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Vincent Van Gogh. The Starry Night: Van Gogh painted Starry Night while in an Asylum at Saint-Remy in 1889. Materials: Canvas board, Paints- black, light blue, dark blue, white, yellow. Fine brushes Water Pots. Week 1
Vincent Van Gogh The Starry Night: Van Gogh painted Starry Night while in an Asylum at Saint-Remy in 1889.
Materials: • Canvas board, • Paints- black, light blue, dark blue, white, yellow. • Fine brushes • Water Pots Week 1 Learning Intention: Analyse and describe stylistic features of Van Gogh’s work. Understand the concepts impasto, rhythm and complementary colour. Success Criteria: I can create a draft sketch on canvas of my own version of Starry Night and begin to paint my artwork in solid base colours. Learning Reflection: Describe Van Gogh’s style. What do the terms impasto, rhythm and complementary colours mean? Week2 Learning Intention: Use and application of acrylic paint to canvas in the style of Van Gogh. Success Criteria: My artwork shows short brushstrokes, rhythmic patterns, impasto paint and side by side patches of colour. Learning Reflection: My artwork reflects Van Gogh's style through my use of…………. I believe my painting was successful/unsuccessful because…….. • Assessment: • See assessment rubric attached Resources: http://www.vangoghgallery.com/misc/overview.html http://www.vangoghgallery.com/misc/time.html www.supercoloring.com http://www.vangoghgallery.com/misc/bio.html Vocabulary: Texture, complementary colours, impasto, rhythm, movement, brushstrokes, style and colour.
Van Gogh Biography Vincent van Gogh was born in Holland. He was son of a pastor and was brought up in a religious and cultured family. He was very close with his older brother Theo, who financially supported Van Gogh when he began painting. Vincent was highly emotional and lacked self-confidence. Through a life of depression and poverty, Vincent Van Gogh produced some of this greatest work whilst in an mental asylum. Van Gogh pioneered the expressive use of line and colour, creating some of the most amazing paintings of the late 19th and early 20th century. “The only thing that matters is the force of one’s expression” Vincent Van Gogh Watch this Clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOfC8LGMY08
A Time Line of the Major Events of Gogh's Life Timeline of events in Van Gogh’s life Belgium http://www.vangoghgallery.com/misc/time.html
1881-85 Van Gogh lived in Belgium. He tried being a pastor and preached to the peasants and poor workers, this was the period when he painted The Potato Eaters.At the time of its creation, Van Gogh had only recently started painting. • 1886 Van Gogh moved to Paris . There he met Impressionist artist such as Monet, Pissarro and Gauguin. This had a great influence on him as he began to lighten his very dark palette and to paint in the short brushstrokes of the Impressionists. • 1888-89 Van Gogh moved to Arles in southern France .There he painted most of his most famous works including, The Sunflowers, Starry Night Over The Rhone and The Starry Night.
Quick Facts about Van Gogh • Van Gogh never studied as an artist at university, in fact he was originally an art dealer. • In a short period of ten years Van Gogh made approximately 900 paintings. • He only ever sold one painting during his lifetime and only became famous after his death. • He suffered from various types of epilepsy, psychotic attacks, and delusions. Some medical experts now believe he may have suffered from bi polar disorder. • He once cut off part of his earlobe and posted it in an envelope to a woman, who displayed unrequited love towards him. • Van Gogh created his most famous work The Starry Night while staying in an asylum in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France. • Van Gogh would paint at night, to do this he hung candles around the brim of his hat and around the canvas, so that he can see what he was painting. • http://www.vangoghgallery.com/misc/bio.html
Starry Night Over the Rhone ,1888 was one of Van Gogh’s first night pain
What are the typical stylistic features of a Van Gogh artwork? • patches of colour side by side • thick brushstrokes, impasto paint. • rhythmic patterns made from dots, short stripes, parallel marks lined up straight, radiating from a point, or flowing across the canvas, comma-shaped marks, swirly strokes, angled lines, and lots of cross- hatching • complementary colours right next to each other which make the canvas seem to vibrate. Van Gogh used this "colour star" to select the colours opposite each other: red-green, orange-blue, yellow-purple. Complementary colour star Brushstrokes all travel in a direction creating a sense of rhythm and movement.
Your Task • To create your own interpretation of the painting The Starry Night on canvas. • You will need to do a draft sketch onto the canvas board showing the basic structure of the painting and begin to paint during the 1st double session. • Week 2 • This week you will focus on painting for the whole double session. • Your artwork will mimic the stylistic features of Van Gogh’s artwork e.g.: short brushstrokes, rhythmic patterns, impasto paint and side by side patches of colour. • Assessment – You will complete a self assessment on the criteria on the following slide. Watch this clip to see an artist paint a reproduction of Van Gogh’s Starry Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDBOQhp5oK0