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1 各各他山嶺上 矗立古舊十架 是羞辱與痛苦記號 On a hill far a-way stood an old rug-ged cross,

1/16. 1 各各他山嶺上 矗立古舊十架 是羞辱與痛苦記號 On a hill far a-way stood an old rug-ged cross, The em-blem of suf-f’ring and shame,. 古舊十架 The Old Rugged Cross 生命聖詩 #120. 2/16. 神愛子主耶穌 為我們被釘死 這十架是我最愛最寶 And I love that old cross where the dear-est and best For a world of lost sin-ners was slain. 3/16.

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1 各各他山嶺上 矗立古舊十架 是羞辱與痛苦記號 On a hill far a-way stood an old rug-ged cross,

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  1. 1/16 1各各他山嶺上 矗立古舊十架 是羞辱與痛苦記號 On a hill far a-way stood an old rug-ged cross, The em-blem of suf-f’ring and shame, 古舊十架 The Old Rugged Cross 生命聖詩#120

  2. 2/16 神愛子主耶穌 為我們被釘死 這十架是我最愛最寶 And I love that old cross where the dear-est and best For a world of lost sin-ners was slain.

  3. 3/16 *C-1故我愛高舉主十字架 願將世上虛榮全放下 So I’ll cher-ish the old rug-ged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down;

  4. 4/16 *C-2我一生要背負十字架 到那天可換公義冠冕 I will cling to the old rug-ged cross, And ex-change it some day for a crown.

  5. 5/16 2這古舊十字架 被世人所輕視 我卻以十架為寶貴 O that old rug-ged cross, so de-spised by the world, Has a won-drous at-trac-tion for me;

  6. 6/16 神愛子主耶穌 捨棄天堂榮華 願背負十架往各各他 For the dear Lamb of God left His glo-ry a-bove To bear it to dark Cal-va-ry.

  7. 7/16 *C-1故我愛高舉主十字架 願將世上虛榮全放下 So I’ll cher-ish the old rug-ged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down;

  8. 8/16 *C-2我一生要背負十字架 到那天可換公義冠冕 I will cling to the old rug-ged cross, And ex-change it some day for a crown.

  9. 9/16 3各各他十字架 雖有血跡斑斑 我看它仍聖潔華美 In the old rug-ged cross, stained with blood so di-vine, A won-drous beau-ty I see;

  10. 10/16 因救主在十架 為我罪被釘死 我罪惡全赦免得稱義 For ‘twas on that old cross Je-sus suf-fered and died To par-don and sanc-ti-fy me.

  11. 11/16 *C-1故我愛高舉主十字架 願將世上虛榮全放下 So I’ll cher-ish the old rug-ged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down;

  12. 12/16 *C-2我一生要背負十字架 到那天可換公義冠冕 I will cling to the old rug-ged cross, And ex-change it some day for a crown.

  13. 13/16 4對這古舊十架 我願永遠忠誠 甘受世人辱罵恥笑 To the old rug-ged cross I will ev-er be true, Its shame and re-proach glad-ly bear;

  14. 14/16 救主快要再來 迎接我到天家 與救主共享永遠榮耀 Then He’ll call me some day to my home far a-way, Where His glo-ry for-ev-er I’ll share.

  15. 15/16 *C-1故我愛高舉主十字架 願將世上虛榮全放下 So I’ll cher-ish the old rug-ged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down;

  16. 16/16 *C-2我一生要背負十字架 到那天可換公義冠冕 I will cling to the old rug-ged cross, And ex-change it some day for a crown.

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