard notation for modeling. We teach the skills of OOA/D using the UML notation. UML in itself is not a methodology. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Course Contents • Design patterns represent the “best practice” idioms and solutions that OO design experts apply in order to create OO systems. You will learn to understand and to apply design patterns including the popular Gang-of-Four (GoF) and GRASP patterns which communicate fundamental principles in OO design. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Object Oriented Analysis & Design • OOA/D includes many possible activities and artefacts. The single most crucial skill is: “A critical, fundamental ability in OOA/D is to skillfully assign responsibilities to software components”. (Larman 2001) • General responsibility assignment to software processes (GRASP): GRASP patterns describe fundamental principles in object design and responsibility assignment. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
OO Analysis & Design • Analysis emphasizes an investigation of the problem and requirements, rather than a solution. How will be a new library information system be used. • Analysis encompasses requirement analysis (an investigation of the requirements) and/or object analysis (an investigation of the domain objects) 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
OO Analysis & Design • Design emphasizes a conceptual solution that fulfills the requirements, rather than its implementation. For example, a description of a database schema and software objects. • The term design is best qualified as in object design or database design. • Analysis and design can be summarized as • Do the right thing (analysis), what needs to be done • Do the thing right (design), how is it done. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
OO Analysis & Design • During object-oriented analysis, there is an emphasis on finding and describing the objects –or concepts- in the problem domain. For example in case of the library system, some of the concepts include Book, Library, Patron. • During object-oriented design, there is an emphasis on defining software objects and how they collaborate to fulfill the requirements. For example in the library system, a Book software object may have a title attribute and a getChapter method. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
OO Analysis & Design visualization of domain concept domain concept Book title getChapter() public class Book { private String title; public Chapter getChapter(int) {…} } representation in an object-oriented programming language 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
OOA/D in a Nutshell • Example: Dice Game • A player rolls two die. If the total is seven, they win, otherwise they loose. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
OOA/D in a Nutshell • Define use cases • Define domain model • Define interaction diagrams • Define and design class diagrams 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Define Use Cases • Requirement analysis (what needs to be done) includes a description of related domain processes, these can be written as use cases. • Use cases are written stories (+ possibly diagrams). • Play a dice game use case: Play a dice game: A player picks up and rolls the dice. If the dice face value total seven, they win, otherwise, they loose. Play a dice game Player 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Define a Domain Model • OO analysis is concerned with creating a description of the domain from the perspective of classification of objects. • A decomposition of the domain involves an identification of the concepts, attributes and associations that are considered relevant. • The result can be expressed in a domain model, which is illustrated in a set of diagrams that show domain concepts and objects. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Define a Domain Model 1 Rolls 2 Die faceValue Player name 1 2 Plays concept attribute 1 1 Includes DiceGame association 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Define Interaction Diagram • Object oriented design is concerned with defining software objects and their collaborations. A common notation to illustrate these collaborations is the interaction diagram. It shows the flow of messages between software objects and thus the invocation of methods. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Define Interaction Diagram • The interaction diagram illustrates the essential steps of playing, by sending messages to the instances of the DiceGame and Die classes. :DiceGame die 1 : Die die2 : Die play() roll() fv1:=getFaceValue() roll() fv2:=getFaceValue() 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Define Design Class Diagrams • Interaction diagrams render a dynamic view of collaborating objects. • Design class diagrams provide a static view of the class definitions as they illustrate the attributes and methods of the classes. • For example, in the dice game, an inspection of the interaction diagram leads to the partial design class diagram. Since a play message is send to a DiceGame object, the DiceGame class requires a play method, while class Die requires a roll and getFaceValue method. 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis
Define Design Class Diagrams • In contrast to the domain model, the design class diagram shows software classes, rather than illustrating real-world concepts. DiceGame die1 : Die die2 : Die play() Die faceValue : int roll() getFaceValue() : int 2 1 2D1359 & 2D1360 : Object Oriented Modeling, Programming & Analysis