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Chapter 3: Process Concept

Chapter 3: Process Concept. Lecture 3, 9.30.2008 Hao-Hua Chu. A fun project: Lucid Touch (MSR). What more can we extend from multi-touch UI? Use both front and back surfaces for interaction. Menu (are you hungry?). What is a process?

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Chapter 3: Process Concept

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  1. Chapter 3: Process Concept Lecture 3, 9.30.2008 Hao-Hua Chu

  2. A fun project: Lucid Touch (MSR) • What more can we extend from multi-touch UI? • Use both front and back surfaces for interaction

  3. Menu (are you hungry?) • What is a process? • Process lifecycle, process state, process control block, process vs. thread • Process scheduling • Long-term vs. short-term schedulers, ready vs. I/O queues, context switching • Interprocess communication • Shared memory vs. message passing • Client-server communication • Socket, RPC vs. RMI

  4. Process overview • What is a program? • A file containing instructions to be executed • What is a process (also called a “job”)? • A program in execution on the computer • What resources does OS provide to run a process (a web browser process)? • CPU, Memory, file (I/O), network (I/O) • What is a process made up of in memory? • What is the lifecycle of a process?

  5. Process in Memory • Text: program code • Stack: temporary data (local variable, function parameters, return addresses) • Data: global variables • Heap: dynamic allocated memory, malloc() • Process info not kept in memory: • Program counters & registers

  6. Process Lifecycle • What is the process lifecycle (and the 5 process state)? • Think about a web browser from birth to death …

  7. Process State • As a process executes, it changes state • new: The process is being created • running: Instructions are being executed • waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur • ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a process • terminated: The process has finished execution • Multiprogramming! • What is the benefit? • What is the cost?

  8. Process Control Block (PCB) • What info does the system need to track for each process? • Save & reload each time the process goes in/out of the “running” state.

  9. Process Control Block (PCB) • What info does the system need to track for each process? • Save & reload each time the process goes in/out of the “running” state. • CPU-related • Memory-related • I/O related • Accounting • See 3.1.3 for a complete list

  10. Process vs. Thread • Why thread? • Say you start several web browsers, each with its own process. • What is the “memory” overhead? • Is there a way to reduce this memory overhead? • What memory sections can be shared vs. cannot be shared?

  11. Process Scheduling • Go back to multiprogramming • What is the benefit of multiprogramming? • At the system-level: Maximize CPU utilization • At the user-level: Users can interact with several programs almost at the same time. • What is the cost of providing multiprogramming? • Consider that only one running process per processor • Scheduling (overhead): decide the next “ready” process to run and dispatch it. • Let’s look at scheduling data structure (& algorithms) • Called “queues”

  12. Ready and I/O Queues • Job queue – set of all processes in the system • Ready queue – set of all processes residing in main memory, ready and waiting to execute • Device queues – set of processes waiting for an I/O device • Processes migrate among the various queues

  13. Process Migration among Queues

  14. Process Scheduler • Short-term scheduler • Select the next ready process to execute on CPU • Also called CPU scheduler • What makes a good short-term scheduling algorithm (more on Ch5)? • Long-term scheduler (in a batch system) • Select process(es) into the memory (and the ready queue) • Keep short-term schedule busy! • How does it differ from short-term scheduler? • What makes a good long- term scheduling algorithm?

  15. Long vs. Short-term Schedulers • Short-term scheduler is invoked very frequently (milliseconds)  (must be fast) • Context switch processes overhead is fast but significant • Say 1 ms, out of time quantum 20 ms -> Overhead 5% • Long-term scheduler is invoked very infrequently (seconds, minutes)  (may be slow) • Swapping processes (between disk and memory) is slow • The long-term scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming (# of processes in memory) • What makes a “good” degree of multiprogramming?

  16. Degree of Multiprogramming • Processes can be described as either: • I/O-bound process – spends more time doing I/O than computations, many short CPU bursts • CPU-bound process – spends more time doing computations; few very long CPU bursts • Want to have a good process mix of both • Keep both CPU and I/O busy! • What happen when most processes are I/O bound? • What happen when most processes are CPU bound?

  17. Context Switch • When CPU switches to another process, the system must save the state of the old process and load the saved state for the new process • Context-switch time is overhead; the system does no useful work while switching • Time dependent on hardware support

  18. Process Operations • Review from “System programming class”. • Process creation • Parent-child tree relationship • Process identifier called PID • Resource sharing • Process termination

  19. Process Creation • Parent process create children processes, which, in turn create other processes, forming a tree of processes • Resource sharing • Parent and children share all resources • Children share subset of parent’s resources • Parent and child share no resources • Execution • Parent and children execute concurrently • Parent waits until children terminate

  20. Process Creation (Cont.) • Address space • Child duplicate of parent • Child has a program loaded into it • UNIX examples • fork system call creates new process • exec system call used after a fork to replace the process’ memory space with a new program

  21. Process Creation

  22. C Program Forking Separate Process int main() { Pid_t pid; /* fork another process */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { /* error occurred */ fprintf(stderr, "Fork Failed"); exit(-1); } else if (pid == 0) { /* child process */ execlp("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL); } else { /* parent process */ /* parent will wait for the child to complete */ wait (NULL); printf ("Child Complete"); exit(0); } }

  23. A tree of processes on a typical Solaris

  24. Process Termination • Process executes last statement and asks the operating system to delete it (exit) • Output data from child to parent (via wait) • Process’ resources are deallocated by operating system • Parent may terminate execution of children processes (abort) • Child has exceeded allocated resources • Task assigned to child is no longer required • If parent is exiting • Some operating system do not allow child to continue if its parent terminates • All children terminated - cascading termination

  25. Cooperating Processes • Independent process cannot affect or be affected by the execution of another process • Cooperating process can affect or be affected by the execution of another process • Communicate or share data • Need for OS support on interprocess communication (IPC)

  26. Two IPC Mechanisms • How can two (or more) processes communicate data? • Shared memory and message passing

  27. Shared memory vs. Message passing • What is shared memory? • Create a “shared memory region” between two processes • Exchange data by reading and writing to this shared region. • What is message passing? • Create mailboxes between two processes to exchange data • No perfect thing … • What are their strengths and weaknesses? • Think performance & concurrency • Systems people call it “Tradeoff”

  28. Shared-memory vs. Message-passing • Shared memory • OS does less work • Only one-time setup overhead • Fast communication, same as memory access time • Concurrent write to shared memory by both processes? • Message passing • OS does more work • Data double-copy • No concurrent read & write problem

  29. Producer-Consumer Problem • As an example to illustrate the “concurrency problem” for shared memory • Paradigm for cooperating processes, producer process produces information that is consumed by a consumer process • unbounded-buffer places no practical limit on the size of the buffer • bounded-buffer assumes that there is a fixed buffer size

  30. Bounded-Buffer: Shared-Memory Solution • Shared data (in the shared memory) #define BUFFER_SIZE 10 Typedef struct { . . . } item; item buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int in = 0; int out = 0; • Solution is correct, but can only use BUFFER_SIZE-1 elements

  31. Bounded-Buffer: Concurrent access to shared memory buffer (2 producers) Remove() while (true) { while (in == out) ; // do nothing -- nothing to consume // remove an item from the buffer item = buffer[out]; out = (out + 1) % BUFFER SIZE; return item; } Insert() while (true) { /* Produce an item */ while (((in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE) == out) ; /* do nothing -- no free buffers */ buffer[in] = item; in = (in + 1) % BUFFER SIZE; }

  32. Message-Passing • IPC facility provides 2 basic operations • send(message) – message size fixed or variable • receive(message) • If P and Q wish to communicate, they need to: • Establish a communicationlink between them • Exchange messages via send/receive • Implementation details … • Direct vs. indirect communication • Synchronous vs. asynchronous communication • Buffering size

  33. Message-Passing Implementation Details • Direct vs. indirect communication • Direct: send (P, message) & receive (Q, message) • Disadvantage: when either P/Q dies, re-establish communication • How to solve this issue? • Indirection using a “mailbox” or “port” • send (A, message) & receive (A, message), where A is a mailbox • Synchronous vs. asynchronous communication • Blocking/noblocking send/receive • Buffering size • Zero, bounded, and unbounded capacity • How to implement zero or bounded capacity? • What are their advantages & disadvantages?

  34. Client-Server Communication • Process communication across two different computers • Not IPC (on the same machine) • Sockets • Remove procedure call (RPC) • Remote method call (RMI) in Java

  35. Sockets • A socket is defined as an endpoint for communication • Concatenation of IP address and port • The socket refers to port 1625 on host • Communication consists between a pair of sockets

  36. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) • Call the function of a process running on another machine • Calling a remote function as easy as calling a “local function” • Used extensively in distributed file system (calling file servers) • Stubs – client-side proxy for the actual procedure on the server. • The client-side stub locates the server and marshalls the parameters. • The server-side stub receives this message, unpacks the marshalled parameters, and performs the procedure on the server.

  37. Execution of RPC

  38. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) • Java objected-oriented version of RPC • RMI allows a Java program on one machine to invoke a method on a remote object. • What does “OO” buy RMI over RPC?

  39. Marshalling Parameters

  40. RPC (procedure-based) vs. RMI (object-based) • What are the differences between RPC and RMI? • RMI can pass of (remote) objects as parameters to remote methods • RMI can invoke remote methods on these (remote) objects • RPC cannot do both

  41. Summary • Process overview • Process lifecycle, process state, process control block, process vs. thread • Process scheduling • Long-term vs. short-term schedulers, ready vs. I/O queues, context switching • Interprocess communication • Shared memory vs. message passing • Client-server communication • Socket, RPC vs. RMI

  42. End of Chapter 3

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