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Republic of Korea. Republic of Korea. Is vital statistics produced from civil registration? Yes .
Republic of Korea • Is vital statistics produced from civil registration? • Yes. In korea, vital events survey and civil registration are recorded at the same time with one form. Both data are sent to Statistics Korea, KOSTAT. KOSTAT conducts compiling, analyzing, disseminating vital statistics and so on. • Does the vital statistics system ensures • Universal coverage? Yes • Is continuous? Yes • Confidentiality? Yes. District office input vital event data, and then KOSTAT check error. After checking the data, district office can not open the data.
Republic of Korea • Regular dissemination? Yes. KOSTAT provides vital statistics on web site and published Yearbook every year. For example, KOSTAT provides marriage and divorce statistics for 2013last April on web site. http://kosis.kr/eng/ • What is the role of health institutions in the system? • Draw up certificate in live birth, death. And informant fill out form and submit the certificate to district office. • Is there a body coordinating between statistics, civil registration, health and other institutions? • KOSTAT and supreme court coordinate together. KOSTAT and supreme court of Korea mandate vital event survey and civil registration to district office. So, two agencies coordinate together.
Republic of Korea • Do the definitions of vital statistics system comply with international standards? • Yes • Does the list of topics in the vital statistics system comply with internationally recommended core topics? • Yes • What is the coverage of civil registration? • In Korea, delay registration rate is less than 1%. Especially In live birth, it is almost registered. Because PIN is necessary to enter elementary school and get medical insurance benefits.
Republic of Korea • Are any of the quality assessment methods applied in the vital statistics system? • Yes. When district office inputvital event data, system automatically checks error. For example, if there is lack of data, system does not save the case. So, receptionist must input all necessary data. If there is not necessary data, receptionist useadministrative data. • Elaborate on possible strategies to align the vital statistics system in your country with international standards? • Not necessary. KOSTAT think that VSS of Korea has been aligned with international standards, so strategy to improve VSS is not necessary.