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Leading Introductions:

Leading Introductions:. A Study on Preconceived Notions. Purpose. Big Picture Q: Do preconceived ideas affect interpretation? Specific Q: Does the interpretation of a musical piece change when introduced differently? In other words, does individual believe in what others believe in?.

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Leading Introductions:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leading Introductions: A Study on Preconceived Notions

  2. Purpose • Big Picture Q: Do preconceived ideas affect interpretation? • Specific Q: Does the interpretation of a musical piece change when introduced differently? • In other words, does individual believe in what others believe in?

  3. Important rESEARCH • Some Reflections on "Leading Questions"Paul G. Johnson • Leading questions can be defined by directing questions so that someone who is responding to questions is lead to a certain answer. “[Questions are] … seeking information; the other is seeking agreement with what the questioner has in mind and wants to prove.”

  4. Important rESEARCH • "False Confessions After Repeated Interrogation: the Putten Murder Case" by Willem A. Wagnaar • “Suggestive or misleading interrogation techniques may have the effect that innocent people start to remember having committed a serious crime. Confessions are therefore not the best possible evidence, especially not when it is obvious that the interrogation contained elements of suggestion and deception.”

  5. Plan • To test what people think about a musical piece by providing • The author and the title of the piece • One sentence description about the piece • Very detailed description about the piece

  6. Hypothesis • We hypothesize that people’s (age group 15-30 that we may find on a college campus) perception of an interpretation on a piece of classical music will be influenced by the preconceived ideas. This hypothesis is based on the common assumptions and reading articles on the impact of suggested leading ideas on individuals. Interpretation classic musical piece can vary from person to person. However, if there were leading introductions to guide them, then, they may begin their interpretation, having that introduction in mind.

  7. Provided descriptions… • First group: “This symphony No.5 is a piece by Dmitri Shostakovich, written in 1937.” • Second group: “This symphony No.5 is a piece by Dmitri Shostakovich, written in 1937. This music piece is known to represent the success achieved through a great struggle.” • Third group ““This is a clip from Symphony No.5. The piece is by Dmitri Shostakovich, written in 1937. This piece reflects a sense of repression of the Russian people by the overbearing power of the Soviet Union. This piece represents how the people are fighting back from the presence of unrestricted terrorism. The people may seem to be controlled, but they are revolting in their hearts and success is achieved that way. Shostakovich was composing not only to save his own life, but also to help his people revolt."

  8. Steps • Hand out survey and introduce one of three ways • Have them listen to the first 1:20 seconds of the piece. • Have them take the survey

  9. Survey!

  10. For the Koreans.. • Because few Koreans speak English, • I translated each of the sentences. • First group:이것은 넘버 5, 드미트리 쇼스타코비치 가 1937년에 쓴 심포 입니다. “This symphony No.5 is a piece by Dmitri Shostakovich, written in 1937.” • Second group: 이것은 넘버 5, 드미트리 쇼스타코비치가 1937년에 쓴 심포니 입니다. 이곳은 큰 위기를 넘긴 성공을 표현하고자 합니다.“This symphony No.5 is a piece by Dmitri Shostakovich, written in 1937. This music piece is known to represent the success achieved through a great struggle.” • Third group 이것은 넘버 5, 드미트리 쇼스타코비치가 1937년에 쓴 심포니 입니다. 이곡은 당시 소련인 러시안인들을 통제를 표현하고자 합니다. 사람들은 이것을 이기고자 하고 테러러즘 정치를 무너트리고자하는 합니다. 이곡은 그 사람들을 위한 곡입니다.“This is a clip from Symphony No.5. The piece is by Dmitri Shostakovich, written in 1937. This piece reflects a sense of repression of the Russian people by the overbearing power of the Soviet Union. This piece represents how the people are fighting back from the presence of unreigned terrorism. The people may seem to be controlled, but they are revolting in their hearts and success is achieved that way. Shostakovich was composing not only to save his own life, but also to help his people revolt."

  11. US Results

  12. Korea

  13. Graphical Representations • US- Control vs. Group 2

  14. Graphical Representations

  15. Graphical Representation

  16. Graphical Representation


  18. Potential Errors • Difference between Korean and English • Limited amount of trials • Biased questions on the survey • Limited musical piece • Previous exposure to piece

  19. For better results • Provide more pieces • Have more participants • More objective questions • Unify it into Koreans or Americans ( due to the possible errors in the translation)

  20. Conclusion • People were influenced by the descriptions. • However, some individuals did have their own opinions. • Similarities in terms of conformity between Americans and Koreans.

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