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Systems Development Life Cycle. Broken Chains Dirt Bike Co. System Description.
Systems Development Life Cycle Broken Chains Dirt Bike Co.
System Description Broken Chain Dirt Bikes plans to build a website to assist customer with ordering repair parts and to increase the efficiency of our supply chain. The following is our plan for how to accomplish the design and implementation of this new system
System Requirement Our System Must... - Process online payment - Track orders in route - Allow customers access to our database - Generate the necessary order and return paperwork
Project Plan Critical Success Factors Distributors: -timely and efficient supply chain management Customers: -a simple but highly accessible database of parts
Project Plan Assessment of Project Feasibility 1. Order Capabilities- Legal Feasibility -Pay Pal must be secure 2. Database access-Technical Feasibility -may not work in all browsers, so we have to make it compatible 3. Diagrams-Operational Feasibility -Appropriate database that allow customers to access real time inventory
Legal Feasibility Broken Chain Dirt Bikes must determine the legal feasibility of gathering and and saving customer information so that they can make online payments. We are assessing if our methods are going to be secure and how much information we can retain to assist in future purchases without infringing on our customer's rights to privacy. We will study these elements by researching how our online payment system will work and what the legal parameters must be.
Technical Feasibility Broken Chain Dirt Bikes will conduct a technical feasibility study to determine if our database can be accessed easily by our customers from any browser. We will test the technical feasibility of our database system by checking to see if a variety of different browsers can access our database without distorting the information or denying access.
Project Scope Milestone Timeline • December 10th- Process Diagram is finished. • December 15th- Database Models are integrated with site. • December 17th- Site layout is sent to programmers for programming. • December 22nd- Final testing and finishing touches added to site. • December 23rd- Website becomes operational.
Analysis Business Requirements for Distributor Supply Chain Our system must make ordering efficient Our system must allow our distributors to track their orders in real time.
Analysis Business Requirement for Customer Part Orders -Our system must allow customers to search our database for parts -Our system must accommodate convenient online payment options -Our system must facilitate timely returns by providing prepaid return labels with each purchase
Analysis Who is Involved? CFO -Returns - Payment CTO -Databases Freight Operators -Real Time Tracking
Analysis Prioritization of Business Requirments 1. Distributors (main business segment) -Efficiency -easy to find products -complete ordering process in 3 steps 2. Customers (secondary business segment) -Easy product navigation -Secure pay options
Analysis Buy Vs. Build Analysis We have decided to Buy our new system rather than build it ourselves based on five key areas of consideration. 1. Expertise - Because our customers expect a high level of excellence in every area of our business we believe the extra cost of having a website built by a professional will be balance by increased revenue due to customer satisfaction. 2. Manpower - Due to the small size of our company we feel that we do not have sufficient manpower to expend on building and maintaining a website that will accomplish our goals.
Analysis Buy vs. Build Continued 3. Time - As we would like to have our system operational by the end of the year it seems practical to make a greater investment in buying a new system rather than incur the expense of lost revenue from delaying the project. 4. Core Competencies - Our core competency is to provide a level of quality and service that surpasses the industry standard. In keeping with this buseniss process we believe that it is in our best interest to buy the new system so our staff can continue to focus their efforts on providing quality innovation. 5. Because we have found a system that is in line with our goals and necessary requirements we feel it would be a waste of resources to reinvent the wheel.
Design System Model-Website
Design Parts Database -- ER Diagram
Design System Model-Navigation
Implementation • Our website will implement plunge conversion method as we do not have a current website to start with. • As we start using our website we will train employees who will be directly using the website thoroughly. • Employees who are not required to work with the website will be shown its basic features so that they will be able to help clients when webtechnitions will not be around.
Implement User Documentation • Existing customers will be able to use their current customer ID and password to log onto the website. They can place an order at anytime and we will send notifications reminding them of their regular orders • New customers will be required to create an account the first time so that we have their billing information. • We will accept all major credit cards for online orders.
Maintenance Process • To keep our website running smooth we will employ two technicians to perform monthly check-ups on our website. • Technicians will also perform preventive maintenance during their check-ups. For example keeping our software up to date. • We will make changes to the system based on feedback from our customers and suppliers.
Maintain Maintenance Schedule • December 1, 2012 - January 31, 2013 • Implementation stage, technicians closely monitor the system and look at feedback from site users. • Management will decide if the maintenance systems in place will be sufficient or more will be needed. • January 31, 2013 - Future • Technicians will perform monthly check-ups. • As new software comes out management will decided whether or not it should be added to our system.
References Baltzan/Philips. (July 31, 2008). The Systems Development Life Cycle. Retrieved November 25, 2012. from http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/free/0073376833/825296/AppendixD.pdf Laudon, J. & Laudon, K. (2012). Management information systems: Managing the digital firm. Upper Saddle River,New Jersey.: Pearson Prentice Hall. http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1680&bih=946&tbm=isch&tbnid=ZBELPwlQksL1vM:&img refurl=http://www.yell.com/b/Gorgeous%2BHair%2BDesign%2BLtd-Hairdressers-Godalming-GU71HY-901091977/&docid=E2Y91nHkff0jqM&imgurl=http://www.yell.com/reviews/uploads/userpics/sdfasdf_8e944e763.jpg&w=468&h=312&ei=oVK1UK6fCuS5ygGfhoC4Bg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=223&sig=113036992860156922666&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=206&start=0&ndsp=47&ved=1t:429,r:28,s:0,i:177&tx=189&ty=24