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Today's Agenda (50 mins). Role of the BSG
2. Today’s Agenda (50 mins)
Role of the BSG & Class Admin
Demonstrate the Game
Tips of How to do Well & “Compete”
Strategic Mindset Slides
Assignment Reminder
Behaviour Contract (hardcopy & electronic)
3. What is Strategy? “Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder expectations”
Pattern of decisions
4. Excellent Companies in Industry* Walmart
logistics & warehouse SCA
EOS of buying
plus executes every day
Dell (low cost producer)
drives out costs
BTO & direct model
JIT inventory
competitors are eroding BTO (Future Shop, MDG)
Marcom execution
Database SCA?
Air Miles
Cdn transactional database
over 120 coalition sponsors to share costs
Cost efficiency advantage
Internet SCA
rapid DM deployment & selectivity (SCA)
Amex (brand & base)
consumer & business
base marcom control packages
5. Role & Admin Section 1
6. Overview You wil be running an international shoe business from Years 11 to Year 17
Your mission is build a competitive advantage & optimize 6 scoring factors
but you must manage
10 decisions areas with over 130 variables
4 reports & lots of data to analyze
Head-to-Head competition & written reports for marks
7. What’s the Purpose of the BSG? Educational Outcomes
devise/ plot & track strategies
apply previously learned decision tools
apply strategy theory *
cause & effect
strategic critical thinkers
informed decision making strategies
Role Play Situation
practice reading a company’s competitive position
react to changing markets
tradeoffs between ST & LT actions/metrics
align production, mktg, finance & HR
Problem to Be Solved
develop a competitive vision and unique business strategy to out grow your competitors
assess levl of competition
be aggressive
8. The BSG Journey Students
where qualitative brainstorming meets quantative reality
real life simulation (complexity, focus, team dynamics & pressure)
students competing vs students
read yourself & discuss with groups Professors
offer tips & suggestions
plus answer reasonable questions
we will not do work for you
have a game plan written
Explain Strategy Business Theory
capstone course means brings together all business subjects into one!
9. The Company You Will Manage** Industry Background
fast growth
worldwide use of products
prod’n in low wage regions
Company Background
1 mm NA & 3 mm Asia
Finances Years 6-11
Company Performance
exhibit 1-1 p
macro economics What the Board Expects enhance reputation & comp standing
grow EPS & positive ROI
Build SH value (stock price)
Preserve financial integrity & Bond rating
You will be “automatically” scored
Investor Expectation
Sales Revenues
Bond rating
Market Capitalization 10%
Strategy rating (how different & what comp is known for & whether it has a SCA)
10. Teams Are assigned by the instructor (posted on MN/GL website)
mix of skills
alphabetical letter
Peer Feedback
no free riders
onus is on each student to complete documentation
Brainstorm a group name & submit a handwritten memo with behaviour contract/group members full name & section
11. Topline BSG Demonstration Section 2
12. Strategic Mindset Slides Section 3
14. Pick One of Three Generic Strategies Focus
plus Mo’s transparencies
15. Learning the BSG Technology Section 4
16. Recap of Decision Making Procedures** (section 9 p109) Step 1: Footwear Industry report
Step 2: Benchmarking report
Step 3: Competitor strategy comparisons report
Step 4: Print Your Key Functional Reports (Manu, Warehouse, Cost, Geographic)
Step 5: Demand Forecast Screen
Step 6: What’if Scenarios
Step 7: Final Synchronization (do regular synchs)
Step 8: Examine forecasts & reports for major variances vs LY
Step 9: Print all decision entries
Step 10: Submit decisions
17. Let’s Demo Take a Tour
18. How to Perform Well Section 3
19. How to Do Well in the Strategy Course Read & Be Prepared
Essential of Business Strategy
BSG Manual
Re-Read Chapters
Be consistent
Think strategically before you leap
Be patient & take small steps (it will come together…light will go on)
20. Tips During the Game Do not worry about all the metrics at once
ROI will come if you strategy is correct
“How do you eat an elephant”
break it down
Use all the screens
do not rely primarily on mktg
typically takes students team 2-3 hours at a screen for decisions (4+ hours the first time) There is no hiding
your rank depend on how good your strategy is relative to your peers
Longer gamer goes the harder it is to depend on “luck”
Stick to a written game plan
anticipate competitors moves
run “what if scenarios”
21. Developing Your Strategy Objective
determine your team/company’s competitive advantage
pick one of 3 generic competitive strategies (low cost, differentiation, focus)
note differentiation is only one option
Write a game plan
complete Master Planning & Analysis forms in Appendix p113
22. How to be a Winner in the Game Make bold & unique decisions (but be logical)
don’t be a follower or real life copy cat
Be aggressive in planning (not in interpersonal interactions)
Due Diligence
sketch & refine a blueprint
read manual several times
allocate prep & decision making roles
Predefine a strategy & stick to it
Thorough business decision making
draw diagrams & track your key metrics in a scorecard
be market-aware and competitor-aware
Committed, efficient and shared team work
23. Suggested Strategic Planning Steps for BSG** 1. Strategic Mindset
analyze industry
draw your business model
anticipate competitors
focus on what matters & building a SCA
2. Select Generic Strategy
3. Highlight Your SCA(s)
4. Write Game Plan draft**
5. Test Sensitivities of Assumptions
pro-forma analysis
find factors that “move the needle:
6. Decision Tree Analysis
major decisions
probable outcomes
your desired path & fall back positions
7. Hand-in Final BSG Game Plan