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Lab Safety at YSU Orientation to Safety . Timothy Styranec , Chemical Storekeeper Youngstown State University. Graduate Student Orientation. Safety Training video Web based safety (EOHS) Packet with procedures Keys and keypad access Lab coats
Lab Safety at YSUOrientation to Safety Timothy Styranec, Chemical Storekeeper Youngstown State University
Graduate Student Orientation • Safety Training video • Web based safety (EOHS) • Packet with procedures • Keys and keypad access • Lab coats • Goggles - Purchase at the YSU bookstore. They must have the chemical splash guard. • Safety Quiz. • CPR and First Aid Training scheduled with 2-3 week notice.
Chemical Hygiene Plan • A Chemical Hygiene Plan gives a working framework for the safe operation of both instructional and research chemistry laboratory. • The Chemical Hygiene Plan must include: • The individuals who are responsible for safety and health in the laboratory. • The procedures used in the laboratory to protect every person's safety and health, such as: • Emergency procedures • Storage and handling of hazardous materials • Proper disposal of hazardous materials (waste) • Departmental laboratory clothing/PPE* policy • Methods of training workers
Chemical Hygiene Plan • Copies of the Chemistry Department Chemical Hygiene Plan are available in the Chemistry Office (5053) • The Chemical Hygiene Officer for the Chemistry Department is our Chemical Storekeeper, Tim Styranec Ext. 3665.)
Federal Hazard Communication Act, 1990 • Every chemical laboratory is required by law to provide its employees (and students) with complete information about any hazards in the laboratory. • These regulations are often referred to as "Right-To-Know Laws". • These laws specify that you have the right to have access to information about any chemical with which you might be working. • That information is generally contained in Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's). • The content of MSDS sheets will be described in the next section.
Material Safety Data Sheets • MSDS sheets are collected in red ring binders and placed on the counters in a yellow box. • A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a multi-page document, provided by the manufacturer, that contains the following information about a chemical.1. Product or chemical identification (name and CAS number) 2. Hazardous ingredients, if a mixture of chemicals 3. Physical data, such as boiling point or melting point 4. Flammability and explosion danger 5. Reactivity data (hazards of mixing with other chemicals) 6. Health hazards (toxicity) 7. First aid and emergency information (safe handling procedures) 8. Measures to control exposure (personal protective equipment) 9. Spill handling procedures 10. Special procedures, such as waste disposal
Hazards • The instructors have made every attempt to keep your exposure to hazardous chemicals low. • We have designed the experiments to eliminate as many hazards as is feasible. • Some hazards are inevitable in a chemistry laboratory, but with appropriate facilities and instruction, they should not be considered threatening.
MSDS • Compound Identification • One of the first pieces of information you will find in an MSDS sheet is the name of the chemical. Often a chemical will have more than one appropriate name. • For instance, all of the following are names given for acetone: Acetone, Dimethylketone, 2-propanone, Dimethylformaldehyde, dimethylketal, Ketone propane, Pyroacetic acid, Dimethylformaldehyde • In addition, a chemical may have yet different names in other languages (German, French, Russian, etc.) • To avoid the problem of what to correctly name a chemical, the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) assigns a unique number, the CAS Number, to each compound. You will find this universal number in the MSDS along with the names.
CAS Numbers • CAS numbers are formatted as three numbers separated by hyphens [nnn-nn-n]. In tables of data they are sometimes listed in square brackets without any other identifying label (see the figure above). • The CAS number allows an easy computer search for information about a compound. Emergency personnel can readily access hazard and safety information with this number, and chemists can use it to find literature articles and to order the compound.
Chemical Hazards • Some MSDS chemical hazard terms you might encounter follow. These are included so that you may understand MSDS sheets, not because they will apply to specific compounds you use in lab. • Flammable compoundshave a flash point below 100 deg. F. (37.8 deg. C.) and hence may ignite and burn. • Corrosive or Caustic compounds cause obvious damage to living tissue. Corrosives act either directly, by chemically destroying the part (oxidation), or indirectly by causing inflammation. These chemicals will cause damage (immediate burns) to your skin: • Corrosive: usually applies to acids. Caustic: usually applies to bases. Strong Oxidizerreactions are usually very exothermic (give off heat). Therefore, oxidizers can cause other materials to combust more readily (or upon contact!) or make fires burn more fiercely. Oxidizers are extremely reactive. • Volatile compounds have a high vapor pressure and easily form vapors at normal temperature and pressure. The vapor could be flammable or toxic or both.
Chemical Toxicity • Below are some MSDS toxicity terms you might encounter. These are included here so that you may understand them when you read an MSDS sheet. • Toxicity HazardsThere are two types of toxicity: • Acute Toxicity The chemical may have a rapid bodily absorption and can exert an effect during a single exposure. Chronic Toxicity The chemical may exert an effect because of repeated exposure over a period of time (days, months, years) and the exposures may be cumulative.
Specific Actions • Toxic compounds often have specific actions: • Carcinogen Causes cancer • Teratogen Causes birth defects • Hepatotoxic Causes liver damage • Nephrotoxic Causes kidney damage • Neurotoxic Causes nerve damage • Hematopoietic Damages blood cells and bone marrow • Sensitizer Causes an allergic reaction • Irritant Causes inflammation of the skin, mucous membranes, or lungs • Lachrymator Causes tears and eye irritation
Routes of Exposure • Remember that chemicals, no matter how hazardous, are not able to harm you unless you receive an exposure. Inhalation • This is the most common mode of exposure. Chemical vapors, gases, aerosols, mists or dust can be absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat, or lungs....and a neighbor could be responsible. Skin and Eye Contact • You may think of the skin as barrier, but chemicals can penetrate the skin. Such contact may be indirect such as when you adjust your glasses while wearing dirty gloves and then later adjust your glasses with gloves off. Contact with items that others have used or touched is also possible. Eye exposure can be indirect through vapors, or direct via a splash (when not wearing goggles), or by touching your eye while your hand or glove is contaminated by a chemical. Ingestion • Ingestion is usually by accident. It is avoided by never eating or drinking in the laboratory, and by cleanliness practices, such as washing your hands after working with chemicals. Always wash your hands when you leave the lab. Do not place your fingers in your mouth when working with chemicals. Injection • This can occur by skin puncture with a dirty piece of glassware or apparatus. Breaking a piece of glassware is a common route; chemicals can enter through a cut.
NFPA Hazard Levels0 = Very Low 1 = Slight 2 = Moderate 3 = Severe 4 = Extreme
Simple First Aid Acid or Base Burns • Rinse the affected area with copious quantities of water for at least 15 minutes. Bases have a slippery feeling (like soap), acids cause a "non-skid" feeling and may burn. Rinse until the skin returns to normal. Minor Cuts • Wash the wound well with water. If necessary apply pressure to stop the flow of blood. Apply a bandage if appropriate. Minor Burns • Immerse the burned area in cold water until the pain is alleviated. Use of salves or ointments is discouraged. Accidental Ingestion • Call the local poison control center for advice. Do not drink anything unless instructed by a medical professional.
Eye wash • Important: Do not pull the eyewash station unless there is an emergency.
Major Fires • Alert people to evacuate the area. • Call 911 on campus phone. • Avoid flames, smoke, or fumes. • Make sure you have a clear exit path at all times. Close all doors to confine the fire. • Exit building through the stairwell (do not use the elevators), meet in a previously designated area.
Emergencies • In an emergency, immediately call 911, ext. 3665 or 3700. • 911 will go directly to campus police
FIRST AID - • Eyewash • FirstAid Kits • 911 • Spills - EOHS
Safety Showers • Learn the location of the safety shower(s) nearest to your position in the laboratory. (See the map below) • These showers are to be used if: • You spill chemicals on your clothes or person • Your clothing or hair is on fire. • Any clothing which as absorbed a hazardous chemical should be removed. If you remove clothing, ask for a towel and a lab coat. • Please refrain from manipulating the shower unless necessary. The showers put out a large volume of water.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Goggles • You must wear the type of goggles specifically approved by the State of Washington Administrative Code (WAC 296-24-078). • Eyeglasses • Ordinary eye glasses (even if hardened) do not provide adequate protection to your eyes. If you wear glasses, the goggles will fit over them. • If your eyeglasses fog, you should consider obtaining an anti-fogging towel or spray to apply to your glasses. • Contact Lenses • Contact lenses may be worn in the laboratory, but you must also wear approved safety goggles. • Gloves • Chemically resistant gloves will protect you from the most common type of skin exposure. • The most effective gloves for general use are the disposable "nitrile" gloves (blue or purple) which are available for use in the chemistry laboratory. As they are expensive, please use them only as needed. • Latex gloves and disposable polyethylene gloves (available at the supermarket) should not be used since many chemicals will pass right through them. • In some cases, special gloves may be required to handle certain chemicals. • Lab Coats • If you wish, you may also purchase a white lab coat or an apron to protect yourself from chemical spills. They are available at the campus bookstore. • Be sure the sleeves are not too long or they may get in the way of your work causing a hazard. • Appropriate Clothing • Shoes • Closed-toed shoes must be worn at all times in all Chemistry Dept labs. Failure to wear closed-toed shoes will be grounds for barring you from participating in lab activities. Open-toed sandals or bare feet are not permitted in the laboratory at any time. • You must wear closed-toe shoes in the laboratory at all times. Failure to do so will result in you being barred from participating in lab activities. • Leg Covering • Long pants are required at all times in the instructional labs. • Shorts and skirts are not permitted in the laboratory at any time. • You must wear long pants in the laboratory at all times.
Protective Work Practice • Never allow chemicals to touch your skin or hands. • Understand the Hazards of Your Work • Goggles and appropriate clothing are the minimum protection for laboratory work • Know and understand safe handling procedures for chemicals and equipment • Wash Your Hands Frequently • After handling chemicals • After removing gloves • Before you leave the lab • Use Good Housekeeping • Wash your bench top before and after working • Return chemicals to their proper storage location • Clean up any spills • Remove gloves, goggles, and lab coat before you leave - leave them in the lab • Never Work Alone • For your own safety, you should never work alone in the laboratory. If you are injured there will be no one to help you or call for emergency help. • Cell phone use is prohibited at all times in the laboratory. Personal Music Devices • Personal music device use is prohibited at all times in the laboratory.
Laboratory Benches • You are to do experiments on the lab benches. In addition to chemical apparatus, the bench is for your textbook, your notebook, your experiment, and calculator. • Other belongings are at risk from chemical attack in the lab. When placed on the floor or bench top, coats, backpacks etc get in the way of your work, presenting a safety hazard • Coats, backpacks, and other personal belongings must be placed on the shelves at either end of the lab, not on the benches or the floor.
Chemical Reagents • Chemical Reagents • All of the reagents you will need to conduct an experiment are provided on main benches in the lab and/or balance room or in dispensing hoods. • Solid Reagents and General Supplies • Balances for general laboratory work are located in the balance room. Most solid reagents and other general supplies will be located on this bench. • If you spill chemicals on or around the balance, make sure this is cleaned up. Hazardous Reagents - Acids and Bases • Hazardous chemicals are usually placed in a hood or on a tray for dispensing. • Hazardous chemicals might include concentrated acids and bases, solvents, noxious chemicals, and other hazardous or volatile substances. • Be sure you clean up any acid or base spills or the next person might be severely burned. • Liquid Reagents • Liquid reagents, if noxious or smelly, will also be found in a dispensing hood. • Avoid Contamination of Chemicals • Do not put chemicals back into reagent bottles; returning an unused chemical to a container risks contamination. Extra material must be placed in the appropriate chemical waste container. Whenever possible, share excess material with a neighbor, but do not return it to the original container. • Do not put chemicals back into reagent bottles; take only the amount you need. • Give any extra to a neighbor to use. • Personal Safety with Chemicals • Avoid direct contact with any chemical. • Keep laboratory chemicals off your hands, face, and clothing (including your shoes). • Never smell, inhale, or taste laboratory chemicals. Be sure there is adequate ventilation. • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling any chemicals, especially before leaving the laboratory.
Waste Handling and Disposal • PLEASE USE THE CORRECT WASTE CONTAINERS • Solid Waste Containers • Not all trash is the same: • Trash containers are located at the end of the bench near the outside wall. These are used for non-hazardous, solid wastes • Broken glass does not go into the metal trash containers; it must be separated. • Paper, corks, and other non-hazardous substances may be placed in the trash containers.Do not place any glass (broken or unbroken) in the trash containers. • Broken Glass Containers • Broken glass goes in the designated broken glass boxes located around the room. • Any glass or broken glass waste must be placed in the special cardboard boxes or crocks provided.Do not place paper or other garbage in these containers.Do not pick up broken glass with your fingers. There are dust pans and brooms located in every prep room. If you cannot find these items, ask.
Eating, Drinking & Smoking • Eating, Drinking & Smoking • EATING OR DRINKING IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE LABORATORY • Do not bring any food or drink (including water bottles) into the lab. There is always risk of contamination with toxic chemicals. • It is not considered safe to drink water from any source in the laboratory because an experiment could back up and contaminate the supply lines • You may eat or drink in the hallway outside of the laboratory. • Be sure you wash your hands well before eating or drinking - your hands may be contaminated with chemicals. • Smoking • Smoking is not allowed in the Chemistry Building. You must go outside. In addition, the university prohibits smoking in all building on campus.
SOP’s and Forms Ordering Supplies & Chemicals • Ordering Chemical Gases • General Waste Disposal Procedures • Disposal of Empty Chemical Containers • Disposal of Laboratory Glass Waste • Dispensing Liquid Nitrogen • Spot Check of Air Flow in Fume Hoods • Spill Response • Check In/Out ProcedureSupply Order Form • Chemical Order Form • Hazardous Waste Disposal Form
TWO MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMBEMBER • LABEL everything. • Read the MSDS- Know what you are working with. • VIDEO 14 minutes. MSDS • Chemical Storage Hazards - 11 min.
Safety • Remember safety is the most important thing in the laboratory.
Questions or Concerns • Any questions or concerns direct to your instructor and Tim Styranec. • Tim Styranec Ext. 3665 Room 5053. • Cell phone 330-518-7637