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PPG17 Assessment of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision 2010 Refresh

PPG17 Assessment of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision 2010 Refresh. Background. Planning Policy Guidance 17 (PPG17): Planning for Open space, Sport and Recreation - is a national planning policy document published in 2002.

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PPG17 Assessment of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision 2010 Refresh

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  1. PPG17 Assessment of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision2010 Refresh

  2. Background • Planning Policy Guidance 17 (PPG17): Planning for Open space, Sport and Recreation - is a national planning policy document published in 2002. • It set out the policies that needed to be taken into account by regional planning bodies and local planning authorities in the preparation of development plans. • The previous Government expected all local authorities to carry out an assessment of need and an audit of existing provision to assist in setting local standards.

  3. PPG17 Assessment In 2006, MSDC commissioned Kit Campbell Associates to carry out a local assessment which considered the qualitative and quantitative value and accessibility of the following: • Allotments • Bowling Greens • Playing fields, ATP’s and grass pitches • Tennis and multi-sport courts • Equipped play and teenage facilities • Multi-functional greenspace (MFGS) • Indoor sports facilities

  4. Observations and Recommendations • local quantitative standards (sq metre per head) and district wide deficiencies in allotments, ATP’s, bowling greens, junior football and tennis courts • qualitative classifications – sites identified as high quality / high value should be protected, low quality sites enhanced and the need for poor quality / poor value sites reviewed. • ensure greenspaces in housing areas are designed to be stimulating for children and adopt a ‘bigger and better’ policy with regard to equipped play areas

  5. work with the town and parish councils to identify new sites for additional teenage provision • develop a greenspace strategy to address MFGS • work with the County Councils and private schools regarding greater community use of school sites and investigate options for upgrading or replacing the Kings Centre

  6. Purpose of Refresh • Check and update the audit in terms of accuracy and recent changes to provision • Review the level of provision in the three main towns and three planning committeeareas to assess local needs. • Develop new local standards to inform the District planning framework

  7. Methodology Reviewed existing provision to ascertain the current level of outdoor sports provision by auditing; • Mid Sussex District Council outdoor managed and leased sports provision • Equipped playground inspections • Local school provision • Parish/Town Council provision • Sports Club provision The level of provision in each of the towns and planning areas was assessed against the PPG17 quantity standard to determine current district headlines.

  8. Outside the scope The refresh did not consider • multi-functional greenspace - this will be addressed through a Natural England study to map and classify Accessible Natural greenspace (ANG) in the South Downs Districts • indoor sports facilities - dealt with separately through the Council’s Leisure and Cultural Strategy published in 2009

  9. School sites many schools indicated that in principle their facilities were available for hire but in practice they were not used only those were there is regular use by local clubs or a clear arrangement for hiring the facilities have been included the only private schools included with regular community use are Fonthill Lodge (1 cricket, 1 adult football, 3 mini soccer), Handcross Prep (6 adult football) and Great Walstead (2 cricket, 4 mini soccer)

  10. District Wide Findings • The refreshed audit broadly concurs with the original with regard to deficiencies in allotments, ATP’s (despite recent improvements), bowling greens and junior football pitches. • It also shows a deficiency in the number of adult football pitches and a surplus in cricket fields and tennis courts.

  11. Equipped Play & Teenage Facilities • Since 2006, the number of equipped play facilities in the district has increased from 127 to 139. This is primarily due to the additional play areas at Bolnore Village. • The current children’s play space requirement outlined in the Development and Infrastructure SPD is based on NPFA six acre standard which is equivalent to the Kit Campbell recommendation of 0.65 sqm pp.

  12. The PPG17 Assessment recommends that this should be implemented more flexibly and the concept of LAP’s, LEAP’s and NEAP’s should be reviewed • The original PPG17 Assessment found there was a deficit in teenage facilities which has been partially addressed by improvements at Whitemans Green, the Haven Centre and Ardingly Recreation Ground.

  13. Risk Management Implications • If the PPG17 standards remain un-adopted there is a risk that deficiencies will increase, quality will deteriorate and MSDC will be unable to collect developer contributions. • To gain approval the PPG17 standards will need to be incorporated into the formal planning framework for the District

  14. Next Steps • Quality assessment and recommendations for improvements • Gaps and opportunities • Incorporate ANGs standards following Natural England Study

  15. Points for Discussion • Comments or questions regarding the recommended standards (page 8)? • Feedback in relation to the area findings? • Additional issues that need to be highlighted? • Any other questions?

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