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Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Environmental Science Lab Safety Orientation Department of Physical, Environmental & Natural Sciences School of Science and Engineering. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION. Overview Emergency Phone Number Emergency Evacuation Accident Reporting
Texas A&M University Corpus ChristiEnvironmental ScienceLab Safety OrientationDepartment of Physical, Environmental & Natural SciencesSchool of Science and Engineering
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCELAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Overview Emergency Phone Number Emergency Evacuation Accident Reporting Lab Attire Hazard Communication: Chemicals, Biohazards, & Glassware Personal Protective Equipment First Aid
Campus Emergency: Call University Police Department (UPD) in case of an emergency. From any university phone: dial 911 or ext. 4444. From your cell phone: dial 361-825-4444. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
For a fire, life-threatening incident, or other serious incident, contact UPD From any university phone, dial 911 or 4444. If an ambulance is needed, inform UPD. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Emergency Call: If, by mistake, you call 911 using your cell phone, make sure to also notify UPD at (361) 825-4444 so they can assist in the response. County responders do not know where campus buildings are. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Accident Reporting – Non Life-Threatening Report all non life-threatening incidents to your Instructor. Use the first aid kit in the lab. Go to the Health Center if needed. How do you know if it’s needed? If you do not know, then it’s needed. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
At the beginning of the semester: Become familiar with your building; Know your fire exits; Know the shortest route to the nearest exit; Be aware of your surroundings; And… LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Evacuation Procedures - in case of a fire or other evacuation: Exit the building in a calm & orderly manner. Use the shortest and safest passage to the exit. DO NOT RUN. Do not use the elevator. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Why to not use an elevator in a fire: Elevators are essentially decorated metal boxes. People are a species of animal. When one puts an animal in a metal box and applies heat, this is called “roasting”. In a fire, an elevator can cook you like a turkey. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Evacuation Procedures Alert people and pull the fire alarm on your way out if it has not already been pulled. Meet your class at the assembly area designated by your Instructor. Stay at least 100 feet away from the building (or 35 long steps)—the designated assembly area will be this distance from the building. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Evacuation Procedures Do not re-enter the building until the “All Clear” has been announced. It is not possible to see from outside a campus building if it is safe inside the building. Regardless of whether it is a real fire alarm, false alarm, or a fire drill, you are required to follow the same procedures above. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Evacuation - Helping a person with a physical disability: Accompany him/her to an area of rescue assistance located at the stairwell landing. Call or have someone call UPD & give UPD the location. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Helping a person with a physical disability, deux: UPD will bring him/her down the stairway using an EvacuTrak. Stay with him/her until UPD arrives unless your life may be in danger. Do not use the elevator. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Emergency Equipment: Fire extinguisher or other “emergency equipment” may be available inside the lab. Using them is only on a voluntary basis. Lives matter more than do equipment or furniture. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Use emergency equipment only if: You are trained to use them. Your own safety is not compromised. Remember: YOUR OWN SAFETY COMES FIRST. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Emergency Phone in your lab. When the red light is flashing and/or the phone is ringing, there may be an emergency announcement. PLEASE PICK IT UP IMMEDIATELY! LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Lab Safety Behavior NO FOOD, NO GUM NO DRINK NO APPLYING COSMETICS Nothing in your mouth except dental work. Never touch, taste, or smell any chemicals Long hair tied back No horseplay (pushing, shoving, pranks, etc.) LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
General Electrical Safety Report all malfunctioning equipment to your Instructor. Do not use frayed, damaged electrical cords. Do not overload a circuit with an “electrical octopus.” LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Lab Attire: Upon entering the lab, you are required to wear: Lab coat Long pants Sturdy shoes that completely enclose the feet LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Lab Attire Shoes should cover your feet as much as possible. Leather top & slip-resistant sole are also recommended. Without proper attire, you will be required to leave. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Working With Chemicals Understand your chemical before using it. There is a Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for every chemical in your lab. Looking at an MSDS/SDS is recommended to get to know your chemical. Ask your Instructor
The NFPA Fire Diamond is a very common way to communicate chemical hazards.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION • Since governments can’t leave well enough alone, OSHA now requires a new method: “GHS”. It uses a whole pile of symbols. • With GHS, hazards are ranked 1–5, where “1” IS THE HIGHEST HAZARD and “5” IS THE LOWEST!
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION • When it comes to reading a hazard label, be dead certain of which method is on that label, or you could be certainly dead. • GHS • NFPA • 0 • Low • Hazard • 5 • Low • Hazard • 1 • High • Hazard • 4 • High • Hazard
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION (no standard symbol) Health Hazard Categories of Chemicals Poison: Chemicals capable of harming a person in a small amount. Asphyxiant: Chemicals capable of depriving the body of oxygen. Sensitizer: Chemicals capable of causing an allergic reaction upon repeated exposures
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Even More Health Hazard Categories of Chemicals Irritant: Chemicals capable of causing inflammation, redness or itching upon exposure. Corrosive: Chemicals capable of destroying or causing irreversible damage to the skin, respiratory system, eyes. A single chemical can be any combination of the above, plus more.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Yet Even More Health Hazard Categories of Chemicals This presentation only highlights acute effects from a single exposure. Chemicals can also have long-term effects from a single exposure, chronic exposure effects, cumulative effects, and combinations, to wit: Cancer Birth Defects in Your Children Neurodegenerative Disorders Pleasant dreams...
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Physical Hazard Categories of Chemicals Flammable: Chemicals capable of causing fire or explosion(all by themselves). Oxidizer: Chemicals capable of providing oxygen to feed a fire or explosion. A single chemical can be both—just saying... As an added bonus, health hazards can also have these hazards.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Routes of Entry: Paths that chemicals can get into your body. Inhalation: Chemicals enter the body through the lungs EVEN IF YOU DO NOT SMELL ANYTHING. Absorption: Chemicals enter the body through unbroken skin or eyes EVEN IF YOU DO NOT FEEL ANYTHING
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION More Routes of Entry: Ingestion: Chemicals enter the body through the digestive system, yes, even if you TASTE NOTHING. Injection: Chemicals enter the body through a contaminated sharp object that breaks through skin—AND NOT JUST VIA NEEDLES.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Hazard Communication Learn about the chemicals before using them DO NOT use any chemicals without your Instructor’s supervision or approval. Wear all personal protective equipment as required. When in doubt, ASK.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) You will be required to wear PPE when working with certain chemicals. Follow your Instructor’s direction. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Eye Protection: Goggles are required while you work with chemicals. Put them on properly and keep them on while working with chemicals. Goggles on your forehead WILL NOT protect your eyes. Impact resistant goggles will not be adequate. They must be chemical protection goggles. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Hand Protection: Gloves are required while you work with chemical or biological agents in the lab. Use the gloves provided to you in the lab. They are compatible with materials you will use. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Chemicals in the eyes: Flush eyes out for at least 15 minutes. HOLD your eyes open while flushing. Seek medical assistance if required.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Chemicals on the skin: Flush the affected area for at least 15 minutes. DO NOT SCRUB. Seek medical assistance if required.
Chemicals in the mouth: Rinse your mouth out immediately. Seek medical care. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by the appropriate professional health care provider. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Chemical Inhalation: Get out into fresh air. Seek medical assistance if required. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Chemical Disposal When you are done using chemicals, safely dispose of them as specifically instructed by your Instructor. Broken glassware Disposal Dispose of broken glassware in appropriate box. Do not place broken glassware in the trash. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Glassware Incident If you get cut by broken glassware, clean out the wound prior to bandaging it. Do not “clean” in such a way as to increase tissue damage. Seek medical assistance if needed. If there is blood on the surface, have everyone stay away and call the Instructor IMMEDIATELY. (If the instructor does not notify the laboratory coordinator, the instructor will be drawn and quartered at dawn.)
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Handling Sharps Sharps such as scalpels, needles, etc. are common laboratory hazards. When using any bladed implement, slow down, do not use it to “saw” unless it is a saw, and do not put too much pressure on it.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Handling Sharps Never recap needles. Dispose of used sharps in a “SHARPS” disposal container.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Biohazard/Pathogen Safety Biohazards include: bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or any body fluids. Pathogens: agents that cause disease. Bloodborne Pathogens: microorganisms that may be transmitted through direct contact with contaminated blood, bodily fluids, or tissues.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION BiohazardousMaterial Disposal Dispose of all biohazardous materials as directed by your instructor. Do not dispose of them in the trash.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Biohazard Precaution Treat all human blood & bodily fluids as if they are infected. Use gloves and other PPE as instructed. Avoid touching your face with your gloves.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Biohazard Precaution Place all used sharp objects – both contaminated & non-contaminated (needles, scalpel blades, etc.) in a “SHARPS” container. Never recap needles. Never recap needles. Never recap needles.
Leaving the lab - when the lab session is over: Clean your workstation. Put all tools and equipment back to their proper place. Remove gloves and other PPE. Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the lab. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Safety is not an outcome. Safety is not a goal. SAFETY IS A BEHAVIOR