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Calculating the Cost for Language Services

Calculating the Cost for Language Services . 16 March 2012 Evert van der Vlis Ministry of Security and Justice The Hague. Outline. Impact assessment Available data and statistics Estimation of the cost of the Directive for Holland Questions and discussion. Brussels, 8.7.2009

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Calculating the Cost for Language Services

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  1. Calculating the Cost for Language Services 16 March 2012 Evert van der Vlis Ministry of Security and Justice The Hague

  2. Outline • Impact assessment • Available data and statistics • Estimation of the cost of the Directive for Holland • Questions and discussion

  3. Brussels, 8.7.2009 SEC(2009) 915 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings Accompanying the Proposal for a FRAMEWORK DECISIONon the right to interpretation and to translation in criminal proceedingsIMPACT ASSESSMENT{COM(2009) 338 final}{SEC(2009) 916}

  4. Estimated number of criminal proceedings involving non-nationals2007

  5. Numbers and percentages of non-nationals in prison and pre-trial detainees (2006-2007)

  6. Estimated costs of interpretation and translation

  7. Calculations UK Cost of interpretation

  8. Reliable data on the number of people who need an interpreter or translator (many non-nationals do speak the language) Second and third generation migrants Data on current fees for interpreter and translation in criminal proceedings (EULITA?) Information about practical arrangements: National register Contracts with agencies Telephone interpreting Videoconferencing What is missing?

  9. The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice • 4th Report - Edition September 2012 • Correspondents in all member states www.coe.int/T/dghl/cooperation/cepej/default_en.asp

  10. Table 16.1 Number of certified court interpreters in 2008 and 2010. Evolution between 2008 and 2010 (Q199)

  11. Table 16.5 Binding provisions regarding the quality of court interpreters in judicial proceedings (Q200)

  12. Figure 16.2 Number of certified court interpreters per professional judge (Q46 Q199)

  13. Crime and Criminal Justice, 2006-2009 - Issue number 6/2012 “Statistics in focus” • Crime trends in the European Union • Metadata files on the Eurostat website • Crimes recorded by the police: • Prisonpopulation • EuropeanDemography Report Migration: foreign population • 31.9 millionnon-nationals in the EU www.epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/crime

  14. Immigrants per 1000 inhabitants 2009

  15. www.europeansourcebook.org European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics - 2010 Contains data for 40 European countries Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics www3.unil.ch/wpmu/space Contains data on prison populations

  16. www.migrationinformation.org

  17. Draft bill consultation in December 2011 Comments received from: Bureau for Sworn Interpreters and Translators Bar Association Council for the Judiciary Police Public Prosecution Service SIGV Court Interpreters and Legal Translators Dutch Society of Interpreters and Translators Cabinet (today!) The Dutch Council of State - advises the government on legislation (July 2012) Dutch House of Representatives (September 2012) Senate of the Dutch Parliament (± April 2013) Implementation in the Netherlands

  18. The Netherlands

  19. 217.000 suspects1.5 % of the population

  20. Origin detainees

  21. Language services in the Netherlands Mainly oral translation Lawyer   client  Interpreter At all stages of the criminal case an interpreter present Fixed payments: Public Prosecutors, Courts and investigation by the police Public Prosecutors and courts have a centralized booking system Legal aid provided by agency (European tender) ± 50% Telephone interpreting (no fixed fees)

  22. Estimated additional cost directive

  23. Annual budget crime prevention and criminal law enforcement Total € 7.831 million Public Prosecution Service € 430 million Criminal Courts € 259 million Legal aid in Criminal Cases € 111 million Salduz case: Right to consult a lawyer prior to police interview € 30 million

  24. Questions and discussion

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